6 research outputs found

    Micro-transitions et écoquartiers : la recomposition des pratiques énergétiques face aux déterminismes matériels et socio-économiques

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    In this article, we discuss the energy transition at the level of local social groups (individuals, households). Our hypothesis is that behavior change also operates by a set of micro-transitions that are played in individuals both consumers, residents, local users, members of defined social groups. The research was conducted in two eco-neighborhoods in France in which we analyze consumption and energy practices a few years before and after people installation. Two observations arising from the analysis of the sample. The materials expected to automatically reduce energy footprints by limiting the margins of flexibility of the inhabitants fail to meet identified targets. Population socio-economic conditions proposed to explain behavior are not operative. Three practical change strategies are indeed identified: resistance produced an increase in consumption, acceptance that stabilizes and optimization tends to reduce it. These three strategies and their results do not match any occupational group in particular. Young workers, retirees, high income, more modest, singles and families with 2 or 3 children adopt one or other of the strategies and obtain different results. These analyzes therefore invite to expand the scope of factors to be taken into account to take into account the energy transition at local social groups level. Indeed, patterns of explanation generally considered and categories used to direct reflection on the global transition seem not really operative

    Micro-transitions et écoquartiers : la recomposition des pratiques énergétiques face aux déterminismes matériels et socio-économiques

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    Dans cet article, nous abordons la transition énergétique à l’échelle des groupes sociaux locaux (individus, ménages…). Notre angle de vue est que le changement dans les comportements s’opère aussi par un ensemble de micro-transitions qui se jouent chez les individus à la fois consommateurs, habitants, usagers du local, membres de groupes sociaux de proximité. L’article s’appuie pour cela sur une investigation fine dans deux écoquartiers en France où sont analysées les consommations et les pratiques énergétiques quelques années avant et après l’aménagement. Deux constats sont vérifiés dans cet échantillon. Les matériels qui réduisent les marges de manoeuvre des habitants pour assurer par leur seul fonctionnement les transformations des empreintes énergétiques ne parviennent à atteindre les objectifs. Les profils types proposés pour expliquer les comportements par les conditions socio-économiques des personnes sont peu opérants. Trois stratégies de changements de pratiques sont en effet repérées : la résistance qui produit plutôt une augmentation des consommations, l’acceptation vigilante qui les stabilise et l’optimisation qui tend à les réduire. Ces trois stratégies et leurs résultats ne correspondent à aucune catégorie socio-économiques en particulier. Les jeunes actifs, les retraités, les revenus élevés, les plus modestes, les célibataires et les familles avec 2 ou 3 enfants adoptent l’une ou l’autre des stratégies et aboutissent à des résultats relativement différents. Ces analyses invitent donc à élargir le champ des facteurs à prendre en compte, si l’on souhaite considérer les micro-transitions, car les schémas d’explication et les catégories utilisés pour ordonner la réflexion sur la transition globale paraissent peu opératoires.In this article, we discuss the energy transition at the level of local social groups (individuals, households). Our hypothesis is that behavior change also operates by a set of micro-transitions that are played in individuals both consumers, residents, local users, members of defined social groups. The research was conducted in two eco-neighborhoods in France in which we analyze consumption and energy practices a few years before and after people installation. Two observations arising from the analysis of the sample. The materials expected to automatically reduce energy footprints by limiting the margins of flexibility of the inhabitants fail to meet identified targets. Population socio-economic conditions proposed to explain behavior are not operative. Three practical change strategies are indeed identified: resistance produced an increase in consumption, acceptance that stabilizes and optimization tends to reduce it. These three strategies and their results do not match any occupational group in particular. Young workers, retirees, high income, more modest, singles and families with 2 or 3 children adopt one or other of the strategies and obtain different results. These analyzes therefore invite to expand the scope of factors to be taken into account to take into account the energy transition at local social groups level. Indeed, patterns of explanation generally considered and categories used to direct reflection on the global transition seem not really operative

    Micro-transitions et écoquartiers : la recomposition des pratiques énergétiques face aux déterminismes matériels et socio-économiques

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    In this article, we discuss the energy transition at the level of local social groups (individuals, households). Our hypothesis is that behavior change also operates by a set of micro-transitions that are played in individuals both consumers, residents, local users, members of defined social groups. The research was conducted in two eco-neighborhoods in France in which we analyze consumption and energy practices a few years before and after people installation. Two observations arising from the analysis of the sample. The materials expected to automatically reduce energy footprints by limiting the margins of flexibility of the inhabitants fail to meet identified targets. Population socio-economic conditions proposed to explain behavior are not operative. Three practical change strategies are indeed identified: resistance produced an increase in consumption, acceptance that stabilizes and optimization tends to reduce it. These three strategies and their results do not match any occupational group in particular. Young workers, retirees, high income, more modest, singles and families with 2 or 3 children adopt one or other of the strategies and obtain different results. These analyzes therefore invite to expand the scope of factors to be taken into account to take into account the energy transition at local social groups level. Indeed, patterns of explanation generally considered and categories used to direct reflection on the global transition seem not really operative