39 research outputs found

    Validation, optimization and exploitation of orientation measurements issued from inertial systems for clinical biomechanics

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    Les centrales inertielles (triade de capteurs inertiels dont la fusion des données permet l’estimation de l’orientation d’un corps rigide) sont de plus en plus populaires en biomécanique. Toutefois, les qualités métrologiques des centrales inertielles (CI) sont peu documentées et leur capacité à identifier des incapacités liées à la mobilité, sous-évaluée. Objectifs : (i) Caractériser la validité de la mesure d’orientation issue de CI ; (ii) Optimiser la justesse et la fidélité de ces mesures; et (iii) Proposer des métriques de mobilité basées sur les mesures d’orientation issues de CI. Méthodologie et résultats : La validité de la mesure d’orientation de différents types de CI a d’abord été évaluée en conditions contrôlées, à l’aide d’une table motorisée et d’une mesure étalon. Il a ainsi été démontré que les mesures d’orientation issues de CI ont une justesse acceptable lors de mouvements lents (justesse moyenne ≤ 3.1º), mais que cette justesse se dégrade avec l’augmentation de la vitesse de rotation. Afin d’évaluer l’impact de ces constatations en contexte clinique d’évaluation de la mobilité, 20 participants ont porté un vêtement incorporant 17 CI lors de la réalisation de diverses tâches de mobilité (transferts assis-debout, marche, retournements). La comparaison des mesures des CI avec celles d’un système étalon a permis de dresser un portrait descriptif des variations de justesse selon la tâche exécutée et le segment/l’articulation mesuré. À partir de ces constats, l’optimisation de la mesure d’orientation issue de CI est abordée d’un point de vue utilisateur, démontrant le potentiel d’un réseau de neurones artificiel comme outil de rétroaction autonome de la qualité de la mesure d’orientation (sensibilité et spécificité ≥ 83%). Afin d’améliorer la robustesse des mesures de cinématique articulaire aux variations environnementales, l’ajout d’une photo et d’un algorithme d’estimation de pose tridimensionnelle est proposé. Lors d’essais de marche (n=60), la justesse moyenne de l’orientation à la cheville a ainsi été améliorée de 6.7° à 2.8º. Finalement, la caractérisation de la signature de la cinématique tête-tronc pendant une tâche de retournement (variables : angle maximal tête-tronc, amplitude des commandes neuromusculaires) a démontré un bon pouvoir discriminant auprès de participants âgés sains (n=15) et de patients atteints de Parkinson (PD, n=15). Ces métriques ont également démontré une bonne sensibilité au changement, permettant l’identification des différents états de médication des participants PD. Conclusion : Les mesures d’orientation issues de CI ont leur place pour l’évaluation de la mobilité. Toutefois, la portée clinique réelle de ce type de système ne sera atteinte que lorsqu’il sera intégré et validé à même un outil de mesure clinique.Abstract : Inertial measurement of motion is emerging as an alternative to 3D motion capture systems in biomechanics. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are composed of accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers which data are fed into a fusion algorithm to determine the orientation of a rigid body in a global reference frame. Although IMUs offer advantages over traditional methods of motion capture, the value of their orientation measurement for biomechanics is not well documented. Objectives: (i) To characterize the validity of the orientation measurement issued from IMUs; (ii) To optimize the validity and the reliability of these measurements; and (iii) To propose mobility metrics based on the orientation measurement obtained from IMUs. Methods and results: The criterion of validity of multiple types of IMUs was characterized using a controlled bench test and a gold standard. Accuracy of orientation measurement was shown to be acceptable under slow conditions of motion (mean accuracy ≤ 3.1º), but it was also demonstrated that an increase in velocity worsens accuracy. The impact of those findings on clinical mobility evaluation was then assessed in the lab, with 20 participants wearing an inertial suit while performing typical mobility tasks (standing-up, walking, turning). Comparison of the assessed IMUs orientation measurements with those from an optical gold standard allowed to capture a portrait of the variation in accuracy across tasks, segments and joints. The optimization process was then approached from a user perspective, first demonstrating the capability of an artificial neural network to autonomously assess the quality of orientation data sequences (sensitivity and specificity ≥ 83%). The issue of joint orientation accuracy in magnetically perturbed environment was also specifically addressed, demonstrating the ability of a 2D photograph coupled with a 3D pose estimation algorithm to improve mean ankle orientation accuracy from 6.7° to 2.8º when walking (n=60 trials). Finally, characterization of the turn cranio-caudal kinematics signature (variables: maximum head to trunk angle and neuromuscular commands amplitude) has demonstrated a good ability to discriminate between healthy older adults (n=15) and early stages of Parkinson’s disease patients (PD, n=15). Metrics have also shown a good sensitivity to change, enabling to detect changes in PD medication states. Conclusion: IMUs offer a complementary solution for mobility assessment in clinical biomechanics. However, the full potential of this technology will only be reached when IMUs will be integrated and validated within a clinical tool

    Capturing the Cranio-Caudal Signature of a Turn with Inertial Measurement Systems: Methods, Parameters Robustness and Reliability

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    BACKGROUND: Turning is a challenging mobility task requiring coordination and postural stability. Optimal turning involves a cranio-caudal sequence (i.e., the head initiates the motion, followed by the trunk and the pelvis), which has been shown to be altered in patients with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease as well as in fallers and frails. Previous studies have suggested that the cranio-caudal sequence exhibits a specific signature corresponding to the adopted turn strategy. Currently, the assessment of cranio-caudal sequence is limited to biomechanical labs which use camera-based systems; however, there is a growing trend to assess human kinematics with wearable sensors, such as attitude and heading reference systems (AHRS), which enable recording of raw inertial signals (acceleration and angular velocity) from which the orientation of the platform is estimated. In order to enhance the comprehension of complex processes, such as turning, signal modeling can be performed. AIM: The current study investigates the use of a kinematic-based model, the sigma-lognormal model, to characterize the turn cranio-caudal signature as assessed with AHRS. METHODS: Sixteen asymptomatic adults (mean age = 69.1 +/- 7.5 years old) performed repeated 10-m Timed-Up-and-Go (TUG) with 180 degrees turns, at varying speed. Head and trunk kinematics were assessed with AHRS positioned on each segments. Relative orientation of the head to the trunk was then computed for each trial and relative angular velocity profile was derived for the turn phase. Peak relative angle (variable) and relative velocity profiles modeled using a sigma-lognormal approach (variables: Neuromuscular command amplitudes and timing parameters) were used to extract and characterize the cranio-caudal signature of each individual during the turn phase. RESULTS: The methodology has shown good ability to reconstruct the cranio-caudal signature (signal-to-noise median of 17.7). All variables were robust to speed variations (p > 0.124). Peak relative angle and commanded amplitudes demonstrated moderate to strong reliability (ICC between 0.640 and 0.808). CONCLUSION: The cranio-caudal signature assessed with the sigma-lognormal model appears to be a promising avenue to assess the efficiency of turns

    Cranio-caudal kinematic turn signature assessed with inertial systems as a marker of mobility deficits in Parkinson's disease

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    Background: Turning is a challenging mobility task requiring proper planning, coordination, and postural stability to be executed efficiently. Turn deficits can impair mobility and lead to falls in patients with neurodegenerative disease, such as Parkinson's disease (PD). It was previously shown that the cranio-caudal sequence involved during a turn (i.e., motion is initiated by the head, followed by the trunk) exhibits a signature that can be captured using an inertial system and analyzed through the Kinematics Theory. The so-called cranio-caudal kinematic turn signature (CCKS) metrics derived from this approach could, therefore, be a promising avenue to develop and track markers to measure early mobility deficits. Objective: The current study aims at exploring the discriminative validity and sensitivity of CCKS metrics extracted during turning tasks performed by patients with PD. Methods: Thirty-one participants (16 asymptomatic older adults (OA): mean age = 69.1 +/- 7.5 years old; 15 OA diagnosed with early PD ON and OFF medication, mean age = 65.8 +/- 8.4 years old) performed repeated timed up-and-go (TUG) tasks while wearing a portable inertial system. CCKS metrics (maximum head to trunk angle reached and commanded amplitudes of the head to trunk neuromuscular system, estimated from a sigma-lognormal model) were extracted from kinematic data recorded during the turn phase of the TUG tasks. For comparison purposes, common metrics used to analyze the quality of a turn using inertial systems were also calculated over the same trials (i.e., the number of steps required to complete the turn and the turn mean and maximum velocities). Results: All CCKS metrics discriminated between OA and patients (p /= 0.173). Conclusion: The enhanced sensitivity to change of the proposed CCKS metrics suggests a potential use of these metrics for mobility impairments identification and fluctuation assessment, even in the early stages of the disease

    Validation, optimization and exploitation of orientation measurements issued from inertial systems for clinical biomechanics

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    Les centrales inertielles (triade de capteurs inertiels dont la fusion des données permet l’estimation de l’orientation d’un corps rigide) sont de plus en plus populaires en biomécanique. Toutefois, les qualités métrologiques des centrales inertielles (CI) sont peu documentées et leur capacité à identifier des incapacités liées à la mobilité, sous-évaluée. Objectifs : (i) Caractériser la validité de la mesure d’orientation issue de CI ; (ii) Optimiser la justesse et la fidélité de ces mesures; et (iii) Proposer des métriques de mobilité basées sur les mesures d’orientation issues de CI. Méthodologie et résultats : La validité de la mesure d’orientation de différents types de CI a d’abord été évaluée en conditions contrôlées, à l’aide d’une table motorisée et d’une mesure étalon. Il a ainsi été démontré que les mesures d’orientation issues de CI ont une justesse acceptable lors de mouvements lents (justesse moyenne ≤ 3.1º), mais que cette justesse se dégrade avec l’augmentation de la vitesse de rotation. Afin d’évaluer l’impact de ces constatations en contexte clinique d’évaluation de la mobilité, 20 participants ont porté un vêtement incorporant 17 CI lors de la réalisation de diverses tâches de mobilité (transferts assis-debout, marche, retournements). La comparaison des mesures des CI avec celles d’un système étalon a permis de dresser un portrait descriptif des variations de justesse selon la tâche exécutée et le segment/l’articulation mesuré. À partir de ces constats, l’optimisation de la mesure d’orientation issue de CI est abordée d’un point de vue utilisateur, démontrant le potentiel d’un réseau de neurones artificiel comme outil de rétroaction autonome de la qualité de la mesure d’orientation (sensibilité et spécificité ≥ 83%). Afin d’améliorer la robustesse des mesures de cinématique articulaire aux variations environnementales, l’ajout d’une photo et d’un algorithme d’estimation de pose tridimensionnelle est proposé. Lors d’essais de marche (n=60), la justesse moyenne de l’orientation à la cheville a ainsi été améliorée de 6.7° à 2.8º. Finalement, la caractérisation de la signature de la cinématique tête-tronc pendant une tâche de retournement (variables : angle maximal tête-tronc, amplitude des commandes neuromusculaires) a démontré un bon pouvoir discriminant auprès de participants âgés sains (n=15) et de patients atteints de Parkinson (PD, n=15). Ces métriques ont également démontré une bonne sensibilité au changement, permettant l’identification des différents états de médication des participants PD. Conclusion : Les mesures d’orientation issues de CI ont leur place pour l’évaluation de la mobilité. Toutefois, la portée clinique réelle de ce type de système ne sera atteinte que lorsqu’il sera intégré et validé à même un outil de mesure clinique.Abstract : Inertial measurement of motion is emerging as an alternative to 3D motion capture systems in biomechanics. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are composed of accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers which data are fed into a fusion algorithm to determine the orientation of a rigid body in a global reference frame. Although IMUs offer advantages over traditional methods of motion capture, the value of their orientation measurement for biomechanics is not well documented. Objectives: (i) To characterize the validity of the orientation measurement issued from IMUs; (ii) To optimize the validity and the reliability of these measurements; and (iii) To propose mobility metrics based on the orientation measurement obtained from IMUs. Methods and results: The criterion of validity of multiple types of IMUs was characterized using a controlled bench test and a gold standard. Accuracy of orientation measurement was shown to be acceptable under slow conditions of motion (mean accuracy ≤ 3.1º), but it was also demonstrated that an increase in velocity worsens accuracy. The impact of those findings on clinical mobility evaluation was then assessed in the lab, with 20 participants wearing an inertial suit while performing typical mobility tasks (standing-up, walking, turning). Comparison of the assessed IMUs orientation measurements with those from an optical gold standard allowed to capture a portrait of the variation in accuracy across tasks, segments and joints. The optimization process was then approached from a user perspective, first demonstrating the capability of an artificial neural network to autonomously assess the quality of orientation data sequences (sensitivity and specificity ≥ 83%). The issue of joint orientation accuracy in magnetically perturbed environment was also specifically addressed, demonstrating the ability of a 2D photograph coupled with a 3D pose estimation algorithm to improve mean ankle orientation accuracy from 6.7° to 2.8º when walking (n=60 trials). Finally, characterization of the turn cranio-caudal kinematics signature (variables: maximum head to trunk angle and neuromuscular commands amplitude) has demonstrated a good ability to discriminate between healthy older adults (n=15) and early stages of Parkinson’s disease patients (PD, n=15). Metrics have also shown a good sensitivity to change, enabling to detect changes in PD medication states. Conclusion: IMUs offer a complementary solution for mobility assessment in clinical biomechanics. However, the full potential of this technology will only be reached when IMUs will be integrated and validated within a clinical tool

    Validate and analyze mannequin's spine movements to improve training in pre-hospital contexts

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    Abstract: After an accident, when spinal injury is suspected, special care must be taken to minimize the risk for further injuries during the patient’s transfer to the hospital. The quality of spinal motion restriction (SMR) manoeuvres performed by responders is therefore crucial. In a training context, the evaluation of these techniques is currently subjectively performed by specialists or simulated patients, resulting in significant variation and learning difficulties. In order to improve training, a team of researchers from the Université of Sherbrooke has created a mannequin that replicates the mass, centre of gravity, and amplitude of movement of each segment of an unconscious person. This mannequin also features an instrumented spine allowing movement to be assessed. The study’s first objective is to model the system to assess the spine’s anatomical movements and validate these measurements. The second objective is to develop feedback metrics based on these measurements to pinpoint the cause of the faulty manoeuvres during a simulation scenario. To achieve these objectives, the spine was modelled using forward kinematics such that the resulting assessment of movement has clinical relevance. To evaluate the accuracy of this measurement, it was compared to that recorded by an optical system regarded as the accepted standard. Forty independent trials where the head and the pelvis were movement in each plane of motion and then in a combined manoeuvre where performed, at two different speeds. Accuracy, assessed by mean squared error, ranges between 0.7° and 1.5° amongst the different anatomical planes and is thus considered acceptable. The speed at which manoeuvres are performed do not have a significant impact on accuracy. To develop feedback metrics from involuntary movements, a total of 154 manoeuvres were performed by 14 individuals with different training level. Trials were then identified as either good or faulty depending on the importance of the relative movement assessed. Faulty trials were further labeled according to the type of error performed. Classification models were developed based on supervised learning. Overall, the decision tree model was selected for its global performance (70% to 83% accuracy) and ease of interpretation. The findings support the mannequin's potential for measuring spinal movement in simulation scenarios. In addition, the error characterization model demonstrates an interesting potential for unbiased and clear feedback to enhance SMR manoeuvre training.Résumé de la communication présentée lors du congrès international tenu conjointement par Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) et Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada (CFD Canada), à l’Université de Sherbrooke (Québec), du 28 au 31 mai 2023

    Cranio-Caudal Kinematic Turn Signature Assessed with Inertial Systems As a Marker of Mobility Deficits in Parkinson’s Disease

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    BackgroundTurning is a challenging mobility task requiring proper planning, coordination, and postural stability to be executed efficiently. Turn deficits can impair mobility and lead to falls in patients with neurodegenerative disease, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). It was previously shown that the cranio-caudal sequence involved during a turn (i.e., motion is initiated by the head, followed by the trunk) exhibits a signature that can be captured using an inertial system and analyzed through the Kinematics Theory. The so-called cranio-caudal kinematic turn signature (CCKS) metrics derived from this approach could, therefore, be a promising avenue to develop and track markers to measure early mobility deficits.ObjectiveThe current study aims at exploring the discriminative validity and sensitivity of CCKS metrics extracted during turning tasks performed by patients with PD.MethodsThirty-one participants (16 asymptomatic older adults (OA): mean age = 69.1 ± 7.5 years old; 15 OA diagnosed with early PD ON and OFF medication, mean age = 65.8 ± 8.4 years old) performed repeated timed up-and–go (TUG) tasks while wearing a portable inertial system. CCKS metrics (maximum head to trunk angle reached and commanded amplitudes of the head to trunk neuromuscular system, estimated from a sigma-lognormal model) were extracted from kinematic data recorded during the turn phase of the TUG tasks. For comparison purposes, common metrics used to analyze the quality of a turn using inertial systems were also calculated over the same trials (i.e., the number of steps required to complete the turn and the turn mean and maximum velocities).ResultsAll CCKS metrics discriminated between OA and patients (p ≤ 0.041) and were sensitive to change in PD medication state (p ≤ 0.033). Common metrics were also able to discriminate between OA and patients (p < 0.014), but they were unable to capture the change in medication state this early in the disease (p ≥ 0.173).ConclusionThe enhanced sensitivity to change of the proposed CCKS metrics suggests a potential use of these metrics for mobility impairments identification and fluctuation assessment, even in the early stages of the disease

    Inertial measures of motion for clinical biomechanics: comparative assessment of accuracy under controlled conditions - effect of velocity.

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    Inertial measurement of motion with Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS) is emerging as an alternative to 3D motion capture systems in biomechanics. The objectives of this study are: 1) to describe the absolute and relative accuracy of multiple units of commercially available AHRS under various types of motion; and 2) to evaluate the effect of motion velocity on the accuracy of these measurements.The criterion validity of accuracy was established under controlled conditions using an instrumented Gimbal table. AHRS modules were carefully attached to the center plate of the Gimbal table and put through experimental static and dynamic conditions. Static and absolute accuracy was assessed by comparing the AHRS orientation measurement to those obtained using an optical gold standard. Relative accuracy was assessed by measuring the variation in relative orientation between modules during trials.Evaluated AHRS systems demonstrated good absolute static accuracy (mean error < 0.5(o)) and clinically acceptable absolute accuracy under condition of slow motions (mean error between 0.5(o) and 3.1(o)). In slow motions, relative accuracy varied from 2(o) to 7(o) depending on the type of AHRS and the type of rotation. Absolute and relative accuracy were significantly affected (p<0.05) by velocity during sustained motions. The extent of that effect varied across AHRS.Absolute and relative accuracy of AHRS are affected by environmental magnetic perturbations and conditions of motions. Relative accuracy of AHRS is mostly affected by the ability of all modules to locate the same global reference coordinate system at all time.Existing AHRS systems can be considered for use in clinical biomechanics under constrained conditions of use. While their individual capacity to track absolute motion is relatively consistent, the use of multiple AHRS modules to compute relative motion between rigid bodies needs to be optimized according to the conditions of operation

    Instrumented Pre-Hospital Care Simulation Mannequin for Use in Spinal Motion Restrictions Scenarios: Validation of Cervical and Lumbar Motion Assessment

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    Background: A mid-fidelity simulation mannequin, equipped with an instrumented cervical and lumbar spine, was developed to investigate best practices and train healthcare professionals in applying spinal motion restrictions (SMRs) during the early mobilization and transfer of accident victims with suspected spine injury. The study objectives are to (1) examine accuracy of the cervical and lumbar motions measured with the mannequin; and (2) confirm that the speed of motion has no bearing on this accuracy. Methods: Accuracy was evaluated by concurrently comparing the orientation data obtained with the mannequin with that from an optoelectronic system. The mannequin’s head and pelvis were moved in all anatomical planes of motion at different speeds. Results: Accuracy, assessed by root-mean-square error, varied between 0.7° and 1.5° in all anatomical planes of motion. Bland–Altman analysis revealed a bias ranging from −0.7° to 0.6°, with the absolute limit of agreement remaining below 3.5°. The minimal detectable change varied between 1.3° and 2.6°. Motion speed demonstrated no impact on accuracy. Conclusions: The results of this validation study confirm the mannequin’s potential to provide accurate measurements of cervical and lumbar motion during simulation scenarios for training and research on the application of SMR

    Inertial measurement systems for segments and joints kinematics assessment: towards an understanding of the variations in sensors accuracy

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    Abstract Background Joints kinematics assessment based on inertial measurement systems, which include attitude and heading reference system (AHRS), are quickly gaining in popularity for research and clinical applications. The variety of the tasks and contexts they are used in require a deep understanding of the AHRS accuracy for optimal data interpretation. However, published accuracy studies on AHRS are mostly limited to a single task measured on a limited number of segments and participants. This study assessed AHRS sensors kinematics accuracy at multiple segments and joints through a variety of tasks not only to characterize the system’s accuracy in these specific conditions, but also to extrapolate the accuracy results to a broader range of conditions using the characteristics of the movements (i.e. velocity and type of motion). Twenty asymptomatic adults ( age‾\overline{age} a g e ¯  = 49.9) performed multiple 5 m timed up and go. Participants’ head, upper trunk, pelvis, thigh, shank and foot were simultaneously tracked using AHRS and an optical motion capture system (gold standard). Each trial was segmented into basic tasks (sit-to-stand, walk, turn). Results At segment level, results revealed a mean root-mean-squared-difference (RMSD)‾\overline{(RMSD)} ( R M S D ) ¯ varying between 1.1° and 5.5° according to the segment tracked and the task performed, with a good to excellent agreement between the systems. Relative sensor kinematics accuracy (i.e. joint) varied between 1.6° and 13.6° over the same tasks. On a global scheme, analysis of the effect of velocity on sensor kinematics accuracy showed that AHRS are better adapted to motions performed between 50°/s and 75°/s (roughly thigh and shank while walking). Conclusion Results confirmed that pairing of modules to obtain joint kinematics affects the accuracy compared to segment kinematics. Overall, AHRS are a suitable solution for clinical evaluation of biomechanics under the multi-segment tasks performed although the variation in accuracy should be taken into consideration when judging the clinical meaningfulness of the observed changes

    Autonomous Quality Control of Joint Orientation Measured with Inertial Sensors

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    Clinical mobility assessment is traditionally performed in laboratories using complex and expensive equipment. The low accessibility to such equipment, combined with the emerging trend to assess mobility in a free-living environment, creates a need for body-worn sensors (e.g., inertial measurement units—IMUs) that are capable of measuring the complexity in motor performance using meaningful measurements, such as joint orientation. However, accuracy of joint orientation estimates using IMUs may be affected by environment, the joint tracked, type of motion performed and velocity. This study investigates a quality control (QC) process to assess the quality of orientation data based on features extracted from the raw inertial sensors’ signals. Joint orientation (trunk, hip, knee, ankle) of twenty participants was acquired by an optical motion capture system and IMUs during a variety of tasks (sit, sit-to-stand transition, walking, turning) performed under varying conditions (speed, environment). An artificial neural network was used to classify good and bad sequences of joint orientation with a sensitivity and a specificity above 83%. This study confirms the possibility to perform QC on IMU joint orientation data based on raw signal features. This innovative QC approach may be of particular interest in a big data context, such as for remote-monitoring of patients’ mobility