5 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Mandi Kering (Washlap) dalam Mempercepat Waktu Pelepasan Tali Pusat

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    Tali pusat merupakan pintu gerbang masuknya infeksi. Upaya untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi tali pusat sesungguhnya merupakan tindakan sederhana yang terpenting adalah tali pusat selalu dalam keadaan bersih dan kering, serta selalu mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun sebelum dan sesudah memandikan bayi. Memandikan bayi dengan tidak membasahi tali pusat diperlukan untuk mencegah tali pusat menjadi media perkembangbiakan mikroorganisme patogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas mandi kering (washlap) dalam mempercepat waktu pelepasan tali pusat. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian quasy experiment with non equivalen control group design. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni tahun 2018 di Puskesmas Ciruas Kabupaten Serang Provinsi Banten. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini total sampling yaitu seluruh bayi yang lahir pada bulan Juni tahun 2018 sejumlah 40 bayi. Perbedaan kedua variabel dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji statistik t- test independent. Sebagian besar (65%) teknik memandikan bayi baru lahir yang digunakan orangtua bayi adalah teknik berendam. Rerata waktu pelepasan tali pusat pada bayi yang dimandikan dengan cara kering (washlap) yaitu 5,6 hari lebih cepat 1,5 hari dibanding bayi yang dimandikan dengan cara berendam (p=0,000). Teknik mandi kering (washlap) merupakan teknik memandikan bayi yang direkomendasikan untuk bayi baru lahir sampai dengan pelepasan tali pusat. Pemberi pelayanan kesehatan khususnya bidan perlu merekomendasikan teknik mandi kering (washlap) kepada orangtua bayi untuk mempercepat proses pelepasan tali pusat dan mencegah infeksi tali pusat

    Determinants of Post Caesarean Section Surgical Site Infection (SSI)

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    One of efforts in saving the lives of mothers and babies as the main goal of the delivery process can be through obstetric surgical procedures of caesarean section. The surgical procedures of cesarean section delivery can cause several complications, one of which is surgical site infection (SSI). The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the incidence of surgical site infection (SSI) of post caesarean postpartum mothers at Berkah General Hospital Pandeglang in 2017. This study used an analytical survey research method with a cross-sectional approach. This research was conducted from May to June 2017 at the postpartum room. The research samples were 96 respondents. The sampling technique is accidental sampling. The data collection technique used a questionnaire and direct observations. The data analysis used chi square test. The results showed that out of 96 post cesarean postpartum, 77.1% did not experience SSI. There was a relationship among nutritional status (Pv 0.000; OR 1.8), hemoglobin level (Pv 0.003; OR 8.9), wound care (Pv 0.000) and the incidence of SSI. However, there was no relationship between maternal age (Pv 0.327) and parity (Pv 0.889) and the incidence of SSI. The risk factors of post caesarean section surgical site infection are nutritional status, hemoglobin level, and wound care

    Family Development Toward Independent Family Planning ā€œKampungā€ and Transfer of Technology

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    Background: Family planning ā€kampungā€ is a program to improve the quality of life of people at the village level through the Family Planning and Family Development program and other sector development programs to create quality small families. This study aimed to investigate the family development toward independent family planning ā€kampungā€ and transfer of technology. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study conducted in Pucangsawit, Surakarta, Central Java from Mei to Juli 2019. The theme of this study was family development toward independent family planning ā€kampungā€ and transfer of technology. Several key informants were selected for this study. Data were obatained by indepth interview and questionnaire. The data were analyzed descriptively. Results: Small group family planning counseling training began with material exposure activities, thematic atmosphere development, KB puzzles, and simulations. Cadresā€˜ability to do counseling helped improve knowledge and behavior of family planning acceptors. Creative educational games such as snake and ladder game, quiz, and song helped the elderly family to develop. Gymnastics balance can overcome the balance disorder in the elderly. Kampung KB website, online based data home conversion, promotion of Pucangsawit community creation, are a new innovation. Conclusion: Family development toward independent family planning ā€kampungā€ and transfer of technology can improve knowledge, behavior, and be sensitive to technology. Keywords: family development, family planning, vocational, technolog

    The Relationship Between Therapeutic Communication and Level of Anxiety Among Hospitalized Preschool Children

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    Hospitalization is admission to hospital, either planned or due to unexpected health emergency. In Indonesia, the percentage of preschoolers being hospitalized in 2014 was 15.26%. Hospitalization causes anxiety reactions in children. Therapeutic communication is one solution that nurses can do to reduce anxiety and stress to hospitalized children. The therapeutic communication focused on healing patients, and it was a professional communication conducted by nurses. This research aims to determine the relationship between therapeutic communication and level of anxiety caused by hospitalization in children aged 3-6 years. Cross-sectional studies were applied to the 30 respondents obtained from quota sampling. The data was collected using questionnaires. The valid criteria results using Pearson product moment formula was deļ¬ned if the value of r count ranged from 0.407-0.718, and the reliability test used Cronbach's alpha of value 0.927. The results showed that the therapeutic communication of nurses was fair (60%) and the category of patients' anxiety was severe (53.3%). Chi-square test was used at a signiļ¬cance level of 0.05. A p-value of 0.016 was obtained, indicating signiļ¬cant relationship between the therapeutic communication of nurses and the level of anxiety among hospitalized children. Conclusion: More therapeutic communication was needed, especially in communicating medical information before medical treatment. To improve therapeutic communication skills, nurses should be encouraged to participate in therapeutic communication training