535 research outputs found

    Solitons in cavity-QED arrays containing interacting qubits

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    We reveal the existence of polariton soliton solutions in the array of weakly coupled optical cavities, each containing an ensemble of interacting qubits. An effective complex Ginzburg-Landau equation is derived in the continuum limit taking into account the effects of cavity field dissipation and qubit dephasing. We have shown that an enhancement of the induced nonlinearity can be achieved by two order of the magnitude with a negative interaction strength which implies a large negative qubit-field detuning as well. Bright solitons are found to be supported under perturbations only in the upper (optical) branch of polaritons, for which the corresponding group velocity is controlled by tuning the interacting strength. With the help of perturbation theory for solitons, we also demonstrate that the group velocity of these polariton solitons is suppressed by the diffusion process

    Numerical study on diverging probability density function of flat-top solitons in an extended Korteweg-de Vries equation

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    We consider an extended Korteweg-de Vries (eKdV) equation, the usual Korteweg-de Vries equation with inclusion of an additional cubic nonlinearity. We investigate the statistical behaviour of flat-top solitary waves described by an eKdV equation in the presence of weak dissipative disorder in the linear growth/damping term. With the weak disorder in the system, the amplitude of solitary wave randomly fluctuates during evolution. We demonstrate numerically that the probability density function of a solitary wave parameter Îş\kappa which characterizes the soliton amplitude exhibits loglognormal divergence near the maximum possible Îş\kappa value.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Solitary Waves Under the Competition of Linear and Nonlinear Periodic Potentials

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    In this paper, we study the competition of linear and nonlinear lattices and its effects on the stability and dynamics of bright solitary waves. We consider both lattices in a perturbative framework, whereby the technique of Hamiltonian perturbation theory can be used to obtain information about the existence of solutions, and the same approach, as well as eigenvalue count considerations, can be used to obtained detailed conditions about their linear stability. We find that the analytical results are in very good agreement with our numerical findings and can also be used to predict features of the dynamical evolution of such solutions.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Interaction of pulses in nonlinear Schroedinger model

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    The interaction of two rectangular pulses in nonlinear Schroedinger model is studied by solving the appropriate Zakharov-Shabat system. It is shown that two real pulses may result in appearance of moving solitons. Different limiting cases, such as a single pulse with a phase jump, a single chirped pulse, in-phase and out-of-phase pulses, and pulses with frequency separation, are analyzed. The thresholds of creation of new solitons and multi-soliton states are found.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Accepted to Phys. Rev. E, 200

    New features of modulational instability of partially coherent light; importance of the incoherence spectrum

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    It is shown that the properties of the modulational instability of partially coherent waves propagating in a nonlinear Kerr medium depend crucially on the profile of the incoherent field spectrum. Under certain conditions, the incoherence may even enhance, rather than suppress, the instability. In particular, it is found that the range of modulationally unstable wave numbers does not necessarily decrease monotonously with increasing degree of incoherence and that the modulational instability may still exist even when long wavelength perturbations are stable.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Weakly collisional Landau damping and three-dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal modes: New results on old problems

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    Landau damping and Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) modes are among the most fundamental concepts in plasma physics. While the former describes the surprising damping of linear plasma waves in a collisionless plasma, the latter describes exact undamped nonlinear solutions of the Vlasov equation. There does exist a relationship between the two: Landau damping can be described as the phase-mixing of undamped eigenmodes, the so-called Case-Van Kampen modes, which can be viewed as BGK modes in the linear limit. While these concepts have been around for a long time, unexpected new results are still being discovered. For Landau damping, we show that the textbook picture of phase-mixing is altered profoundly in the presence of collision. In particular, the continuous spectrum of Case-Van Kampen modes is eliminated and replaced by a discrete spectrum, even in the limit of zero collision. Furthermore, we show that these discrete eigenmodes form a complete set of solutions. Landau-damped solutions are then recovered as true eigenmodes (which they are not in the collisionless theory). For BGK modes, our interest is motivated by recent discoveries of electrostatic solitary waves in magnetospheric plasmas. While one-dimensional BGK theory is quite mature, there appear to be no exact three-dimensional solutions in the literature (except for the limiting case when the magnetic field is sufficiently strong so that one can apply the guiding-center approximation). We show, in fact, that two- and three-dimensional solutions that depend only on energy do not exist. However, if solutions depend on both energy and angular momentum, we can construct exact three-dimensional solutions for the unmagnetized case, and two-dimensional solutions for the case with a finite magnetic field. The latter are shown to be exact, fully electromagnetic solutions of the steady-state Vlasov-Poisson-Amp\`ere system

    Instability and Evolution of Nonlinearly Interacting Water Waves

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    We consider the modulational instability of nonlinearly interacting two-dimensional waves in deep water, which are described by a pair of two-dimensional coupled nonlinear Schroedinger equations. We derive a nonlinear dispersion relation. The latter is numerically analyzed to obtain the regions and the associated growth rates of the modulational instability. Furthermore, we follow the long term evolution of the latter by means of computer simulations of the governing nonlinear equations and demonstrate the formation of localized coherent wave envelopes. Our results should be useful for understanding the formation and nonlinear propagation characteristics of large amplitude freak waves in deep water.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Singularites in the Bousseneq equation and in the generalized KdV equation

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    In this paper, two kinds of the exact singular solutions are obtained by the improved homogeneous balance (HB) method and a nonlinear transformation. The two exact solutions show that special singular wave patterns exists in the classical model of some nonlinear wave problems

    Decay of Resonance Structure and Trapping Effect in Potential Scattering Problem of Self-Focusing Wave Packet

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    Potential scattering problems governed by the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation are investigated numerically for various values of coupling constants. The initial condition is assumed to have the Gaussian-type envelope, which differs from the soliton solution. The potential is chosen to be a box or well type. We estimate the dependences of reflectance and transmittance on the width of the potential and compare these results with those given by the stationary Schr\"odinger equation. We attribute the behaviors of these quantities to the limitation on the width of the nonlinear wave packet. The coupling constant and the width of the potential play an important role in the distribution of the waves appearing in the final state of scattering.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures; added 2 figure

    Observation of Sommerfeld precursors on a fluid surface

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    We report the observation of two types of Sommerfeld precursors (or forerunners) on the surface of a layer of mercury. When the fluid depth increases, we observe a transition between these two precursor surface waves in good agreement with the predictions of asymptotic analysis. At depths thin enough compared to the capillary length, high frequency precursors propagate ahead of the ''main signal'' and their period and amplitude, measured at a fixed point, increase in time. For larger depths, low frequency ''precursors'' follow the main signal with decreasing period and amplitude. These behaviors are understood in the framework of the analysis first introduced for linear transient electromagnetic waves in a dielectric medium by Sommerfeld and Brillouin [1].Comment: to be published in Physical Review Letter
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