7 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Program Baitul Arqam Bagi Karyawan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

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    The University of Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya routinely conducts the cadre program to its employees held every month of Ramadan called Baitul Arqam. The problems faced in this institution are not all employees understand about Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan which are implemented in daily life and worship. Baitul Arqam program is one of the solutions run by the institution to answer the problem. As a program that has been running for more than 3 (three) years, it is necessary to evaluate. This evaluation aims to identify the effectiveness of Baitul Arqam Program for Employees at The University of Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya. This study uses CIPP evaluation model. Stufflebeam\u27s CIPP evaluation model focuses on four aspects: context, input, process, and product. Data collection by using interviews, observation, and documentation. Study subjects that are used as data sources of information are Rector, Vice Rector I, Vice Rector II, Head of LPPKK, Presenters, and Participants / employees at The University of Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya with a sample of 80 people. Evaluation results show: 1) Analysis of needs and goals and objectives of the program on the component context is in very good category. ; 2) Planning strategies covering materials, human resources, facilities and infrastructure, funding, and learning methods in the inputs component of BBTHA program at The University of Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya are included in good category; 3) In the process components implemented in the program Baitul Arqam For Employees included in good category; 4) In the product components produced Baitul Arqam program For Employees included in good category

    Pelatihan Komputer sebagai Bentuk Pengembangan Nilai-Nilai Karakter dalam Bidang Pendidikan

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    The result of the analysis of the studyshows the lack of educational condition related to Information Technology (IT) especially for orphanage children. Community service activities aim to provide computer training as a form of character development in the field of education. The subjects of community service activities are the children at the Mujahidin Orphanage in Anjir Serapat Village, Kapuas Timur Sub-District, Kapuas District, with 11 members. Training activities are supported by lecture methods, frequently asked questions and direct practice of using computer applications with the help of training modules provided to the participants as a tool in practice. The results showed that computer training can give knowledge and understanding for orphaned children in computer skills in the mastery of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Powerpoint and can foster the values of educational characters in themselves such as curiosity, creative, hard work, and communicative

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA dengan Model Pembelajaran Scramble-Media Visual Peserta Didik Kelas IV SDN 4 Panarung Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018

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    This study aims to: (1) describe the learning activities of grade 4 students of SDN 4 Panarung at the time of science teaching using Scramble-Visual media, (2) to know the learning outcomes of science students of grade IV SDN 4 Panarung by using the learning model Scramble-Visual media. The method and type of research used in this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK). The results showed that: (1) Students\u27 learning activities in good category became better in science lesson using visual media assisted media scramble model in fourth grade of SDN 4 Panarung in academic year 2017/2018. Learners play an active role, motivated, cooperate with each other to improve the concentration and speed of thinking during the learning process in cycle I. The results of observers of teacher activity on the learning process conducted by observers I and observer II during the process of learning science (natural) the teacher activity is 3.61 with very good criteria and the average activity of learners is 3.55 with very good criteria. (2) There is an improvement of science learning outcomes of students of class IV in SDN 4 Panarung academic year 2017/2018 after using the model of learning scramble with visual media assisted. This shows the results of learning through the average score of the class on the initial test is 43 and the percentage of learning mastery learners classically 9.52% with the criteria not achieved. In the first cycle, the average score of the class is 70 and the percentage of students\u27 learning completeness classically is 100%, from the predetermined criteria that is KKM is 65 and the criteria completeness 85% classically achieved category

    Identifikasi Keanekaragaman Hayati dan Pemetaan Bawah Tanah Kampus Terpadu Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya sebagai Media Objek Pembelajaran

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    Innovative learning in addition to varied models, strategies and methods, it is also necessary to approach. The lack of understanding of the basic concepts of science underpins researchers to create learning media for the identification of biodiversity and the subsurface layer in the form of underground layers. Lack of information on previous research regarding research at UM Palangkaraya Integrated Campus on Jl. Anggrek-Mahir Mahar made researchers try to link the environmental approach of UM Integrated Campus area Learning with the final achievement in the form of science media learning objects. This research method began with an initial theoretical study of science learning, followed by a field survey. Observations in the field will examine an area of ​​1 ha identified as having higher biodiversity than others. After setting the plot point, the acquisition is carried out with 2 (two) stages, namely the identification of biodiversity with the sampling of flora and fauna that are at the plot point. The next stage is the acquisition of underground layer mapping using the Self Potential method with porous copper pot and CuSO4 solution. After the acquisition, continued data analysis of the two stages. Biodiversity in the form of flora and fauna types and layer contour maps are poured into learning object media. Hope in the future, researchers can continue mapping the surface and subsurface of the Palangkaraya UM Integrated Campus in an area of ​​20 ha

    Identifikasi Rendahnya Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Saat Pembelajaran Daring Menggunakan Aplikasi WhatsApp Mata Pelajaran IPA Kelas V SDN 7 Menteng

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    This research was carried out aimed at describing the factors causing the low learning outcomes of students during online learning using the application WhatsApp on science subjects. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a type of case study. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The object studied was 3 students, class teachers, and triangulation of data on school principals, school operators (TU), and students' parents. The results of the research conclusions indicated that: (1) students were less interested in participating in online learning in science subjects. (2) Students do not like science subjects online. (3) the teacher only uses the WhatsApp application to carry out online learning. (4) the teacher only notifies and sends the material to be studied without being explained first. (5) the teacher always gives assignments to students so that it makes students dislike online learning. (6) the students are less motivated to take part in learning

    Intersectionality: Implikasi Proses Sosialisasi Politik terhadap Budaya Politik Wanita Cina di Semenanjung Malaysia

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    Budaya politik wanita Cina di Semenanjung Malaysia bersifat pasif. Fenomena ini dapat dilihat melalui bilangan wanita Cina antaranya di dalam Parlimen dan DUN. Malahan bilangan wanita Cina di peringkat pembuat keputusan dalam parti berorientasikan masyarakat Cina seperti DAP serta MCA masih lagi rendah, walaupun sistem kuota 30 peratus wanita telah dibentuk. Proses sosialisasi politik melalui agen sosialisasi politik merupakan antara indikator penting yang mempengaruhi budaya politik wanita Cina di Semenanjung Malaysia. Agen sosialisasi ini dilihat tidak berdiri sendiri dan saling berkait seperti yang diketengahkan melalui teori intersectionality dan telah memberikan kesan berbeza kepada wanita. Kajian kualitatif ini mengenal pasti agen sosialisasi politik melalui proses sosialisasi politik, yang telah mempengaruhi budaya politik wanita Cina di Semenanjung Malaysia. Temu bual secara intensif telah dijalankan ke atas tujuh orang informan dalam kalangan perwakilan wanita Cina, seorang ahli politik lelaki, aktivis wanita Cina dari Organisasi Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) dan ahli akademik. Hasil temu bual dianalisis di mana proses transkripsi temubual telah dikodkan dan ditemakan. Tema ini kemudiannya telah dibahagikan kepada dua iaitu agen sosialisasi politik lingkaran dalaman dan agen sosialisasi politik lingkaran luaran. Agen sosialisasi lingkaran dalaman terdiri daripada pendidikan, ekonomi, budaya, agama, keluarga serta gender. Agen sosialisasi lingkaran luaran pula terdiri daripada NGO/persatuan, parti politik dan masyarakat. Model Agen Sosialisasi Politik Wanita Cina melalui dimensi intersectionality turut dibangunkan untuk menggambarkan hubung kait agen sosialisasi politik wanita Cina di Semenanjung Malaysia

    Public Awareness and Practices Towards Self-Medication with Antibiotics Among Malaysian Population: Questionnaire Development and Pilot Testing

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