192 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Diagnostic Assesment Result in Pisa Mathematical Literacy Based on Students Self-efficacy in Rme Learning

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    This research aimed to test RME learning with an effective scientific approach to improving mathematical literacy and self-efficacy, obtaining an overview of the mathematical literacy diagnostic assessment results that has high, medium and low self-efficacy as well as student difficulties in learning RME with a scientific approach. This research using mix method concurrent embedded with the subject of research is students class VIII. The research begins with a mathematical literacy diagnostic assessment and self-efficacy inventory then performed RME learning in experimental class and conventional learning in control class. Quantitative analysis was conducted to test the effectiveness of learning and deepened with the interview as a qualitative analysis. Learning RME with a scientific approach effective is marked by the achievement of classical completeness, the proportion of students\u27 mathematical literacy, self-efficacy and the difference in pre-post students\u27 mathematical literacy on RME learning better than conventional learning. The results of students\u27 mathematical literacy diagnostic assessment fit the criteria of self-efficacy students except for medium mathematical literacy that having high self-efficacy. Student difficulties in RME learning with the scientific approach are based on the results of mathematical literacy diagnostic assessment, namely language skills problem, the capacity to understand, create strategies, and create the algorithm

    Pengembangan Kemampuansiswa Meneliti Sejarah Lokal melalui Model Inkuiri (Studi Kasus di SMA Negeri 5 Purwokerto)

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    Thepurpose of this study is know effectivity of inquiry's model in developingpupil's ability studying local history at SMA Negeri 5 Purwokerto year of 20062007. This study is a classroom action research with subject mailer of history andtopic about principles historical research. There are four phase in this classroomactiOn research, i.e.: planning, classroom action, observationand reflection.The result of thisstudy shows that inquiry'S model effective enough todevelopingpupil's ability in studying local history. There is significant improvingin instructional process of historical subject matter by inquiry's model from firstcydies toward third cyclies. The significan, improving could be seen by pretest andPOSllest values in every cyclies, angket value in first cyclies, and collective's dutiesfrom first cyclies toward third cyclie

    Peningkatanpembelajaran Menulis Karangan Deskripsi dengan Menggunakan Media Audio Visual pada Siswa Kelas Vmi Muhammadiyah Sungai Bakau Ketapang

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    Improved Learning Writing Essays description using Audio Visual Media in Grade V MI Mangrove River District Ketapang.Penelitian Muhammadiyah aims to get an overview of improved writing skills karangandeskripsi grade V MI Muhammadiyah Mangrove River using Visual audio media. This research method is descriptive method of research is a form of action research kelas.Berdasarkan analysis and data processing is done the results obtained by the average value of the initial test on the first cycle was 56 and the average value of the final test on the second cycle is 73. Nilaiyang obtained show that there are differences in the results of the writing skills of students in the first cycle and second cycle using visual.Dengan audio media can be concluded that the use of visual mediaaudio can improve students\u27 writing skills essay descriptions in Indonesian language teaching

    Pengembangan Kemampuansiswa Meneliti Sejarah Lokal melalui Model Inkuiri (Studi Kasus di SMA Negeri 5 Purwokerto)

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    Thepurpose of this study is know effectivity of inquiry's model in developingpupil's ability studying local history at SMA Negeri 5 Purwokerto year of 20062007. This study is a classroom action research with subject mailer of history andtopic about principles historical research. There are four phase in this classroomactiOn research, i.e.: planning, classroom action, observationand reflection.The result of thisstudy shows that inquiry'S model effective enough todevelopingpupil's ability in studying local history. There is significant improvingin instructional process of historical subject matter by inquiry's model from firstcydies toward third cyclies. The significan, improving could be seen by pretest andPOSllest values in every cyclies, angket value in first cyclies, and collective's dutiesfrom first cyclies toward third cyclie

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Komik Sains terhadap Hasil Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam di Sekolah Dasar

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    Research which aims to view the effect of using science comic media towards learning outcome, and quantity of effect towards science learning of 2nd grade student of SD Negeri 35 South Pontianak. Research method uses nonequivalent control group design research plan, which uses Twenty multiple choice objective test as data collecting instrument. Subjects of this research are 73 2nd grade student in SD Negeri 35 in South Pontianak school year of 2015-2016. Analysis result of t-test is thitung = 1.22 and ttabel =1.997 with (α=5% and dk=67), thus hypothesis of the research is H0 which conclude learning science using science comic media had no effect towards learning outcome of 2nd grade student of SD Negeri 35 South Pontianak. Effect size of 0.29 is categorized as low which also shows learning science using science comic media had no significant effect on learning outcome of 2nd grade student of SD Negeri 35 South Pontianak

    Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Murid Kelas IV melalui Metode Eksperimen di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 04 Sadaniang

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    This research used descriptive research design while the class action is a form of survey research. Subjects in this study Elementary School fourth-grader who totaled 04 Sadaniang 24 people and teachers (researchers) are taught in class IV SDN 04 Sadaniang. Technical the data that direct observation techniques, while the data collection tool used observation sheet observation sheets for teachers and students to learn student learning activities. Physical learning activities show pupils on learning the baseline average increased 41.67% to 66.67% in the first cycle and increased to 87.5% in the second cycle. Based on the results and discussion that has been achieved as formulated formulated goals. Thus the implementation of learning research and student learning activities using an experimental method of learning process Natural Science Elementary School fourth grade class 04 declared Sadaniang increased

    Analisis Kepadatan Lalu Lintas di Perlimaan Jalan (Studi Kasus di Jalan Soekarno Hatta-tlogosari-supriyadi-medoho)

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    Pengaturan traffic light di persimpangan jalan diperlukan untuk mengatur kelancaran arus lalu lintas, namun faktanya sering terjadi penumpukan pengguna jalan pada suatu ruas jalan tertentu. Sebagai contoh kondisi arus di persimpangan Jalan Soekarno Hatta-Tlogosari-Supriyadi-Medoho, Kota Semarang sering terjadi penumpukan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh masalah pengaturan waktu tunggu di persimpangan itu, sehingga skripsi ini mengkaji pengaturan waktu tunggu di persimpangan tersebut. Menurut pengamatan salah satu penyebab terjadinya penumpukan tersebut dimungkinkan oleh pengaturan waktu nyala trafficlight. Oleh karena itu, skripsi ini mengkaji perhitungan waktu tunggu dengan mengaplikasikan konsep graf kompatibel. Penerapan konsep graf kompatibel ini untuk melakukan simulasi perekayasaan arus lalu lintas dan hasilnya diperoleh waktu tunggu minimal
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