5 research outputs found


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    Among pediatricians — nephrologists there is no unified point of view on the appropriateness of the use of the term «Chronic kidney disease» (CKD) and its classification worked out by an international group of experts’ of Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) based on studies in adults. The aim of the study is to determine the correlation between the frequency of important symptoms (arterial hypertension (AG), anemia) of CKD with its stages in children. The study involved 295 patients with CKD: 213 children with glomerulopathy, 82 children — with nonglomerular diseases. We found positive correlations between the frequency of AG and anemia with CKD stages. The most significant differences were found between early and late stages of CKD. The nature of the kidney damage produced less impact on the frequency of these symptoms. Given the need for continuity professionals and international harmonization of terminology, it is appropriate to continue the search for markers of cardiovascular disease in the early stages of CKD, as well as to set target values of blood pressure and hemoglobin, depending on the stage of CKD in children. Среди педиатров-нефрологов нет единой точки зрения о целесообразности использования термина «хроническая болезнь почек» (ХБП) и ее классификации, разработанной международной группой экспертов «Инициатива качества исходов болезней почек» (K/DOQI) на основании исследований у взрослых пациентов. Цель работы: установить связь частоты важнейших симптомов прогрессирования — артериальной гипертензии (АГ) и анемии — со стадией ХБП у детей. Обследовано 295 пациентов с ХБП: 213 детей с гломерулопатиями, 82 ребенка с негломерулярными заболеваниями. Установлено, что частота АГ и анемии увеличивается по мере нарастания стадии ХБП. Наиболее существенные различия обнаружены между ранними и поздними стадиями ХБП. Меньшее влияние на частоту этих симптомов оказывает характер болезни. С учетом необходимости преемственности специалистов и международной унификации терминологии целесообразно продолжить поиск маркеров сердечно-сосудистых осложнений на ранних стадиях ХБП, а также установить целевые значения артериального давления и гемоглобина в зависимости от стадии ХБП у детей


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    Coriander is a multi-purpose essential oil plant that has various growing purposes: to obtain essential and fatty oils, to use it as a spice and a green herb. Coriander is a leader in the production and consumption of essential oils. The largest cultivation region in Russia is the Central Blackearth Region. The current work has shown the possibility to grow coriander in the conditions of the Rostov region and has revealed the best genotypes adapted to insufficient humidity. There have been studied 124 coriander collection samples according to various economically valuable traits. There has been presented a range of their variation by the growing season duration from 84 to 106 days, by the plant height from 42 to 80 cm, by yields from 26.5 to 250 g m2, by essential oil percentage from 0.56 to 2.15%, by oil content from 18.9 to 25.4%, by oil yields from 21.4 to 56.5 g/m2, by 1000-kernel weight from 5.2 g to 7.4 g. The paper also shows the conditions to form their greatest values. There have been identified the samples “K-298”, “K-259”, “K-284”, “K-272”, “K-179” with the most valuable set of economic features that can be revealed under various conditions. There have been selected the coriander samples “K-428”, “K-298”, “K-284”, “K-272”, showing high seed yields under free flowering and under isolators. There has been established a fruit formation coefficient (0.16–0.45) taking into account free flowering and insulators, and there have been selected the samples showing a lesser degree of oppression under insulators (with a fruit formation coefficient of >0.3)

    The new winter rapeseed variety “Priz”

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    Rapeseed takes one of the leading places in the world production of vegetable oils. Winter varieties, which are more productive and economically viable than spring ones, are of the greatest interest. Despite the large number of varieties and hybrids of winter rapeseed registered in the State List of Breeding Achievements Approved for Use in the Russian Federation, the productivity of this crop did not increase for the last 15–20 years. The share of foreign breeding hybrids increased to 90%. All of them have been developed in a mild climate of Europe or America and are poorly adapted to our natural and climatic conditions. It is still important to develop a winter rapeseed variety, tolerant to negative temperature changes, to little snowy winters and adapted to the heavy overwinter conditions of the Rostov region. In 2001–2015 the FSBSI “Donskaya Experimental Station named after L. A. Zhdanov” used the method of cohesive self-pollination to develop the winter rapeseed variety “Priz” from a hybrid population grown on the basis of winter resistant highly productive genotypes identified from the varieties of domestic and foreign selection. The variety is characterized by harmonious ripening, short height, short vegetation and uniformity of plants. The potential productivity of seeds in the conditions of the Rostov region is 4.0–4.5 t/ha. Oil percentage of seeds is 47–50%. The quality of oil and meal meet GOST and international requirements. Plants are slightly responsive to powdery mildew and they are highly tolerant to winter. The variety “Priz” was introduced into the State List of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation and approved for use in the North Caucasus (6) cultivation region since 2017