92 research outputs found

    Low-energy quasiparticle states at superconductor-CDW interfaces

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    Quasiparticle bound states are found theoretically on transparent interfaces of d-wave superconductors (dSC) with charge density wave solids (CDW), as well as s-wave superconductors (sSC) with d-density waves (DDW). These bound states represent a combined effect of Andreev reflection from the superconducting side and an unconventional quasiparticle Q-reflection from the density wave solid. If the order parameter for a density wave state is much less than the Fermi energy, bound states with almost zero energy take place for an arbitrary orientation of symmetric interfaces. For larger values of the order parameter, dispersionless zero-energy states are found only on (110) interfaces. Two dispersive energy branches of subgap quasiparticle states are obtained for (100) symmetric interfaces. Andreev low-energy bound states, taking place in junctions with CDW or DDW interlayers, result in anomalous junction properties, in particular, the low-temperature behavior of the Josephson critical current.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure


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    Results of the study in three regions of the Russian Federation have shown widespread of high carcinogenic human papillomavirus among patients of dermatovenerological and gynecological profile. Detection of viral DNA in the material from the cervix and urethra ranged from 25,2 (Karelia) to 42,5 (Sakha Republic (Yakutia) per 100 examined patients. In all areas in 2010-2011 first place was occupied by 16-th virus genotype - from 11,5 (Sakha Republic (Yakutia) to 15,9 (St. Petersburg) per 100 patients. Prevalence of 11 other types differs. In the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) the second rank place was occupied by types 31 and. 51 (8,0 per 100 examined patients), in St. Petersburg - by 56 and 31 types (9,7 and. 7,6 per 100 patients). Age risk group contains patients of the age of 20-29 years. Information on circulating genotypes of the virus is a necessary part of surveillance to validate vaccination against human papillomavirus infection and evaluation of its efficiency

    Особенности вертеброневрологического статуса у больных с узловой трансформацией щитовидной железы

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    Pathological processes in the thyroid and the cervical spine through the structures of the autonomic nervous system may provide each other mutual influence. Detection of additional pathogenetic factors in uzloobrazovaniya help develop additional methods of treatment and prevention tireopaty.Патологические процессы в щитовидной железе и в шейном отделе позвоночника через структуры вегетативной нервной системы могут оказывать друг на друга обоюдное влияние. Обнаружение дополнительных патогенетических факторов в процессе узлообразования поможет разработать дополнительные методы лечения и профилактики тиреопатий

    Electron scattering disintegration processes on light nuclei in covariant approach

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    We provide general analysis of electro-break up process of compound scalar system. We use covariant approach with conserved EM current, which gives the ability to include strong interaction into QED. Therefore, we receive the ability to describe disintegration processes on nonlocal matter fields applying standard Feynman rules of QED. Inclusion of phase exponent into wave function receives a physical sense while we deal with the dominance of strong interaction in the process. We apply Green’s function (GF) formalism to describe disintegration processes. Generalized gauge invariant electro-break up process amplitude is considered. One is a sum of traditional pole series and the regular part. We explore the deposits of regular part of amplitude, and its physical sense. A transition from virtual to real photon considered in photon point limit. The general analysis for electro-break up process of component scalar system is given. Precisely conserved nuclear electromagnetic currents at arbitrary square of transited momentum are received. The only undefined quantity in theory is vertex function. Therefore, we have the opportunity to describe electron scattering processes taking into account minimal necessary set of parameters

    Electron scattering disintegration processes on light nuclei in covariant approach

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    We provide general analysis of electro-break up process of compound scalar system. We use covariant approach with conserved EM current, which gives the ability to include strong interaction into QED. Therefore, we receive the ability to describe disintegration processes on nonlocal matter fields applying standard Feynman rules of QED. Inclusion of phase exponent into wave function receives a physical sense while we deal with the dominance of strong interaction in the process. We apply Green’s function (GF) formalism to describe disintegration processes. Generalized gauge invariant electro-break up process amplitude is considered. One is a sum of traditional pole series and the regular part. We explore the deposits of regular part of amplitude, and its physical sense. A transition from virtual to real photon considered in photon point limit. The general analysis for electro-break up process of component scalar system is given. Precisely conserved nuclear electromagnetic currents at arbitrary square of transited momentum are received. The only undefined quantity in theory is vertex function. Therefore, we have the opportunity to describe electron scattering processes taking into account minimal necessary set of parameters

    4He(γ,d)d and 3He(γ,p)d reactions in nonlocal covariant model

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    Photonuclear reaction research is of great interest to obtain information about the structure of nuclei. The investigation of structural effects requires certain insights into the reaction mechanisms, that have to be identified on the basis of the fundamental principles of covariance and gauge invariance. The major achievement of the chosen model is the ability to reproduce the cross-section dependence using the minimal necessary set of parameters. We analyze the two-particle disintegration of 3He nuclei by photons. Our interest was raised by the fact that 3He is the simplest many-particle system which admits an exact solutions. We also consider the process 4He(γ, d)d. This process comes at the expense of the quadrupole absorption of γ-rays, while the dipole transition is suppressed. This property is a consequence of the isospin selection as well as the identity of the particles in the final state. Obtained results describe the energy range from threshold (20 MeV) to 140 MeV. Therefore, the model mentioned in the paper has the peculiarity to be valid not only for the low-energy regime, but also for higher energies. Present paper is devoted to determine the roles of different reaction mechanisms and to solve problems above


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    Photonuclear reaction research is of great interest to obtain information about the structure of nuclei. The investigation of structural effects requires certain insights into the reaction mechanisms, that have to be identified on the basis of the fundamental principles of covariance and gauge invariance. The major achievement of the chosen model is the ability to reproduce the cross-section dependence using the minimal necessary set of parameters. We analyze the two-particle disintegration of 3He nuclei by photons. Our interest was raised by the fact that 3He is the simplest many-particle system which admits an exact solutions. We also consider the process 4He(γ, d)d. This process comes at the expense of the quadrupole absorption of γ-rays, while the dipole transition is suppressed. This property is a consequence of the isospin selection as well as the identity of the particles in the final state. Obtained results describe the energy range from threshold (20 MeV) to 140 MeV. Therefore, the model mentioned in the paper has the peculiarity to be valid not only for the low-energy regime, but also for higher energies. Present paper is devoted to determine the roles of different reaction mechanisms and to solve problems above