320 research outputs found

    The Impact of Coral Bleaching on Coral Reef Fishes in Sekotong Bay, West Lombok Regency

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    Coral reef fish is one of the main components making up the ecosystem of coral reefs. There is a strong mutual dependence between reef-forming corals and fish that inhabit coral reefs. Various fish species use coral as a food source and habitat. This article describes the impact of coral bleaching on the diversity, density, and biomass of coral reef fish in the waters of Sekotong Bay, West Lombok. Underwater visual census (UVC) methods are used to obtain data on species, the number of individuals per species, and fish size at transect length 70 meters and width 5 meters. Simple linear regression analysis that is used to assess the impact of coral bleaching on the condition of coral reef fish shows that coral bleaching affects the diversity and density of reef fish. This analysis also showed that coral bleaching affected herbivorous fish biomass but not carnivorous fish. This study concludes that the degradation of coral fish in the Sekotong Bay of West Lombok occurs due to various factors, especially the declining health conditions of coral reef

    The Preference of Trigona sp for pollen various plant species in Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari

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    Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lesatri (KRPL) is one of the efforts that can be done to manage food security in the face of climate change. The management of the potential contained in KRPL is by applying Trigona sp honey bee cultivation which is integrated with agricultural land. The success of honey bee cultivation is highly dependent on the availability of feed in the environment. This study aims to determine the preferences of pollen collected by Trigona sp at KRPL. This type of research is a qualitative research with Chi square analysis. The research sample was bee pollen contained in 14 stup. The research was conducted from July-November. Data collection was carried out in October and November by making observations at KRPL with an area of 784 meters then making plant reference preparations that have the potential to be Trigona sp pollen feed in KRPL and comparing reference preparations with pollen preparations in Trigona sp stup. The results of the research at KRPL showed that there were 20 types of plant pollen in KRPL. The results of the descriptive analysis with chi square showed that there was a preference for the type of pollen that was fed to Trigona sp bees with a value of x2h > x2t so that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted

    Species Diversity of Gastropoda in Seagrass Ecosystems at Mandalika Beach

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    Madak is looking for or hunting marine biota that can be consumed or has high economic value. Madak's activities can still threaten the existence of species on Mandalika Beach, one of which is Gastropods. This research focuses on the diversity of gastropod species that live in seagrass beds at Mandalika Beach. This study aims to identify the abundance and analyze the diversity index, uniformity index and dominance index of gastropod species in seagrass ecosystems on the Mandalika coast. This type of research is included in the type of descriptive-explorative research. This study describes the diversity of gastropod species in seagrass ecosystems on Mandalika Beach. The testing procedure utilized purposive examining. The research was conducted at 3 stations with 3 transects at each station. The results showed 27 species and 15 families of Gastropods. The species abundance value was 0.796 ind/m2, the species diversity index value was 1.849, the uniformity index value was 0.686, and the dominance index value was 0.280

    Community of Mangrove Category Tree and Sapling in The Sekotong Bay, West Lombok

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    Community of mangrove in the Bay of Sekotong, West Lombok was studied to know the species composition, individual density of each species, and percentage covering of mangrove canopy. Total 28 plots of 10 m x 10 m were set in 9 transects in 5 stations. Photographs of canopy covering and mangrove community composition were analyzed by using software ImageJ and template spreadsheet 10x10, the new version of March 2018. The community of mangrove of Sekotong bay, West Lombok consists of 8 species, 5 genera, and 4 families. Rhizophora apiculata & Rhizophora stylosa were recorded in seven of nine transects (78% of transect).  Ceriops tagal was a species that was also recorded to have the highest density (3700 trees/ha) in transect SKTM02B. The average density of the mangrove sapling category was higher than the mangrove tree category. The three highest covering percentages of canopi mangrove community took place in transects SKTM01A, SKTM01B, and SKTM04T


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    AbstractResearch on seagrass fishes resources condition was conducted in the intertidal zone of Ekas Bay, East Lombok. Sampling of fishes was conducted using the swept area method with beach seine. The result of this research in three station showed that the degree of fishes diversity was low. There was a strong indication that the fishes species in the research area were dominated by certain fish species. In general, the firtility of Ekas Bay coastal water was semilar with the other coastal waters, however the environmental condition mainly the low of persentage of seagrass covering in the research location was the main couse of the low diversity of seagrass fish of the area. High exploitation followed by destruction methods of exploitation can be the main causes of fish degradation habitat, mainly in the seagrass of Ekas Bay, East Lombok. Key words: fish habitat, Lombok, marine,seagrass fishs AbstrakPenelitian kondisi sumberdaya ikan padang lamun telah dilakukan di wilayah intertidal Teluk Ekas, Lombok Timur. Pengambilan sampel ikan menggunakan metode swept area dengan pukat pantai (beach seine) di tiga stasiun pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keanekaragaman ikan di lokasi penelitian rendah. Ada indikasi yang sangat kuat bahwa dominansi suatu jenis ikan di setiap stasiun pengamatan. Secara umum, kesuburan perairan Teluk Ekas relatif sama dengan perairan lainnya, namun kondisi lingkungan terutama persentasi penutupan padang lamun yang rendah menjadi penyebab utama rendahnya keanekaragaman ikan padang lamun di lokasi penelitian. Tingkat eksploitasi yang tinggi disertai dengan cara eksploitasi yang tidak mempertimbangkan kesinambungan pemanfaatan sumberdaya menjadi penyebab rusaknya habitat ikan, khususnya padang lamun di Teluk Ekas, Lombok Timur. Kata kunci: ikan padang lamun, habitat ikan, laut, Lombok


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    Mitra kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah anggota Kelompok Tani Saling Tulung yang terletak Di Desa Mertak Tombok Kecamatan Peraya Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Anggota Kelompok Tani Saling Tulung Memiliki usaha sampingan yaitu beternak itik, kambing dan sapi. Kegiatan peternakan menghasikan sampah kotoran ternak yang dibuang ke sungai. Pembuangan kotoran ternak ke sungai berdampak negatif yaitu dapat menyebabkan tercemarnya air sungai dan air tanah yang pada akhirnya dapat mencemari air sumur masyarakat sekitar. Dalam upaya membantu masyarakat memecahkan masalah tersebut maka dilakukan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk: (1) melakukan pendampingan kepada anggota Kelompok Tani Saling Tulung dalam melakukan pengolahan  kotoran itik, kambing dan kotoran sapi menjadi bokashi. (2) melakukan pendampingan kepada anggota Kelompok Tani Saling Tulung dalam melakukan pemupukan tanaman menggunakan bokashi untuk meningkatkan hasil panen tanaman. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah: (1) anggota Kelompok Tani Saling Tulung memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang teknik pengolahan sampah organik khususnya kotoran sapi, kotoran itik dan kotoran kambing  menjadi bokhasi, (2) anggota Kelompok Tani Saling Tulung memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang teknik pemupukan tanaman menggunakan bokashi, (3) Anggota Kelompok Tani Saling Tulung memiliki respons yang baik terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini, mereka berkeinginan untuk moncoba memanfaatkan sampah peternakan terutama kotoran ternak yang ada disekitarnya sebagai bahan baku pembuatan bokashi

    The effect of giving cabbage litter on population growth of the african night crawder earthworm (Eudrilus eugeniae)

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    Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) is one of the vegetable wastes that is often produced by the Amahami market, Bima City. With its easy-to-wilt nature and high water content, cabbage causes it to rot quickly, which will impact environmental problems. Processing market waste certainly requires sustainable management. One model of waste management is to use it as feed. This research aims to determine the effect of giving cabbage waste on the increase in the population of earthworms (Eudrilus eugeniae). The research was carried out in Bima City, Ule Village, Asakota District, Tolotongga Environment. The type of this research is experimental. The research design was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and ten replications. The parameter observed was the increase in the number of earthworms, analyzed using One Way Anova and followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results of the research showed that giving cabbage waste (Brassica oleracea) as feed had a significant effect (0.009<0.05) on increasing the population of earthworms (Eudrilus eugeniae). The treatment with the highest results was P1 (50 grams of cabbage), with an average number of worms of 367.30

    Effect of The Addition of Hyacinths as Feed to Increase The Production of Earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus)

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    Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is one of Indonesia's wild plants which is considered a weed because of its rapid growth that can cause environmental problems. Generally, water hyacinth control is carried out physically/conventionally by throwing it away or burning it, causing new environmental problems. Water hyacinth has a high organic matter content, therefore water hyacinth can be used as an alternative feed to increase the production of earthworms. This study aims to determine the effect of adding water hyacinth as feed to increasing the production of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus).This study aims to determine the effect of adding water hyacinth as feed to increasing the production of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus). The research was conducted in the Dasan Dao hamlet, Ranggagata Village, Southwest Praya District, Central Lombok Regency, in the researcher's private house for 60 days. This type of research is an experimental research. The research design used was a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Treatments were P0 (0 grams of water hyacinth), P1 (50 grams of water hyacinth), P2 (100 grams of water hyacinth), P3 (150 grams of water hyacinth). Parameters observed were the number and weight of earthworms. The results showed that the treatment had a significant effect on the weight and number of earthworms (P<0.05). The results of the treatment on the number of earthworms P0;P1;P2;P3 were 84;93.75;117.25;127.5 and the weight of earthworms was 85;102.5;118.75;124.75. The highest number and weight of earthworms were found in the P3 treatment (150 g of water hyacinth). The conclusion of this research is the addition of water hyacinth as feed can increase the number and weight of earthworms

    The effect of vermicompost on growth of shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.)

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    Shallots have long been cultivated by farmers intensively because shallots have a high economic value, so they become a source of income for farmers. Shallots are annual plants belonging to monocotyledonous plants that have multi-layered tubers formed from layers of leaves that enlarge and unite with cylindrical leaves. The soil fertility level influences shallots' growth, development, and production, requiring additional fertilizers. One of the good fertilizers used is vermicompost. Vermicompost is an organic fertilizer containing microbes and elements required for plant growth. This study aims to determine vermicompost's effect on shallot growth (Allium ascalonicum L.). This study used a completely randomized design with ten replications. The treatment levels consisted of P0 = 0 grams of vermicompost per 1 kg of soil, P1 = 40 grams of vermicompost per 1 kg, P2 = 80 grams of vermicompost per 1 kg of soil, and P3 = 120 grams of vermicompost per 1 kg of soil. Parameters observed were the number of leaves, number of tubers, plant height, wet weight, dry weight, and chlorophyll content of shallot. The research data were analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test at the 5% level. The results showed that the addition of vermicompost had a significant effect on the number of leaves and chlorophyll content of the shallot but had no significant impact on the number of bulbs, plant height, wet weight, and dry weight of the shallot

    Population and Coservation of Macaca fascicularis for Ecotourism Contributing on Sekaroh Forest Area, East Lombok Regency

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    The Sekaroh Forest Area is one of the fastest growing tourist destinations. This study aims to obtain an accurate description of the population, abundance, food and food sources as well as habitat conditions. Population data of Macaca fascicularis was taken through a census by exploring, observing and observing the type of habitat. Food and food sources, especially those from vegetation elements, were taken using the quadratic method at the observation station. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the study found that the population of Macaca fascicularis in the Sekaroh Forest Area, East Lombok Regency, amounted to 92 individuals. Monkeys consume 33 types of plants, 4 types of insects and are very dependent on the availability of food in their environment, the food provided by visitors is liked by monkeys and provides good nutritional value. Residents in the Sekaroh Forest Area consider the presence of Macaca fascicularis as an agricultural pest. In addition, the population of Macaca fascicularis needs to be controlled as an effort to mitigate agricultural pests and support ecotourism. Local residents need to be involved in Macaca fascicularis conservation efforts in the Sekaroh Forest Area for security and to avoid conflict