23 research outputs found

    The Effect of the Using of Extraction Solutionhclat Different Concentrations on the Mineral Content of Black Sea Cucumbar (Holothuria Edulis)

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    The purpose of the research was to know the effect of the using of HCl at the different concentrations on the extraction of the mineral content of black sea cucumber (Holothuria edulis). The design used was completely randomized design (CRD). The treatment conducted was consisting of three varied concentrations of HCl, namely: P1 (HCl with concentration of 4%), P2 (HCl with concentration of 5%), and P3 (HCl with concentration of 6%). The results showed that the black sea cucumber contained moisture of(86,42%), ash of (3,94%), fat of (0,83%), protein of (7,87%), carbohydrate of (0,94%), calcium of (6,82 mg/100), potassium of (1,04 mg/100), sodium of (9,51 mg/100), magnesium of (11,90 mg/100), phosphor of (0,31 mg/100), and the iron of (4,02 mg/100).Keywoard: Black sea cucumber, Hydrochloric acid, Minera

    Quality Characteristics and Consumer Acceptance of Mussel (Anodonta SP) Snack Prepared with Different Mussel Meat Composition

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    This research was intended to evaluate quality characteristics and consumer acceptance of mussel snack formulated with different mussel meat composition. Mussel snack was prepared from fresh mussel meat, tapioca flour, sticky rice flour, chesse, egg, monosodium glutamat and backing soda. Three mussel snacks were prepared respectively by addition of 10%, 20% and 30% mussel meat. The snacks were evaluated for quality characteristics, consumer acceptance and proximate composition. The result indicated that the best sensory quality of the mussel snack was shown by that prepared with addition of 20% mussel meat; and the best consumer acceptance of the snack was produced by that made with addition of 10% mussel meat. Moisture, ash, protein and fat of the mussel snack made with addition of 10% mussel meat was 2,59%, 1,73%, 3,60% and 34,47% respectively; 20% mussel meat was 2,97%, 1,89%, 4,02%, 38,94% respectively and 30% mussel meat was 3,01%, 2,07%, 9,91% and 39,59% respectively

    Effect of Different Treatment on Quality Sensory and Trash Fish Chemical Raw Materials as Fish Meal

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of boiling, salting andicing effectivity in maintaining the chemical and sensory quality of the trashedfish flour. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RAK)with 1 factor. Treatments of the study were boiling, salting and icing whichconsists by 3 stages, suchas: first stage; fish was boiled into boiling water for 15minutes, second stage; fish was salted with salt 15%, and third stage; fish was icedwith comparation 2: 1 of ice and fish on temperature 5℃. The time of storage oftrashed fish was group (4, 6, 8, and 10 days). The parameters was were sensoricvalue (odor), proximate composition, NPN and TVB. The results showed thesensoric value of the trashed fish wich was boiled and iced for storage bad odorand had been rejected on 6 day. Although, the trashed fish wich was salted hadno bad odor and still received for storage. The average value of sensoric quality ofthe trashed fish was boiling 7,63, salting 7,83 and 4,96 icing. For chemicalanalysis (proximat value, NPN and TVB), the best treatment of the trashed fishwith boiling treatment. The proximat compotition of the salted trashed fish forstorage were water value 8,28%, ash value 25,84% , fat value 7,01% and proteinvalue 51,87%. While the value of NPN and TVB were NPN 0,28% and TVB5,41mg

    The Effect of Different Concentration of Crude Bromelain Enzym to Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) Sauce

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    This research was intended to determine the effect of crude bromelain enzym withdifferent concentration to catfish (Clarias gariepinus) sauce. The fuction of crude bromelainenzym as catalysator which helping of hydrolisis in catfish (Clarias gariepinus) saucefermentation. The crude bromelin enzym extracted from fruit of pineapple. Crude bromelainenzym concentration which used for this research was 3% (B3), 6% (B6), and 9% (B9). The bestconcentration of crude bromelain enzym for catfish sauce quality was B9, because producedhighest hydrolisat volume and protein content which was 99.67 ml, 77.86% (bk) respectively.Total oganoleptic value which made with 9% concentration of crude enzym bromelain the wasmost favorable by consumer acceptance with 5.21 colour value, 4.36 taste value, 8.07 texturevalue and 5.91 odor value

    Manufacture Isolates Protein of Carp (Osphronemus Gouramy) with Different Ph Methods

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    This study aimed to get protein isolate carp (Osphronemus gouramy) with different pH methods. A total of carp 10,5 kg was obtained from the modern market in Pekanbaru. The metode of this research was completely randomized design (CRD). The treatment consists of (P1 = pH 9 dan pH 4, P2 = pH 9 dan pH 5, P3 = pH 10 dan pH 4, P4 = pH 10 dan pH 5, P5 = pH 11 dan pH 4, P6 = pH 11 dan pH 5). The results showed that the treatment P6 (pH 11 dan pH 5) wich is an average of 6.44 g with the amount of yield 12.88%. Where the result of proximate lamely: water content 4.17% bb, ash content 15.29% bk, fat content 1.98% bk, protein content 80.10% bk, and carbohydrates 2.63% bk, with a total amino acid content is 61.60%, wich dominates the amino acid is glutamic acid (9.49%), lysine (8.01%), and aspartic acid (7.22%)

    The Effect of Different Concentration of Papaya Sap Flour for Quality Characteristic of Snake Head (Channa Striata) Fish Sauce

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    This research was purposed to determine effect of papaya sap flour addition withdifferent concentration as catalyst to snake head (Channa striata) fish sauce fermentation. Flourof papaya sap as catalyst was containing the papain enzym components that could used to sneakhead (Channa striata) fish fermentation. The concentration of papaya sap flour was used in thisresearch was 2.5%, 5% and 7.5%. The result was dominated with protein content 59.53 (%bk).The best concentration of papaya sap flour for snake head fish sauce was 7.5% with hydrolysisvolume 81.33ml and protein amount 88.80 (%bk). Total oganoleptic value fish sauce whichmade with 2.5% concentration papaya sap flour was most favorable by consumer acceptancewith value of color 4.52, taste 5.32,textur 5.30, and odor 3.34

    The Study Of Quality Sensory And Microbiological Various Types Of Smoked Fish Which Marketed At Kecamatan Sukajadi Pekanbaru

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    This research was to determine evaluate the sensory quality and microbiological various types of smoked fish which marketed at Kecamatan Sukajadi Pekanbaru. Three types of smoked fish obtained from market Cikpuan, Palapa and Kodim. Smoked fish originated from Bangkinang, Pelalawan, Rokan Hilir and Palembang. Smoked fish observed to the sensory quality ang microbiological. The result of this study have shown that the sensory quality and microbiological which marketed in Palapa have the highest sensory quality from Cikpuan and Kodim; Based on the types fish which marketed have shown that selais fish have the highest sensory quality from patin and baung; Based on the origin of the production area, showed that Pelalawan have the highest sensory quality from Bangkinang, Palembang and Rokan Hilir. Based on microbiological parameter (TPC, Stapylococcus aureus, Koliform and Jamur), showed that smoked fish which marketed in Cikpuan have the highest microbiological value from Kodim and Palapa. Based on the types, the fish which marketed in the three of market showed that baung fish have the highest microbiological value from patin and selais; Based on the origin of the production area showed that Palembang have the highest microbiological from Pelalawan, Bangkinang and Rokan Hilir

    Shelf Life Prediction of the Snakehead Biscuit (Ophiocephalus Striatus) Using Accelarated Critical Moisture Methode, Model of Labuza

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    The research was conducted to determine shelf life of the biscuit rapidly andmore simply with accelarated critical moisture methode model of Labuza.Onresearch, biscuit was ditinguished into B0 (without the powder of snakehead) andB1 (subtituted by the powder of snakehead). The nutrition facts of the biscuitswere: protein (8,09% of B0 and 24,02% of B1), fat (21,33% of B0 and 53,16% ofB1), ash (1,14% of B0 and 1,54% of B1), and mositure (1,96% of B0 and 5,39%of B1). The biscuits were stored in polypropylen packaging. The variabels ofmodel of Labuza: 1) The main parameters; Mi (0,051g H2O/g solid of B0 and0,062g H2O/g solid of B1), Mc (0,066 g H2O/g solid of B0 and 0,078 g H2O/gsolid of B1), Me (0,601 g H2O/g solid of B0 and 0,576 g H2O/g solid of B1);2)The supporting parameters; curve slope (b) (0,224 of B0 and 0,422 of B1), k/x(0,002 g H2O/m3.day), A/Ws (0,0004 m2/g), and P0 (31,824 mmHg). According tomodel of Labuza, shelf life of the bicuits were stored in room temperature (30oC)and RH 90% were 8,14 months for B0 and 17,54 months for B1. Different shelflife of two biscuits were caused by the difference of moisture value (Mi, Mc, Me).The high hygroscopic protein (albumin) of B1 caused the slowed water difution(need many days) to reach the equilibrium condition