10 research outputs found

    The cyclomatic number of connected graphs without solvable orbits

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    A graph is without solvable orbits if its group of automorphisms acts on each of its orbits through a non-solvable quotient. We prove that there is a connected graph without solvable orbits of cyclomatic number c if and only if c is equal to 6, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, or is at least 24, and briefly discuss the geometric consequences

    On geometric graph Ramsey numbers

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    For any two-colouring of the segments determined by 3n-3 points in general position in the plane, either the first colour class contains a triangle, or there is a noncrossing cycle of length n in the secondcolour class, and this result is tight. We also give a series of more general estimates on off-diagonal geometric graph Ramsey numbers in the same spirit. Finally we investigate the existence of large noncrossing monochromatic matchings in multicoloured geometric graphs

    Restricted set addition: The exceptional case of the Erdos-Heilbronn conjecture

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    Let A,B be different nonempty subsets of the group of integers modulo a prime p. If p is not smaller than |A|+|B|-2, then at least this many residue classes can be represented as a+b, where a and b are different elements of A and B, respectively. This result complements the solution of a problem of Erdos and Heilbronn obtained by Alon, Nathanson, and Ruzsa

    Restricted set addition: The exceptional case of the Erdos-Heilbronn conjecture

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    Let A,B be different nonempty subsets of the group of integers modulo a prime p. If p is not smaller than |A|+|B|-2, then at least this many residue classes can be represented as a+b, where a and b are different elements of A and B, respectively. This result complements the solution of a problem of Erdos and Heilbronn obtained by Alon, Nathanson, and Ruzsa

    Balanced subset sums of dense sets of integers

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    Given n different positive integers not greater than 2n-2, we prove that more than n^2/12 consecutive integers can be represented as the sum of half of the given numbers. This confirms a conjecture of Lev

    An Erdos-Szekeres type problem in the plane

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    On geometric graph Ramsey numbers

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    For any two-colouring of the segments determined by 3n-3 points in general position in the plane, either the first colour class contains a triangle, or there is a noncrossing cycle of length n in the secondcolour class, and this result is tight. We also give a series of more general estimates on off-diagonal geometric graph Ramsey numbers in the same spirit. Finally we investigate the existence of large noncrossing monochromatic matchings in multicoloured geometric graphs

    Empty convex polygons in almost convex sets

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    A finite set of points, in general position in the plane, is almost convex if every triple determines a triangle with at most one point in its interior. For every k>2, we determine the maximum size of an almost convex set that does not contain the vertex set of an empty convex k-gon

    An algorithm for finding many disjoint monochromatic edges in a complete 2-colored geometric graph

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    We present an O(n log log n+2 )-time algorithm for finding n disjoint monochromatic edges in a complete geometric graph of 3n - 1 vertices, where the edges are colored by two colors

    Ramsey-type results for geometric graphs

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    We show that for any 2-coloring of the ... segments determined by n points in the plane, one of the color classes contains non-crossing cycles of lengths 3, 4, ..., ⌊√(n/2)⌋. This result is tight up to a multiplicative constant. Under the same assumptions, we also prove that there is a non-crossing path of length &Omega(n&sup2/³), all of whose edges are of the same color. In the special case when the n points are in convex position, we find longer monochromatic non-crossing paths, of length... This bound cannot be improvved..