215 research outputs found

    Assessing Consumer Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Food Quality: The Case of Consumption of Tetra-Packed Fresh Milk in Sri Lanka

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    The objectives of this study are (i) to assess consumer perceptions on fresh milk that are stored in tetra-packs, and (ii) to determine the relationship between the perceptions and the socio-economic characteristics of the consumers. Using Caswell's four subsets of food quality (i.e. food safety, nutrition, value, and packaging) two indices, namely Mean Attribute Score (MAS) and a Food Quality Responsive Index (FQRI) were developed, which describe how important each of these four subsets and various attributes included in each subset for a consumer to be "loyal" with fresh milk in a tetra-pack instead of spending that part of money on close substitutes. A sample of 664 consumers were randomly selected and interviewed using a structured questionnaire at 10 different marketplaces in the Gampaha district in Sri Lanka from April to May in 2005. A subset of 100 consumers who consumes the product more frequently was considered for further analysis. Ordered Logistic Regression technique was used to estimate the coefficients of the model, to which five levels for the dependent variable was derived using the range of values of the FQRI. The results based on the MAS indicate that consumers tend to purchase tetra-pack considering the attributes included in value and package subsets mainly, including purity, appearance, size, convenience, and informational labeling etc. However, consumers did not believe that it enhances those attributes included in "food safety" and "nutritional" subsets. The statistical outcome shows that age, gender, level of education and income have a significant impact on this behavior. It suggests that the "market" can promote the consumption of fresh milk provided that a product complies with the safety and nutritional standards set by the "government".Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Sustainable Housing for Middle-Income Society in Sri Lanka

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    Housing is a fundamental human necessity and affects how society interacts with the environment. In the modern era, housing expansions all over the world have significantly increased the number of economic, social, and environmental issues. Making housing constructions in places that are quickly urbanizing more sustainable is a top objective for government agencies, business experts, and research organizations. Managing economic, environmental, and social sustainability factors is referred to as sustainable housing. Major natural resources used in the construction of housing include land, energy, water, and building materials. Minor natural resources used in the process include waste production and air and water pollution. In the community's fight for affordable housing, educated middle-income inhabitants are predicted to be the most susceptible group given expected living standards and monthly income-generating levels. The goals are to explain how the framework for evaluating laws was developed and proven to be valid in order to achieve sustainability in middle-income housing. In order to offer the essential background for developing an interim assessment framework for affordable and sustainable middle-income housing, the research begins by analyzing the current local assessment frameworks and regulations. To evaluate the interim assessment framework, a semi-structured questionnaire survey of business professionals and other stakeholders will serve as the foundation for the secondary study. This intermediate evaluation framework will receive the necessary fine-tuning and industry feedback through discussion and opinions. The interim framework must be transformed into a robust and progressive regulatory structure that enables future success in SH for the majority of middle-class citizens in the nation. The results will next be evaluated in light of Sri Lanka's existing regulatory framework for sustainable middle-income housing. © 2022 The Authors. Published by Department of Estate Management and Valuation, University of Sri Jayewardenepura   Keywords: Sustainable Housing, Middle-income Society, Housing Crisi

    Roles of Manduca sexta peptidoglycan recognition proteins in bacterial sensing and prophenoloxidase activation

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    Insects, rely on their innate immune system as the first line of defense against invading microorganisms. Innate immunity is mediated by germline-encoded pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), such as TLRs, NOD-like receptors, and peptidoglycan (PGN) recognition proteins (PGRPs). These receptors induce interactions with pathogen-associated molecular patterns, to initiate innate immune responses by activating pathways that regulate the expression of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). PGRPs are one of the most important types of PRRs found in insects and were first discovered in the hemolymph of silkworms as proteins that bind bacterial PGN and activate the prophenoloxidase (proPO) pathway to initiate melanization, which is an antimicrobial host defense mechanism in insects. The differential recognition of diaminopimelic acid (DAP) and Lys-type PGs is in fact common across the PGRP family.Previous studies on Drosophila melanogaster showed that increase in spontaneous melanization was observed when PGRP-LE was over-expressed and Drosophila PGRPs prefer Lys-type PGNs than DAP type PGNs. However, specific recognition of different types of peptidoglycans by PGRPs and also how they regulate the proPO system are not yet fully understood in Manduca sexta. Therefore, this study is focused on determining the role of M. sexta PGRPs in bacterial recognition and proPO activation, and elaboration of their specificity towards different bacteria. Recombinant MsPGRPs were expressed in a baculovirus expression system and purified. To gain functional insights into the recognition of PGN and the activation of proPO pathways by MsPGRPs (MsPGRP 2, 3, 4, 5, 12 ecto and 13), binding specificity and proPO levels were analyzed in this study.Taken together, our results from ELISA, pull-down assays with PGNs and live bacteria, and PO activity assays suggest that MsPGRPs 2-5 and 13 are positive regulators of the proPO activation system. They preferentially recognize DAP-type PGNs over Lys-type PGNs. Although the recent progress has brought us closer to understanding the role of M. sexta PGRPs in bacterial sensing and proPO activation, the precise mechanism of MsPGRP-PGN specific binding that leads to synergistic enhancement in the proteolytic activation of proPO in plasma need further investigations

    Implementation of a novel antimicrobial stewardship strategy for rural facilities utilising telehealth

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    A significant portion of healthcare takes place in small hospitals, and many are located in rural and regional areas. Facilities in these regions frequently do not have adequate resources to implement an onsite antimicrobial stewardship programme and there are limited data relating to their implementation and effectiveness. We present an innovative model of providing a specialist telehealth antimicrobial stewardship service utilising a centralised service (Queensland Statewide Antimicrobial Stewardship Program) to a rural Hospital and Health Service. Results of a 2-year post-implementation follow-up showed an improvement in adherence to guidelines [33.7% (95% CI 27.0–40.4%) vs. 54.1% (95% CI 48.7–59.5%)] and appropriateness of antimicrobial prescribing [49.0% (95% CI 42.2–55.9%) vs. 67.5% (95% CI 62.7–72.4%) (P < 0.001). This finding was sustained after adjustment for hospitals, with improvement occurring sequentially across the years for adherence to guidelines [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 2.44, 95% CI 1.70–3.51] and appropriateness of prescribing (aOR = 2.48, 95% CI 1.70–3.61). There was a decrease in mean total antibiotic use (DDDs/1000 patient-days) between the years 2016 (52.82, 95% CI 44.09–61.54) and 2018 (39.74, 95% CI 32.76–46.73), however this did not reach statistical significance. Additionally, there was a decrease in mean hospital length of stay (days) from 2016 (3.74, 95% CI 3.08–4.41) to 2018 (2.55, 95% CI 1.98–3.12), although this was not statistically significant. New telehealth-based models of antimicrobial stewardship can be effective in improving prescribing in rural areas. Programmes similar to ours should be considered for rural facilities

    ‘Advocacy groups are the connectors’: Experiences and contributions of rare disease patient organization leaders in advanced neurotherapeutics

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    Introduction: Biomedical progress has facilitated breakthrough advanced neurotherapeutic interventions, whose potential to improve outcomes in rare neurological diseases has increased hope among people with lived experiences and their carers. Nevertheless, gene, somatic cell and other advanced neurotherapeutic interventions carry significant risks. Rare disease patient organizations (RDPOs) may enhance patient experiences, inform expectations and promote health literacy. However, their perspectives are understudied in paediatric neurology. If advanced neurotherapeutics is to optimize RDPO contributions, it demands further insights into their roles, interactions and support needs. Methods: We used a mixed-methodology approach, interviewing 20 RDPO leaders representing paediatric rare neurological diseases and following them up with two online surveys featuring closed and open-ended questions on advanced neurotherapeutics (19/20) and negative mood states (17/20). Qualitative and quantitative data were analysed using thematic discourse analysis and basic descriptive statistics, respectively. Results: Leaders perceived their roles to be targeted at educational provision (20/20), community preparation for advanced neurotherapeutic clinical trials (19/20), information simplification (19/20) and focused research pursuits (20/20). Although most leaders perceived the benefits of collaboration between stakeholders, some cited challenges around collaborative engagement under the following subthemes: conflicts of interest, competition and logistical difficulties. Regarding neurotherapeutics, RDPO leaders identified support needs centred on information provision, valuing access to clinician experts and highlighting a demand for co-developed, centralized, high-level and understandable, resources that may improve information exchange. Leaders perceived a need for psychosocial support within themselves and their communities, proposing that this would facilitate informed decision-making, reduce associated psychological vulnerabilities and maintain hope throughout neurotherapeutic development. Conclusion: This study provides insights into RDPO research activities, interactions and resource needs. It reveals a demand for collaboration guidelines, central information resources and psychosocial supports that may address unmet needs and assist RDPOs in their advocacy. Patient or Public Contribution: In this study, RDPO leaders were interviewed and surveyed to examine their perspectives and roles in advanced neurotherapeutic development. Some participants sent researchers postinterview clarification emails regarding their responses to questions


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    Ruhuna (Yala) National Park, a strict nature reserve which lies on the southern coast of SriLanka, covers 97,878 hectares ofland. The park comprises of secondary forest where manyspecies of mammals, avifauna, reptiles and birds .are living in substantial numbers. ThePark has achieved the international reputation. Evidently, all categories of some 100,000tourists, 70 percent of which are local tourists visit the Park annually. Tourism in asanctuary is both nature based and sustainable, and sustainability incorporatesenvironmental, socio-cultural and economic dimensions. There should be a control ofsupply-oriented management securing the environmental and economic benefits. Thepublic interest and enthusiasm in the Park could be used not only to market the product butalso to conserve the resources. Hence, the study attempted to analyze the local demand ofthe tourists for Ruhuna National Park with the view of improving Ruhuna National Park asan attractive tourist's destination.The local demand of the tourists for Ruhuna National Park is measured as zonal visitationrate, travel cost, and their willingness to pay. The highest visitation rate is recorded fromBadulla (5.6) while the lowest rate is recorded from Matale (2.1) The visitors from Matalehave the highest total travel cost (Rs. 732.50). Hambantota visitors spend Rs. 115.04 as thetotal travel cost. However, the multiple regression analysis shows that the visitation ratewith income, age, educational level and total travel cost excluding the visitors from Mataraand Hambantota districts, is highly correlated (r2 = 0.935). However, the age issignificantly correlated with visitation rate while total travel cost has a significant negativecorrelation with the visitation rate. According to the local visitors, the willingness to payper person per year is calculated as Rs. I l6.41.

    Methodological overview of systematic reviews to establish the evidence base for emergency general surgery

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    BACKGROUND: The evidence for treatment decision‐making in emergency general surgery has not been summarized previously. The aim of this overview was to review the quantity and quality of systematic review evidence for the most common emergency surgical conditions. METHODS: Systematic reviews of the most common conditions requiring unplanned admission and treatment managed by general surgeons were eligible for inclusion. The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination databases were searched to April 2014. The number and type (randomized or non‐randomized) of included studies and patients were extracted and summarized. The total number of unique studies was recorded for each condition. The nature of the interventions (surgical, non‐surgical invasive or non‐invasive) was documented. The quality of reviews was assessed using the AMSTAR checklist. RESULTS: The 106 included reviews focused mainly on bowel conditions (42), appendicitis (40) and gallstone disease (17). Fifty‐one (48·1 per cent) included RCTs alone, 79 (74·5 per cent) included at least one RCT and 25 (23·6 per cent) summarized non‐randomized evidence alone. Reviews included 727 unique studies, of which 30·3 per cent were RCTs. Sixty‐five reviews compared different types of surgical intervention and 27 summarized trials of surgical versus non‐surgical interventions. Fifty‐seven reviews (53·8 per cent) were rated as low risk of bias. CONCLUSION: This overview of reviews highlights the need for more and better research in this field

    Identification of quantitative trait loci conferring resistance to tan spot in a biparental population derived from two Nebraska hard red winter wheat cultivars

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    Tan spot, caused by Pyrenophora triticirepentis (Ptr), is a destructive foliar disease in all types of cultivated wheat worldwide. Genetics of tan spot resistance in wheat is complex, involving insensitivity to fungal-produced necrotrophic effectors (NEs), major resistance genes, and quantitative trait loci (QTL) conferring race-nonspecific and race-specific resistance. The Nebraska hard red winter wheat (HRWW) cultivar ‘Wesley’ is insensitive to Ptr ToxA and highly resistant to multiple Ptr races, but the genetics of resistance in this cultivar is unknown. In this study, we used a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between Wesley and another Nebraska cultivar ‘Harry’ (Ptr ToxA sensitive and highly susceptible) to identify QTL associated with reaction to tan spot caused by multiple races/isolates. Sensitivity to Ptr ToxA conferred by the Tsn1 gene was mapped to chromosome 5B as expected. The Tsn1 locus was a major susceptibility QTL for the race 1 and race 2 isolates, but not for the race 2 isolate with the ToxA gene deleted. A second major susceptibility QTL was identified for all the Ptr ToxC-producing isolates and located to the distal end of the chromosome 1A, which likely corresponds to the Tsc1 locus. Three additional QTL with minor effects were identified on chromosomes 7A, 7B, and 7D. This work indicates that both Ptr ToxA-Tsn1 and Ptr ToxC-Tsc1 interactions are important for tan spot development in winter wheat, and Wesley is highly resistant largely due to the absence of the two tan spot sensitivity genes

    Assessment of bridge natural frequency as an indicator of scour using centrifuge modelling

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    Funder: Gates Cambridge Trust (GB)Abstract: One of the most prevalent causes of bridge failure around the world is “scour”—the gradual erosion of soil around a bridge foundation due to fast-flowing water. A reliable technique for monitoring scour would help bridge engineers take timely countermeasures to safeguard against failure. Although vibration-based techniques for monitoring structural damage have had limited success, primarily due to insufficient sensitivity, these have tended to focus on the detection of local damage. High natural frequency sensitivity has recently been reported for scour damage. Previous experiments to investigate this have been limited as a result of the cost of full-scale testing and the fact that scaled-down soil-structure models tested outside a centrifuge do not adequately simulate full-scale behaviour. This paper describes the development of what is believed to be the first-ever centrifuge-testing programme to establish the sensitivity of bridge natural frequency to scour. A 1/60 scale model of a two-span integral bridge with 15 m spans was tested at varying levels of scour. For the fundamental mode of vibration, these tests found up to a 40% variation in natural frequency for 30% loss of embedment. Models of three other types of foundation, which represent a shallow pad foundation, a deep pile bent and a deep monopile, were also tested in the centrifuge at different scour levels. The shallow foundation model showed lower frequency sensitivity to scour than the deep foundation models. Another important finding is that the frequency sensitivity to “global scour” is slightly higher than the sensitivity to “local scour”, for all foundation types. The level of frequency sensitivity (3.1–44% per scour depth equivalent to 30% of embedment of scour) detected in this experiment demonstrates the potential for using natural frequency as an indicator of both local and global scour of bridges, particularly those with deep foundations
