10 research outputs found

    Isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica from raw milk

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    U radu su korišteni različiti postupci izolacije enteropatogenih bakterija vrsta Yersinia enterocolitica. Tehnikom preobogaćenja i obogaćenja materijala dokazana je kontaminacija mlijeka s Y. enterocolitica u 31,5% uzoraka mlijeka. Detekcija Y. enterocolitica bila je u zavisnosti od sezonskih varijacija uzorkovanja s maksimumom u martu i aprilu, a minimumom, u oktobru mjesecu (1,8%). Identifikacija izoliranih suspektnih sojeva vršena je suvremenim postupkom API 10 E sistemom (Accurate Precise Identification).Various isolation methods of enteropathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica were used in the study presented in this paper. By the preenrichment and enrichment procedures of the material, contamination of milk with Y. enterocolitica was demonstrated in 31,5% of samples. Detection of Y. enterocolitica was carried out in the dependance of seasonal variations of samples with maximal values in March and minimal in October (1.8%). Identification of isolated, suspicious strains was performed by a modern API 10 E system (Accurate Precise Identification)

    Production, composition and characteristics of organic hard cheese

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    Organic cheeses are value added products that provide small dairy farmers with a viable source of income and has the potential to revitalize farms, provide new jobs, and develop new cheese varieties with unique flavours for consumers to experience. Production of hard organic cheese must comply with organic standards and regulations of organic production. Whole organic milk that does not contain residues of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics represents a quality raw material for hard organic cheese with added value. Together with the existing, producers develop and create new technologies and new branded products which are more original and recognizable. The goal of any technology is obtaining technologically reproducible protocol and constant uniform quality of the cheese with desired properties. In this paper some variables which influence quality of organic hard cheese were investigated. Tested samples of hard organic cheese from different production time showed consistent quality and obtained parameters followed the standards of full-fat hard cheeses

    Varijabilnost i povezanost osnovnih parametara kvaliteta sirovog kravljeg mleka

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    In this paper the results of the analysis of the milk somatic cell count are presented, as well as correlation between the somatic cell count and content of certain chemical parameters in milk (milk proteins, fat, lactose and dry matter without fat) determined in collective samples of milk obtained from cows reared in intensive rearing system, during two production years. The research was carried out by control of collective milk samples from cows reared on family holdings. Somatic cell count, as well as the chemical quality of milk, were controlled daily in the laboratory for raw milk in dairy plant AD 'Mlekara' - Subotica using the apparatus CombiFoss 6200 FC. In this investigation, statistically significant correlation (P lt 0,001) between all observed milk parameters was determined. Positive, weak and statistically highly significant correlation between the content of milk fat and proteins in milk and somatic cell count was established. It was also established that the variability of chemical parameters of milk and somatic cell count is also under the influence of different factors, such as: month of control, year of the research and farm.U radu prikazani su godišnji rezultati ispitivanja broja somatskih ćelija u mleku, mlečne masti, proteina, laktoze i suve materije bez masti, u zbirnim uzorcima mleka krava u intenzivnoj proizvodnji u toku dve proizvodne godine. Ispitivanja su izvršena kontrolom zbirnih uzoraka mleka od približno 3000 krava sa porodičnih farmi. Prosečni broj somatskih ćelija je bio 462x103 u 1 ml zbirnog mleka (uz variranje od 410,43 do 536,06 x 103 u 1 ml), prosečni sadržaj proteina je bio 3,21%, mlečne masti 3,76%, laktoze 4,54% i suve materije bez masti 8,46%. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u broju somatskih ćelija utvrđenih na zbirnom uzorku mleka u odnosu na mesec kontrole. U ovom radu je utvrđena pozitivna i statistički signifikantna korelacija (P lt 0,001) između sadržaja mlečne masti i proteina u mleku i broja somatskih ćelija, i negativna i statistički signifikantna (P lt 0,001) korelacija između broja somatskih ćelija i sadržaja laktoze i suve materije bez masti u zbirnom uzorku mleka. Utvrđivanje odn. merenj broja somatskih ćelija u zbrinom mleku je ključni faktor u oceni kvaliteta mleka zapata, i koristi se i u određivanju cene otkupljenog mleka, i ukazuje na zdravlje vimena mlečnih grla u zapatu i omogućava farmi da prati uspeh programa za kotnrolu mastitisa u zapatu

    Optimizacija i standardizacija autohtone tehnologije pirotskog kačkavalja sa zaštitom oznake porekla

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    Based on results of performed investigations and analysis of existing conditions relating to technological process in production of kachkaval, we propose the following: To determine the causes of disturbed secretion in case of cows and sheep, investigate the mechanism of proteolytic activity and explain the origin (endogenous or exogenous); Goat milk should be delivered to dairies separately; control of temperature and relative humidity in departments for maturing and drying of cheese; introduction of whey and water separation; in that case, butter can be produced from separated cream. In order to successfully realize project it is also necessary to investigate location of the dairy in Dojkinci in relation to raw material status in different seasons of the year, and take certain measures for improvement of hygienic condition of milk throughout entire technological process: milking, delivering to dairies, storage, transport, etc.; obligatory introduction of basic routine milk analysis when delivered to dairies (volume, acidity, etc.); Introduction of technological log - diary for certain phases of production of kachkaval is also necessary. Finally, subsequent to standardization of entire technological process activities related to obtaining of brand name for such product with determined geographical origin are of great importance.Stara planina spada u red najpoznatijih stočarskih regiona Srbije. Tokom istorije ovom planinom su prolazila nebrojena stada ovaca i gajilo se mnogo goveda. Zahvaljujući toj činjenici, koja je rezultat izvanrednih prirodnih uslova za bavljenje stočarstvom, javili su se i postali poznati širom sveta proizvodi kao: pirotski kačkavalj, pirotsko jagnje i pirotski ćilim. Posle vekovima uspešnog stočarstva Stare planine, poslednih decenija XX veka krenuo je ne zadrživ proces stagnacije, što je praćeno ne samo smanjenjem proizvodnje i redukcijom broja seoskog stanovništa već i odumiranjem pojedinih sela. Da paradoks bude veći tražnja za proizvodima sa ovog područja pre svega kačkavalja ne prestaje i biva sve veća. Promene u pogledu privrednog razvoja naše zemlje koje su u toku osvetlile su zaboravljenu Staru planinu i pirotski kačkavalj, jer se shvatilo da Srbija može ponuditi svetskom tržištu baš te, već poznate specijalitete sa prirodno ne zagađenih područja. Da bi se to i desilo bilo je neophodno započeti projekat koji će na naučnim osnovama omogućiti sagledavanje potencijala i pokazati pravi put za aktiviranje resursa. Ovim projektom se planiraju sledeće najvažnije aktivnosti: -Utvrđivanje mogućnosti proizvodnje stočne hrane i način ishrane ovaca i goveda i predlog mera za njihovo poboljšanje. -Ispitivanje proizvodnog potencijala populacija ovaca i goveda i predlog mera za unapređenje proizvodnje mleka. -Snimanje tradicionalne tehnologije proizvodnje kačkavalja i standardizacija svih procesa od prijema mleka do zrenja sira. -Na osnovu standardizacije proizvodnje kačkavalja i ispitivanja svih važnih osobina dobiće se robna marka i prepoznatljive karakteristike novog proizvoda koji će biti uveden u sistem za dobijanje oznake geografskog porekla


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    **Original scientific paper Abstract: The penicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, active against a large number of Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms. A total of 14 cows (East Friesian sort) were divided into two equal experimental groups, and one group was administered a dose of 400.000 IJ / i.u./cow, and the order group 800.000 IJ / i.u./cow penicillin. The penicillin residues in milk was determined using of Delvo test SP method with B. stearothermophilus var. calidolactis, as the test mikroorganism. In the first group, the average duration of the presence of its residue in milk of treated cows was 37,7 (0-60) hours. After the intrauterine dose of 800.000 I.U./cow, this time period was an average of 53,8 (36-72) hours. The concentrations of penicillin residues at the intrauterine treatment dairy cows were determinined an average of 0,003-0,143 I.U./ml milk for dose of 400.000 I.U./cow, and an average of 0,008-0,325 I.U./ml milk for dose of 800.000 I.U./cow. Total excretion of penicillin residues per cow were an average of 1.288,2 (0-2.538) I.U./cow for dose of 400.000 I.U./cow, and an average of 6.149,1 (1.452-15.330) I.U./cow for dose of 800.000 I.U./cow

    Aflatoxin M1 Transfer Rate from Milk into Cheese and Whey During the Production of Hard Cheese

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    The aim of this study was to investigate aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) transfer from naturally contaminated raw milk into cheese and whey, during the production of Livanjski cheese (hard cheese type). Raw milk samples were collected from 4 farms in Serbia. The samples were then tested for AFM1 content and were later used for hard cheese production. Four cheese samples were produced, and the matching whey samples were also collected. The milk samples included two samples containing AFM1 above the EU maximum level (0.077±0.009 and 0.118±0.008 µg/kg) and the other two samples below the maximum level of 0.05 µg/kg (0.021±0.002 and 0.034±0.004 µg/kg). Regarding AFM1 transfer into cheese from the milk samples containing AFM1 above the EU maximum level, the rate was approximately 4-fold (383% and 410%). On the other hand, in the cheese samples made from milk containing AFM1 below the EU maximum level, almost 10-fold levels of AFM1 content in milk were found (transfer rates of 934% and 961%). As for the whey samples, AFM1 levels were below the levels found in the milk samples (transfer rates of 78%, 74%, 68% and 57%). The difference in the transfer rates for the cheese made from the milk samples contaminated at different levels may indicate the possibility that the AFM1 transfer rate from milk into cheese depends on the content of this toxin in milk

    Uticaj kvaliteta kozjeg mleka i tehnologije izrade na osobine kozjeg sira u tipu Camembert-a

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    The purpose of this work was to provide high quality goat milk production of a goat cheese of Camembert type. The results of the work are showing us that in row milk, the total number of bacteria was in a range from 4x103 to 20x103/mL, and the number of somatic cells is from 230x103 to 390x103/mL. Bacteria Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus cereus were not found. Milk did not contain antibiotic residues, mycotoxins, pesticides, hard metals or radionucleoides. From the hygienic view, the milk was healthy and safe. Milk from German does i.e. the race of the studied goat had 3.2 ± 0.10% of fat and a mild taste and smell. The part of the middlechain fatty acids (C6-C12) was 15.31% and capric acid was 6.29%. Polyunsaturated fatty acids were 26.69% and linolic-acid 3.1%. According to protein content, as well as other indicators of the contents and physical-chemical characteristics, the milk was technologically suitable for cheese production. The selection of the cultures MM100 and TA052, as well as the mold Geotrichum condidum and Penicillium camemberti and the tehnologyc process with the HACCP system implemented, enabled the production of a healthy and safe cheese with the well known characteristics.Svrha rada je bila da se obezbedi kvalitetno kozje mleko i proizvede kozji sir u tipu Cammembert-a. Rezultati rada pokazuju da je kod sirovog mleka ukupan broj bakterija bio od 4 x 103 do 20 x103 / ml, a broj somatskih ćelija od 230x103 do 390x103/ml. Nisu nađene bakterije Listeria monocytogenes i Bacillus cereus. Mleko nije sadržavalo rezidue antibiotika, mikotoksina, pesticida, teških metala i radionuklida. U higijenskom pogledu mleko je bilo bezbedno. Mleko nemačke srnaste rase koza (stajski načina držanja) je imalo 3,2 ± 0,10% mlečne masti i blag ukus i miris po kozjem. Udeo srednjolančanih masnih kiselina (C6-C12) je bio 15,31 %, a kaprične kiseline 6,29 %. Polinezasićenih masnih kiselina je bilo 26,69 % u okviru kojih je bilo linolne kiseline 3,1 %. Na osnovu sadržaja proteina kao i ostalih pokazatelja sastava i fizičko-hemijskih osobina, mleko je tehnološki bilo pogodno za sir. Izbor starter kultura MM100 i TA052 kao i plesni Geotrichum candidum i Penicillium camemberti i provedenog tehnološka procesa uz implementaciju HACCP sistema, omogućuli su dobijanje bezbednog sira, karakterističnih osobina

    Quality of Milk for Cheese Production on Registered Agricultural Holdings in Vojvodina

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    Currently, milk producers in Vojvodina on registered agricultural holdings (RAHs) have great experience and knowledge in managing their farms, including primary production, processing and sales. However, for a smaller number of manufacturers, there is still room for organizational and technological improvement of production. Nowadays, goat breeding is a very important part of sustainable production, rural development, and represents a very important part of rural development and employment of people. The course of goat breeding in our country is milk-meat, where milk is usually a priority. For the successful production of cheese, the quality of raw milk plays a critical role. It affects the quality of cheese in terms of a chemical composition, microbiological quality, the presence of chemical residues and organoleptic properties. Cheese is mostly made from cow, goat and sheep milk. The valuable components of milk are proteins and fats. These can also be defined as parameters of utilization, since they indicate how much cheese can be obtained from milk. On average, cow milk contains 3.64% fat, 3.22% protein, and 8.52% non-fat dry matter (NFDM). Higher differences in milk fat content (minimum 3.25%, maximum 4.36%) were found in milk from RAHs. Recently, the production of milk with higher fat content has become important, since in Serbian milk there is not enough milk fat, so some processors are obliged to import it in the form of butter and cream. In addition to the chemical composition, the microbiological quality of milk is important to maintain successful cheese production. Regarding our findings, the standard plate count (SPC) and the somatic cell count (SCC) in samples from most RAHs did not exceed the values specified in Regulation (EC) 853/2004. Moreover, goat and sheep milk was in agreement with the technological quality of milk for cheese production, in terms of chemical composition

    Optimizacija i standardizacija autohtone tehnologije pirotskog kačkavalja sa zaštitom oznake porekla

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    Based on results of performed investigations and analysis of existing conditions relating to technological process in production of kachkaval, we propose the following: To determine the causes of disturbed secretion in case of cows and sheep, investigate the mechanism of proteolytic activity and explain the origin (endogenous or exogenous); Goat milk should be delivered to dairies separately; control of temperature and relative humidity in departments for maturing and drying of cheese; introduction of whey and water separation; in that case, butter can be produced from separated cream. In order to successfully realize project it is also necessary to investigate location of the dairy in Dojkinci in relation to raw material status in different seasons of the year, and take certain measures for improvement of hygienic condition of milk throughout entire technological process: milking, delivering to dairies, storage, transport, etc.; obligatory introduction of basic routine milk analysis when delivered to dairies (volume, acidity, etc.); Introduction of technological log - diary for certain phases of production of kachkaval is also necessary. Finally, subsequent to standardization of entire technological process activities related to obtaining of brand name for such product with determined geographical origin are of great importance.Stara planina spada u red najpoznatijih stočarskih regiona Srbije. Tokom istorije ovom planinom su prolazila nebrojena stada ovaca i gajilo se mnogo goveda. Zahvaljujući toj činjenici, koja je rezultat izvanrednih prirodnih uslova za bavljenje stočarstvom, javili su se i postali poznati širom sveta proizvodi kao: pirotski kačkavalj, pirotsko jagnje i pirotski ćilim. Posle vekovima uspešnog stočarstva Stare planine, poslednih decenija XX veka krenuo je ne zadrživ proces stagnacije, što je praćeno ne samo smanjenjem proizvodnje i redukcijom broja seoskog stanovništa već i odumiranjem pojedinih sela. Da paradoks bude veći tražnja za proizvodima sa ovog područja pre svega kačkavalja ne prestaje i biva sve veća. Promene u pogledu privrednog razvoja naše zemlje koje su u toku osvetlile su zaboravljenu Staru planinu i pirotski kačkavalj, jer se shvatilo da Srbija može ponuditi svetskom tržištu baš te, već poznate specijalitete sa prirodno ne zagađenih područja. Da bi se to i desilo bilo je neophodno započeti projekat koji će na naučnim osnovama omogućiti sagledavanje potencijala i pokazati pravi put za aktiviranje resursa. Ovim projektom se planiraju sledeće najvažnije aktivnosti: -Utvrđivanje mogućnosti proizvodnje stočne hrane i način ishrane ovaca i goveda i predlog mera za njihovo poboljšanje. -Ispitivanje proizvodnog potencijala populacija ovaca i goveda i predlog mera za unapređenje proizvodnje mleka. -Snimanje tradicionalne tehnologije proizvodnje kačkavalja i standardizacija svih procesa od prijema mleka do zrenja sira. -Na osnovu standardizacije proizvodnje kačkavalja i ispitivanja svih važnih osobina dobiće se robna marka i prepoznatljive karakteristike novog proizvoda koji će biti uveden u sistem za dobijanje oznake geografskog porekla

    Optimizacija i standardizacija autohtone tehnologije pirotskog kačkavalja sa zaštitom oznake porekla

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    Based on results of performed investigations and analysis of existing conditions relating to technological process in production of kachkaval, we propose the following: To determine the causes of disturbed secretion in case of cows and sheep, investigate the mechanism of proteolytic activity and explain the origin (endogenous or exogenous); Goat milk should be delivered to dairies separately; control of temperature and relative humidity in departments for maturing and drying of cheese; introduction of whey and water separation; in that case, butter can be produced from separated cream. In order to successfully realize project it is also necessary to investigate location of the dairy in Dojkinci in relation to raw material status in different seasons of the year, and take certain measures for improvement of hygienic condition of milk throughout entire technological process: milking, delivering to dairies, storage, transport, etc.; obligatory introduction of basic routine milk analysis when delivered to dairies (volume, acidity, etc.); Introduction of technological log - diary for certain phases of production of kachkaval is also necessary. Finally, subsequent to standardization of entire technological process activities related to obtaining of brand name for such product with determined geographical origin are of great importance.Stara planina spada u red najpoznatijih stočarskih regiona Srbije. Tokom istorije ovom planinom su prolazila nebrojena stada ovaca i gajilo se mnogo goveda. Zahvaljujući toj činjenici, koja je rezultat izvanrednih prirodnih uslova za bavljenje stočarstvom, javili su se i postali poznati širom sveta proizvodi kao: pirotski kačkavalj, pirotsko jagnje i pirotski ćilim. Posle vekovima uspešnog stočarstva Stare planine, poslednih decenija XX veka krenuo je ne zadrživ proces stagnacije, što je praćeno ne samo smanjenjem proizvodnje i redukcijom broja seoskog stanovništa već i odumiranjem pojedinih sela. Da paradoks bude veći tražnja za proizvodima sa ovog područja pre svega kačkavalja ne prestaje i biva sve veća. Promene u pogledu privrednog razvoja naše zemlje koje su u toku osvetlile su zaboravljenu Staru planinu i pirotski kačkavalj, jer se shvatilo da Srbija može ponuditi svetskom tržištu baš te, već poznate specijalitete sa prirodno ne zagađenih područja. Da bi se to i desilo bilo je neophodno započeti projekat koji će na naučnim osnovama omogućiti sagledavanje potencijala i pokazati pravi put za aktiviranje resursa. Ovim projektom se planiraju sledeće najvažnije aktivnosti: -Utvrđivanje mogućnosti proizvodnje stočne hrane i način ishrane ovaca i goveda i predlog mera za njihovo poboljšanje. -Ispitivanje proizvodnog potencijala populacija ovaca i goveda i predlog mera za unapređenje proizvodnje mleka. -Snimanje tradicionalne tehnologije proizvodnje kačkavalja i standardizacija svih procesa od prijema mleka do zrenja sira. -Na osnovu standardizacije proizvodnje kačkavalja i ispitivanja svih važnih osobina dobiće se robna marka i prepoznatljive karakteristike novog proizvoda koji će biti uveden u sistem za dobijanje oznake geografskog porekla