6 research outputs found

    Patogene plijesni u sjemenkama različitih sorti graška u Poljskoj

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    Legume crops are exposed to infection by fungal pathogens, which often results in contamination with mycotoxins. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of field resistance/susceptibility of edible and fodder pea cultivars to the colonization of seeds by fungal pathogens in two subsequent seasons, as well as to identify the pathogens present in the seeds of the tested cultivars. Alternaria spp. were the most common fungi isolated from pea seeds in both seasons, followed by Fusarium spp., Stemphylium spp., Ulocladium spp., Botrytis cinerea Pers., Epicoccum nigrum Link., and Phoma pinodella L. K. Jones. The highest percentage of infected seeds (55 %) was recorded for cultivar Ezop. The presence of a large number of fungi was found in 2012 for cultivars Santana, Tarchalska, Medal, Cysterski, Mentor, Lasso, and Ezop. Fodder cultivars displayed a lower infection level than edible cultivars. We can conclude that Alternaria spp. were the most frequent fungi present in pea seeds in Poland and Fusarium spp. were likely the most dangerous, having in mind their established mycotoxigenic abilities.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti stupanj otpornosti/podložnosti jestivih sorti graška i onih koji se koriste za krmivo na kolonizaciju sjemenki patogenim plijesnima tijekom dviju sezona te identificirati patogene u sjemenkama istraživanih sorti. Najčešća plijesan izdvojena iz sjemenki tijekom obiju sezona bila je Alternaria spp., a nju su brojnošću pratile Fusarium spp., Stemphylium spp., Ulocladium spp., Botrytis cinerea Pers., Epicoccum nigrum Link. i Phoma pinodella L. K. Jones. Najviši postotak zaraženih sjemenki (55 %) zabilježen je za sortu Ezop. Prisutnost većeg broja plijesni pronađen je 2012. u sortama Santana, Tarchalska, Medal, Cysterski, Mentor, Lasso i Ezop. Sorte korištene za krmivo pokazale su općenito nižu razinu zaraženosti od jestivih. Možemo zaključiti kako je Alternaria spp. bila najčešća plijesan u sjemenkama graška u Poljskoj, a Fusarium spp. vjerojatno najopasnija, uzimajući u obzir njene ustanovljene mikotoksigenične sposobnosti

    Diversity of Pea-Associated F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides Populations Revealed by FUM1 Sequence Analysis and Fumonisin Biosynthesis

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    Fusarium proliferatum and F. verticillioides are considered as minor pathogens of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Both species can survive in seed material without visible disease symptoms, but still contaminating it with fumonisins. Two populations of pea-derived F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides strains were subjected to FUM1 sequence divergence analysis, forming a distinct group when compared to the collection strains originating from different host species. Furthermore, the mycotoxigenic abilities of those strains were evaluated on the basis of in planta and in vitro fumonisin biosynthesis. No differences were observed in fumonisin B (FB) levels measured in pea seeds (maximum level reached 1.5 μg g−1); however, in rice cultures, the majority of F. proliferatum genotypes produced higher amounts of FB1–FB3 than F. verticillioides strains

    Diversity of Pea-Associated F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides Populations Revealed by FUM1 Sequence Analysis and Fumonisin Biosynthesis

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    Fusarium proliferatum and F. verticillioides are considered as minor pathogens of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Both species can survive in seed material without visible disease symptoms, but still contaminating it with fumonisins. Two populations of pea-derived F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides strains were subjected to FUM1 sequence divergence analysis, forming a distinct group when compared to the collection strains originating from different host species. Furthermore, the mycotoxigenic abilities of those strains were evaluated on the basis of in planta and in vitro fumonisin biosynthesis. No differences were observed in fumonisin B (FB) levels measured in pea seeds (maximum level reached 1.5 μg g−1); however, in rice cultures, the majority of F. proliferatum genotypes produced higher amounts of FB1–FB3 than F. verticillioides strains