6 research outputs found


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    International economic relations depend on political relations between the states. They are mutually conditioned and related. Every country, aiming at development of its industry, will strive to maintain good or at least tolerant political relations. This will be very important for foreign investments in the industry of the country only if it previously establishes internal political conditions and the rule of law in accordance with approved principles of international trade law. Political and economic elements form basic conditions together with market economy, foreign capital investment and free use of profit from invested capital. Foreign investing is not a donation, but an economic interest intended to make a profit which has to be higher than invested money by recruiting the citizens of the country where the capital is invested. This reflects mutual interests of the non-residents and the state. Recruitment creates better social conditions of living and, therefore, every country is interested in creating favourable conditions for foreign investments. In this way, foreign investments provide good conditions for participation of industrial subjects which belong to different types of sovereignty on the world market and form the prices of products and industrial services in the world. This is the role of World Bank as well as European Investment Bank. Bosnia and Herzegovina has legal assumptions for foreign investments, but lacks political assumptions as a base for development of economic relations with abroad. Due to this fact, foreign investors are not interested to invest their money in industry of this country. Investments of international community are mainly concerned with elimination of consequences of war damage, which proved to be insufficient to raise the unemployment rate. This causes a great number of poor families in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    A corporation as an economic organization is a joint-stock company that can be created as a European company on the basis of a contract regulating foundation of at least two legal subjects as an investment of capital. It can also be another form of investment, but a European company is one of the most important international corporations in the common market of the EU. Managing of such a corporation is in the function of making profit, in achieving other goals of those interested in doing business successfully. For that reason it is necessary to get relationships in corporations in balance so that every profit-making unit gets as much independence in decision-making as possible in order to fit in the laws that govern market. That kind of interest makes self-organizing a preferable trend in corporations, where each employee’s expertise is pronounced to the maximum. That way it is possible to establish a dialogue between a machine and a worker, by which the intellectual capacity of every qualified employee can be deployed to eliminate shortages in achieving greater profit. As opposed to the mechanistic trend, self-organizing accepts a dialogue with employees, their inclusion in making important decisions and sociological instincts. Therefore this trend of developing profitable corporations is the one to be applied in greater capacity in the future. Not only does the corporation management include the owners of a corporation, but it also includes employees and other interested subjects. Inclusion of employees in the managing process is effected by means of a written contract reached by the representatives of workforce with the managerial board of a corporation. However, employees should be included in the process only to the level of participation. In no way should they be involved in making important decisions regarding, for example, development plans, because the right to manage a corporation is exclusively won by having share in capital, and it is not based on work, because it would make it self-management then, which proved itself to be no good.Korporacija kao organizacija koja se bavi privrednom djelatnoš?u je akcionarsko društvo koja može da nastane kao evropska kompanija na osnovu sporazumom (ugovorom) o osnivanju najmanje dva pravna subjekta kao društva kapitala. Ona može da bude i drugi oblika društva kapitala, ali je ipak evropska kompanija jedan od najvažnijih internacionalnih korporacija na jedinstvenom unutrašnjem tržištu Evropske unije. Upravljanje takvom korporacijom je u funkciji profita, ali i drugih interesa zainteresovanih lica za uspješno poslovanje korporacije. Zato je od posebne važnosti ure?ivanje odnosa u korporacijama tako da svaka profitna cjelina ima dovoljno samostalnosti u odlu?ivanju radi uklapanja u zakone tržišta. Takav interes opredjeljuje trend samoorganizovanja u korporacijama tako da stru?nost svakog zaposlenog dolazi maksimalno do izražaja. Na taj na?in nastaje dijalog izme?u mašine u proizvodnji i radnika, uklju?uju?i time intelektualnu sposobnost svakog stru?nog radnika za otklanjanje nedostataka u ostvarivanju ve?eg profita, odnosno privredne aktivnosti korporacije u funkciji interesa ?ovjeka. Za razliku od mehanicisti?kog trenda, samoorganizovanje prihvata dijalog sa radnicima, njihovo uklju?ivanje u donošenje važnih odluka i sociološke porive. Stoga je ovaj trend razvoj profitnih korporacija trend koji ?e u budu?e imati ve?u primjenljivost. Upravljanje korporacijom ne uklju?uje samo njezine vlasnike, nego i zaposlena lica i druge zainteresovane subjekte. Uklju?ivanje radnika u upravljanje korporacijom vrši se na osnovu pismenog sporazuma kojeg predstavnici radnika zaklju?uju sa upravnim odborom korporacije. Me?utim, u?eš?e radnika u upravljanju sa korporacijom završava se na nivou participacije, ali nikako i u?eš?e u donošenju važnih razvojnih i drugih odluka, jer pravo upravljanja korporacijom sti?e se na osnovu u?eš?a u kapitalu, ali ne i po osnovu samo rada, jer bi to bilo samoupravljanje koje, u eksperimentu, nije održano


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    Razvijenoj privredi u svijetu karakteriše vrlo dinamična strukturapromjene, kako u proizvodnji tako i u tržišnoj poziciji pojedinih zemalja.Privredna kretanja u svijetu bila su praćena bržim rastom svijetske trgovinenego rastom proizvodnje. Stoga, svaka država nastoji da nađe svoje mjestou međunarodnoj podijeli rada i zadovopljavajuću tržišnu poziciju, mada sedominacija industrijski razvijenih zemalja ne dovodi u pitanje. U uslovimasavremenih tržišnih i tehnoloških promijena, teško je zamisliti integracioniproces u smislu globalizacije bez aktivnije uloge razvijenih zemalja.Na integraciju privrednih teritorija pojedinih država značajnu ulogu imadiplomatija. Njen značaj je od posebne važnosti na ekonomske, sada već ipolitičke integracije u Evropi, odnosno Evropsku uniju. Bosna i Hercegovinaima politički i ekonomski interes za ulazak u članstvo Evropske unije, pa jeveć počela da koristi sredstva Evropske unije prema programima, na temeljuOkvirnog sporazuma između Evropske unije i Bosne i Hercegovine. Sredstvaprema programima mogu da koriste institucije, građani i privrednici. Pisanjedobrog projekta za ekonomski razvoj svodi se na zanat. Metodologija koja jeusvojena u EU 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća zasniva se na Metodologiji kojusu koristili Amerikanci 60-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, čija je baza bila analizalogičkog okvira ili logička matrica. Ulaganje sredstava iz fondova Evropske unijeima namjeru da stvori konkurentnu privredu BiH za Jedinstveno (unutrašnje)tržište Evropske unije. Međutim, ekonomiska saradnja je samo jedan i to „prvistub“ evropskog integracionog procesa.Značajan korak u razvoju spoljnopolitičke saradnje i bezbijednosti ostvarenje u Mastrihtskom ugovoru uvođenjem „drugog stuba“ u okviru Evropske unije.Dakle, Mastrihtski ugovor spoljnoj politici je priključio segment bezbijednosti,što su države članice dužne da aktivno i bezrezervno podržavaju.Spoljna politika i bezbjednost država članica EU ne može biti naodgovarajućem nivou ukoliko se ne uspostavi unutrašnja bezbijednost u svakojdržavi. Zato je bitno uspostavljanje odgovarajuće pravosudne saradnje i saradnjeizmeđu policije, odnosno stvaranje Evropskog pravosudnog prostora. Na tajnačin stvoren je „treći stub“ saradnje u oblasti prava i unutrašnjih poslova

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      The European Union was established on the basis of a treaty between sovereign and independent countries. The origins of the EU could be traced back to the European Community for Coal and Steel, the European Economic Community and the European Community for Atomic Energy, with the idea of creating an international community with certain mutual economic and political interests. The purpose of the aforementioned communities was to provide economic collaboration between the member states so that they could keep pace with the USA and the Eastern block. The economic development was enabled by overcoming political discrepancies, which often drove the European countries into war conflicts in the past. An idea was fermenting, over the course of functioning of the European communities, for these communities to become a strong economic and political community, which eventually took place in Maastricht in 1992. To the existing economic pillar (pillar I), two more pillars were added (pillar II - foreign affairs and pillar III - internal affairs and judicial system). The existing European Communities were thus joined into the European Union, but formally they never stopped to exist in legal terms. Within the EU, there are unique instruments of authority (legislative, executive and judicial), though they function in somewhat specific way; namely, there is no strict borderline between the first two, whereas the judicial authority is independent and separated, as is the case in every sovereign country. The member states remained sovereign, but they delegated some of their sovereignty and authority to the Union, which was arranged by an international treaty. The law of the EU, as community law, is above the legal system of any of the member states. That is why the EU is a real union, close to the system of authority existing in federal states.Evropska unija je nastala na osnovu ugovora suverenih i nezavisnih država. Nastankom Evropske unije prvobitno, kao Evropska zajednica za ugalj i ?elik, Evropska ekonomska zajednica i Evropska zajednica za atomsku energija, imao je karakter stvaranja me?unarodne organizacije sa odre?enim zajedni?kim ekonomskim interesima, ali i politi?kim. Ove zajednice su imale za cilj da se obezbjedi ekonomska saradnja izme?u država ?lanica kako te države ne bi zaostajale u privrednim tokovima od Sjedinjenih Ameri?kih država i Isto?nog bloka. Ekonomski razvoj je bio mogu? prevazilaženjem politi?kih nesporazuma koji su evropske države ?esto vodile u me?usobne ratne sukobe. Stoga je tokom funkcionisanja, odnosno postojanja evropskih zajednica, polaze?i od ciljeva osniva?kih ugovora, nastala ideja, ali i želja da ekonomske zajednice prerastu u jaku ekonomsku, ali i politi?ku zajednicu. Nakon oko 40 godina postojanja i funkcionisanja zajednice država zapadne Evrope, ta?nije 1992. godine amandmanima u Mastrihtu, ekonomskom stubu (stub I) priklju?ena su još dva stuba (II stub - spoljna politika i bezbjednost i III stub - unutrašnja politika i pravosu?e). Na taj na?ina evropske zajednice postaju jedinstvena Evropska unija, mada formalno pravno još uvijek postoje sve tri zajednice. Ipak, u okviru Evropske unije funkcionišu jedinstveni organi vlasti (zakonodavna, izvršna i sudska). NJihovo funkcionisanje je specifi?no jer izme?u zakonodavne i izvršne vlasti nema stroge podijele, dok je sudska vlast samostalna i izdvojena iz ostalih kao i u svakoj suverenoj državi. Države ?lanice su ostale kao suverene države, ali su dio suvereniteta prenijele na uniju na osnovu potpisanog i ratifikovanog me?unarodnog ugovora, ali i znatan dio svojih ovlaš?enja. Pravo Evropske unije, kao komunitarno pravo, je nadnacionalno sa ja?om pravnom snagom u odnosu na pravo država ?lanica. Zato je Evropske unija realna unija koja se znatno približila sistemu vlasti federalnih država


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      The European Union was established on the basis of a treaty between sovereign and independent countries. The origins of the EU could be traced back to the European Community for Coal and Steel, the European Economic Community and the European Community for Atomic Energy, with the idea of creating an international community with certain mutual economic and political interests. The purpose of the aforementioned communities was to provide economic collaboration between the member states so that they could keep pace with the USA and the Eastern block. The economic development was enabled by overcoming political discrepancies, which often drove the European countries into war conflicts in the past. An idea was fermenting, over the course of functioning of the European communities, for these communities to become a strong economic and political community, which eventually took place in Maastricht in 1992. To the existing economic pillar (pillar I), two more pillars were added (pillar II - foreign affairs and pillar III - internal affairs and judicial system). The existing European Communities were thus joined into the European Union, but formally they never stopped to exist in legal terms. Within the EU, there are unique instruments of authority (legislative, executive and judicial), though they function in somewhat specific way; namely, there is no strict borderline between the first two, whereas the judicial authority is independent and separated, as is the case in every sovereign country. The member states remained sovereign, but they delegated some of their sovereignty and authority to the Union, which was arranged by an international treaty. The law of the EU, as community law, is above the legal system of any of the member states. That is why the EU is a real union, close to the system of authority existing in federal states


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    International economic relations depend on political relations between the states. They are mutually conditioned and related. Every country, aiming at development of its industry, will strive to maintain good or at least tolerant political relations. This will be very important for foreign investments in the industry of the country only if it previously establishes internal political conditions and the rule of law in accordance with approved principles of international trade law. Political and economic elements form basic conditions together with market economy, foreign capital investment and free use of profit from invested capital. Foreign investing is not a donation, but an economic interest intended to make a profit which has to be higher than invested money by recruiting the citizens of the country where the capital is invested. This reflects mutual interests of the non-residents and the state. Recruitment creates better social conditions of living and, therefore, every country is interested in creating favourable conditions for foreign investments. In this way, foreign investments provide good conditions for participation of industrial subjects which belong to different types of sovereignty on the world market and form the prices of products and industrial services in the world. This is the role of World Bank as well as European Investment Bank. Bosnia and Herzegovina has legal assumptions for foreign investments, but lacks political assumptions as a base for development of economic relations with abroad. Due to this fact, foreign investors are not interested to invest their money in industry of this country. Investments of international community are mainly concerned with elimination of consequences of war damage, which proved to be insufficient to raise the unemployment rate. This causes a great number of poor families in Bosnia and Herzegovina