354 research outputs found

    Electronic conduction in a three-terminal molecular transistor

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    The electronic conduction of a novel, three-terminal molecular architecture, analogous to a heterojunction bipolar transistor is studied. In this architecture, two diode arms consisting of donor-acceptor molecular wires fuse through a ring, while a gate modulating wire is a \pi-conjugated wire. The calculated results show the enhancement or depletion mode of a transistor by applying a gate field along the positive or negative direction. A small gate field is required to switch on the current in the proposed architecture. The changes in the electronic conduction can be attributed to the intrinsic dipolar molecular architecture in terms of the evolution of molecular wavefunctions, specifically the one associated with the terphenyl group of the modulating wire in the presence of the gate field.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Density Matrix Perturbation Theory

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    An expansion method for perturbation of the zero temperature grand canonical density matrix is introduced. The method achieves quadratically convergent recursions that yield the response of the zero temperature density matrix upon variation of the Hamiltonian. The technique allows treatment of embedded quantum subsystems with a computational cost scaling linearly with the size of the perturbed region, O(N_pert.), and as O(1) with the total system size. It also allows direct computation of the density matrix response functions to any order with linear scaling effort. Energy expressions to 4th order based on only first and second order density matrix response are given.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Theoretical Study of Physisorption of Nucleobases on Boron Nitride Nanotubes: A New Class of Hybrid Nano-Bio Materials

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    We investigate the adsorption of the nucleic acid bases, adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), thymine (T) and uracil (U) on the outer wall of a high curvature semiconducting single-walled boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) by first principles density functional theory calculations. The calculated binding energy shows the order: G>A\approxC\approxT\approxU implying that the interaction strength of the (high-curvature) BNNT with the nucleobases, G being an exception, is nearly the same. A higher binding energy for the G-BNNT conjugate appears to result from a stronger hybridization of the molecular orbitals of G and BNNT, since the charge transfer involved in the physisorption process is insignificant. A smaller energy gap predicted for the G-BNNT conjugate relative to that of the pristine BNNT may be useful in application of this class of biofunctional materials to the design of the next generation sensing devices.Comment: 17 pages 6 figure

    Applicability of carbon and boron nitride nanotubes as biosensors: Effect of biomolecular adsorption on the transport properties of carbon and boron nitride nanotubes

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    The effect of molecular adsorption on the transport properties of single walled carbon and boron nitride nanotubes (CNTs and BNNTs) is investigated using density functional theory and nonequilibrium Green’s function methods. The calculated I-V characteristics predict noticeable changes in the conductivity of semiconducting BNNTs due to physisorption of nucleic acid base molecules. Specifically, guanine which binds to the side wall of BNNT significantly enhances its conductivity by introducing conduction channels near the Fermi energy of the bioconjugated system. For metallic CNTs, a large background current masks relatively small changes in current due to the biomolecular adsorption. The results therefore suggest the suitability of BNNTs for biosensing applications

    Performance of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) hybrids for yield and quality in the Utkal plain region of Odisha state, India

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    Cocos nucifera L. is a perennial oil yielding crop with a long productive life span (>60 years); thus, identifying a suitable high yielding hybrid to a particular agro-climatic region plays a prime role in achieving sustainable coconut yield. In this context, an evaluation trial with varietal cross combinations involving Tall × Dwarf (six crosses) and Dwarf × Tall (two crosses) was conducted at All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Palms, Bhubaneshwar Centre, Odisha, for 15 years. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with four replications maintaining six palms per replication. Observations on yield and yield attributing characters during 2018 to 2020 revealed the superior performance of ECT × GBGD (99.1 nuts), which was followed by ECT × MYD (86.9 nuts) over the local check (ECT) by recording higher nut yield. Copra output per palm was significantly the highest under ECT × GBGD (20.6 kg palm-1), followed by LCT × COD (18.6 kg palm-1). Hybrids possessed a higher quantity of organoleptically ‘good’ tender nut water (270.3 to 354.1 mL) with TSS of 5.8 to 6.9 °Brix, 25.4 to 34.0 ppm of sodium and 2065.9 to 2885.0 ppm of potassium

    Physisorption of Nucleobases on Graphene

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    We report the results of our first-principles investigation on the interaction of the nucleobases adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), thymine (T), and uracil (U) with graphene, carried out within the density functional theory framework, with additional calculations utilizing Hartree--Fock plus second-order Moeller-Plesset perturbation theory. The calculated binding energy of the nucleobases shows the following hierarchy: G > T ~ C ~ A > U, with the equilibrium configuration being very similar for all five of them. Our results clearly demonstrate that the nucleobases exhibit significantly different interaction strengths when physisorbed on graphene. The stabilizing factor in the interaction between the base molecule and graphene sheet is dominated by the molecular polarizability that allows a weakly attractive dispersion force to be induced between them. The present study represents a significant step towards a first-principles understanding of how the base sequence of DNA can affect its interaction with carbon nanotubes, as observed experimentally.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Ab initio linear scaling response theory: Electric polarizability by perturbed projection

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    A linear scaling method for calculation of the static {\em ab inito} response within self-consistent field theory is developed and applied to calculation of the static electric polarizability. The method is based on density matrix perturbation theory [Niklasson and Challacombe, cond-mat/0311591], obtaining response functions directly via a perturbative approach to spectral projection. The accuracy and efficiency of the linear scaling method is demonstrated for a series of three-dimensional water clusters at the RHF/6-31G** level of theory. Locality of the response under a global electric field perturbation is numerically demonstrated by approximate exponential decay of derivative density matrix elements.Comment: 4.25 pages in PRL format, 2 figure

    A high-powered replication study finds no effect of starting or stopping hormonal contraceptive use on relationship quality

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    A number of recent studies have implicated that incongruent use of hormonal contraceptives (HCs) negatively affects various aspects of women’s romantic relationships. It has been suggested that women with incongruent HC use (a discrepancy in HC use status between when they first met their current partner and the time of study participation) report less sexual satisfaction and higher jealousy scores compared to women with congruent HC use. A similar effect has also been hypothesized for general relationship satisfaction, and recent findings suggest that the association between HC incongruency and general relationship satisfaction is moderated by women’s perceived facial attractiveness of male partners. Using a large convenience sample (N = 948) of Finnish women, we attempted to replicate previously reported findings but found no support for the HC congruency hypothesis, despite excellent statistical power (≥98.7%) to detect previously reported effect sizes. Instead, after dividing our sample into four groups based on HC congruency/incongruency, we found that the largest differences in jealousy, sexual satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction scores tended to be found between women who were consistent HC users and consistent non-users (i.e., between women with different kinds of congruent HC use). We also detected a significant main effect of current HC use on jealousy. We conclude that, as the effect size of the HC incongruency effect reported in previous studies was small, unequal distributions of current HC users within congruent and incongruent HC user groups may give rise to spurious HC incongruency effects in studies using small samples

    Breathomics—exhaled volatile organic compound analysis to detect hepatic encephalopathy : a pilot study

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    he current diagnostic challenge with diagnosing hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is identifying those with minimal HE as opposed to the more clinically apparent covert/overt HE. Rifaximin, is an effective therapy but earlier identification and treatment of HE could prevent liver disease progression and hospitalization. Our pilot study aimed to analyse breath samples of patients with different HE grades, and controls, using a portable electronic (e) nose. 42 patients were enrolled; 22 with HE and 20 controls. Bedside breath samples were captured and analysed using an uvFAIMS machine (portable e-nose). West Haven criteria applied and MELD scores calculated. We classify HE patients from controls with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.88 (0.73-0.95) and 0.68 (0.51-0.81) respectively, AUROC 0.84 (0.75-0.93). Minimal HE was distinguishable from covert/overt HE with sensitivity of 0.79 and specificity of 0.5, AUROC 0.71 (0.57-0.84). This pilot study has highlighted the potential of breathomics to identify VOCs signatures in HE patients for diagnostic purposes. Importantly this was performed utilizing a non-invasive, portable bedside device and holds potential for future early HE diagnosis
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