174 research outputs found

    Sharp Transition between Coalescence and Noncoalescence of Sessile Drops

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    Unexpectedly, under certain conditions, sessile drops from different but completely miscible liquids do not always coalesce instantaneously upon contact: the drop bodies remain separated in a temporary state of noncoalescence, connected through a thin liquid bridge. Here we investigate the transition between the states of instantaneous coalescence and temporary noncoalescence. Experiments reveal that it is barely influenced by viscosities and absolute surface tensions. The main system control parameters for the transition are the arithmetic means of the three-phase angles, Θ‾a\overline{\Theta}_a and the surface tension differences Δγ\Delta\gamma between both liquids. These relevant parameters can be combined into a single system parameter, a speciffic Marangoni number M~=3Δγ/(2γ‾Θ‾a2)\widetilde{M} = 3\Delta\gamma / (2\overline{\gamma}\overline{\Theta}_a^2). This M~\widetilde{M} universally characterizes the coalescence respectively transition behavior as a function of both, the physicochemical liquid properties and the shape of the liquid body in the contact region. The transition occurs at a certain threshold value M~t\widetilde{M}_t and is sharp within the experimental resolution. The experimentally observed threshold value of M~t≈2\widetilde{M}_t \approx 2 agrees quantitatively with values obtained by simulations assuming authentic real space data. The simulations indicate that the absolute value of M~t\widetilde{M}_t very weakly depends on the molecular diffusivity.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Non-coalescence of sessile drops from different but miscible liquids: Hydrodynamic analysis of the twin drop contour as self stabilizing, traveling wave

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    Capillarity always favors drop fusion. Nevertheless sessile drops from different but completely miscible liquids often do not fuse instantaneously upon contact. Rather, intermediate non-coalescence is observed. Two separate drop bodies, connected by a thin liquid neck move over the substrate. Supported by new experimental data a thin film hydrodynamic analysis of this state is presented. Presumably advective and diffusive volume fluxes in the neck region establish a localized and temporarily stable surface tension gradient. This induces a local surface (Marangoni) flow that stabilizes a traveling wave i.e., the observed moving twin drop configuration. The theoretical predictions are in excellent agreement with the experimental findings.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Cusp-shaped Elastic Creases and Furrows

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    The surfaces of growing biological tissues, swelling gels, and compressed rubbers do not remain smooth, but frequently exhibit highly localized inward folds. We reveal the morphology of this surface folding in a novel experimental setup, which permits to deform the surface of a soft gel in a controlled fashion. The interface first forms a sharp furrow, whose tip size decreases rapidly with deformation. Above a critical deformation, the furrow bifurcates to an inward folded crease of vanishing tip size. We show experimentally and numerically that both creases and furrows exhibit a universal cusp-shape, whose width scales like y3/2y^{3/2} at a distance yy from the tip. We provide a similarity theory that captures the singular profiles before and after the self-folding bifurcation, and derive the length of the fold from large deformation elasticity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Droplets move over viscoelastic substrates by surfing a ridge

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    Liquid drops on soft solids generate strong deformations below the contact line, resulting from a balance of capillary and elastic forces. The movement of these drops may cause strong, potentially singular dissipation in the soft solid. Here we show that a drop on a soft substrate moves by surfing a ridge: the initially flat solid surface is deformed into a sharp ridge whose orientation angle depends on the contact line velocity. We measure this angle for water on a silicone gel and develop a theory based on the substrate rheology. We quantitatively recover the dynamic contact angle and provide a mechanism for stick-slip motion when a drop is forced strongly: the contact line depins and slides down the wetting ridge, forming a new one after a transient. We anticipate that our theory will have implications in problems such as self-organization of cell tissues or the design of capillarity-based microrheometers.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Lubrication of soft viscoelastic solids

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    Lubrication flows appear in many applications in engineering, biophysics, and in nature. Separation of surfaces and minimisation of friction and wear is achieved when the lubrication fluid builds up a lift force. In this paper we analyse soft lubricated contacts by treating the solid walls as viscoelastic: soft materials are typically not purely elastic, but dissipate energy under dynamical loading conditions. We present a method for viscoelastic lubrication and focus on three canonical examples, namely Kelvin-Voigt-, Standard Linear-, and Power Law-rheology. It is shown how the solid viscoelasticity affects the lubrication process when the timescale of loading becomes comparable to the rheological timescale. We derive asymptotic relations between lift force and sliding velocity, which give scaling laws that inherit a signature of the rheology. In all cases the lift is found to decrease with respect to purely elastic systems
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