7 research outputs found

    Language Learning Strategies In Learning English

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    The purposes of this research are to find out the language learning strategies used by the students and determining the most language learning strategies used by the students. Direct communication toward students and questionnaire are considered as a technique and tool of data collecting. The method applied is descriptive study. The result of the research shown that the students of sixth semester of English Education Study Program of FKIP UNTAN Pontianak in academic year 2011/2012 who had higher rank of GPA use Compensation Strategy in as the first rank or dominant or preference strategy in learning English and the mean score of the students answer is 3.59 which is classified high. The second rank is Cognitive Strategy, the mean score is 3.38 which is classified moderate. The third rank is Metacognitive Strategy, the mean score is 3.33 which is classified moderate. The forth rank is Social Strategy, the mean score is 3.16 which is classified moderate. The fifth rank is Memory Strategy, the mean score is 2.71whicht is classified moderate. The sixth or last rank is Affective Strategy, the mean score is 2.63 which is classified moderate

    Aktivitas Mukolitik Ekstrak Daun Iler (Coleus Atropurpureus [L.] Benth.) Secara in Vitro

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    Cough is a protective physiological mechanism to stimulate and cleanse the respiratory system of foreign objects that can cause infection. Traditional cough treatment is preferred because of the relatively low side ffects compared tochemical drugs. In some areas, Iler leaves are used as cough medicine. The purpose of this study was to determine the mucolytic activity of ethanol extract of Iler leaves on duck egg white which was added to the test solution every 15 minutes, namely at minutes 0,15,30,45, and 60. Viscosity measurements were carried out in the positive control group, negative control group, 3% group, 4,5% group and 6% group. The results obtained showed that Iler leaves extract was able to significantly reduce the viscosity of duck egg whites compare to the negative control. The ethanol extract of Iler leaves has mucolytic activity against duct egg white in vitro at a concetnration range of 3-6%

    Penetapan Kadar Steviosida pada Simplisia dan Ekstrak Daun Stevia Rebaudiana dari Tiga Daerah Berbeda

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    Pharmaceutical raw materials from agriculture or collection of wild plant chemical content can not be guaranteed always constant due to variable seed, the body, the climate, the conditions (age and how to harvest). The content of the chemical compounds responsible for the biological response must have chemical specifications, namely the composition information (type and concentration). The efficacy of traditional medicine based on the chemical compound. Therefore, the assay of the active substance a crude drugs and extracts needs to be done to ensure that a traditional medicinal products can be assured of quality and usefulness. The assay performed on botanicals and 50% ethanol extract of leaves of Stevia rebaudiana. The assay of the crude drugs and extracts from the stevia leaf area of Malang, Tawangmangu, and Bogor using High Performance Liquid Chromatograph method. Results of the assay stevioside on simplicia and stevia leaf extract obtained stevioside levels in simplicia stevia leaves from Malang, Bogor, Tawangmangu consecutive namely 5.65%; 3.89%; 1.59%. Stevioside levels in the stevia leaf extract of Malang, Bogor, Tawangmangu respectively, are 14.14%; 22.40%; 66.65%

    Antioxidant Screening and Sunscreen Activity of Nanocream of Purified Extract of Kenikir Leaves (ETDK) and Tampoi Fruit Peel Extract (EKBT): Skrining Antioksidan Dan Aktivitas Tabirsurya Nanokrim Ekstrak Terpurifikasi Daun Kenikir (ETDK) Dan Ekstrak Kulit Buah Tampoi (EKBT)

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    Background: UV lights are free radicals that can cause damage to the skin, such as redness, burning, pigmentation, and even cancer. Kenikir leaf purified extract (ETDK) and Tampoi fruit peel extract (EKBT) contain flavonoid compounds. Flavonoid compounds can be antioxidants and sunscreens due to the presence of chromophore groups that can absorb UV rays to reduce exposure to the skin. Objectives: This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity and the ability of sunscreen nano cream Purified extract of Kenikir leaves and Tampoi fruit peel extract. Material and metode:  Nanocream is made with 3 ETDTK-EKBT combination formulas, II ETDK formulas, III EKBT formulas. The antioxidant activity test was carried out using the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) method and the sunscreen activity test using the UV-Vis spectrophotometric method to calculate the SPF value of the preparation (Mansur's method). Result: The results showed that the nano cream formula had a strong antioxidant activity with the per cent inhibition of formula I 78.28%, formula II 68.49%, and formula III 73.00%. The activity test results as a sunscreen formulation of purified extract nano cream from Kenikir leaves and nano cream from Tampoi fruit peel extract had extra protection ability with a sun-protecting factor value of 7 while the nano cream formula combined extract with an SPF value of 10 gave the maximum protection category. Conclusion: nano cream have potential as antioxidants and sunscreens