102 research outputs found

    A developmental model of number representation

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    We delineate a developmental model of number representations. Notably, developmental dyscalculia (DD) is rarely associated with an all-or-none deficit in numerosity processing as would be expected if assuming abstract number representations. Finally, we suggest that the "generalist genes” view might be a plausible - though thus far speculative - explanatory framework for our model of how number representations develo

    Handlungsleitfaden Dyskalkulie im Nachschulbereich

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    Der vorliegende Handlungsleitfaden gibt einen allgemeinen und aktuellen Überblick zum Thema Dyskalkulie und beinhaltet Empfehlungen in Bezug auf Diagnostik, Förderung und Nachteilsausgleich von Dyskalkulie im Nachschulbereich. Der vorliegende Handlungsleitfaden richtet sich entsprechend an Fachkräfte im Kanton Zürich, welche Jugendlichen im Nachschulbereich mit einer Dyskalkulie in irgendeiner Form unterstützend zur Seite stehen und/oder pädagogisch begleiten, sei dies bei der Diagnose, Förderung, dem Nachteilsausgleich, im Schulunterricht oder der allgemeinen Beratung. Der primäre Zweck dieser Handlungsempfehlung ist es, die Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit aller Beteiligten in der Praxis zugunsten des Jugendlichen zu verbessern

    Mathematics anxiety—where are we and where shall we go?

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    In this paper, we discuss several largely undisputed claims about mathematics anxiety (MA) and propose where MA research should focus, including theoretical clarifications on what MA is and what constitutes its opposite pole; discussion of construct validity, specifically relations between self-descriptive, neurophysiological, and cognitive measures; exploration of the discrepancy between state and trait MA and theoretical and practical consequences; discussion of the prevalence of MA and the need for establishing external criteria for estimating prevalence and a proposal for such criteria; exploration of the effects of MA in different groups, such as highly anxious and high math–performing individuals; classroom and policy applications of MA knowledge; the effects of MA outside educational settings; and the consequences of MA on mental health and well-being

    Development of a Possible General Magnitude System for Number and Space

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    There is strong evidence for a link between numerical and spatial processing. However, whether this association is based on a common general magnitude system is far from conclusive and the impact of development is not yet known. Hence, the present study aimed to investigate the association between discrete non-symbolic number processing (comparison of dot arrays) and continuous spatial processing (comparison of angle sizes) in children between the third and sixth grade (N = 367). Present findings suggest that the processing of comparisons of number of dots or angle are related to each other, but with angle processing developing earlier and being more easily comparable than discrete number representations for children of this age range. Accordingly, results favor the existence of a more complex underlying magnitude system consisting of dissociated but closely interacting representations for continuous and discrete magnitudes

    Impaired neural networks for approximate calculation in dyscalculic children: a functional MRI study

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    BACKGROUND: Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a specific learning disability affecting the acquisition of mathematical skills in children with otherwise normal general intelligence. The goal of the present study was to examine cerebral mechanisms underlying DD. METHODS: Eighteen children with DD aged 11.2 ± 1.3 years and twenty age-matched typically achieving schoolchildren were investigated using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during trials testing approximate and exact mathematical calculation, as well as magnitude comparison. RESULTS: Children with DD showed greater inter-individual variability and had weaker activation in almost the entire neuronal network for approximate calculation including the intraparietal sulcus, and the middle and inferior frontal gyrus of both hemispheres. In particular, the left intraparietal sulcus, the left inferior frontal gyrus and the right middle frontal gyrus seem to play crucial roles in correct approximate calculation, since brain activation correlated with accuracy rate in these regions. In contrast, no differences between groups could be found for exact calculation and magnitude comparison. In general, fMRI revealed similar parietal and prefrontal activation patterns in DD children compared to controls for all conditions. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, there is evidence for a deficient recruitment of neural resources in children with DD when processing analog magnitudes of numbers

    Does It Count? Pre-School Children’s Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity and Their Development of Arithmetical Skills at School

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    BACKGROUND Children's spontaneous focusing on numerosity (SFON) is related to numerical skills. This study aimed to examine (1) the developmental trajectory of SFON and (2) the interrelations between SFON and early numerical skills at pre-school as well as their influence on arithmetical skills at school. METHOD Overall, 1868 German pre-school children were repeatedly assessed until second grade. Nonverbal intelligence, visual attention, visuospatial working memory, SFON and numerical skills were assessed at age five (M = 63 months, Time 1) and age six (M = 72 months, Time 2), and arithmetic was assessed at second grade (M = 95 months, Time 3). RESULTS SFON increased significantly during pre-school. Path analyses revealed interrelations between SFON and several numerical skills, except number knowledge. Magnitude estimation and basic calculation skills (Time 1 and Time 2), and to a small degree number knowledge (Time 2), contributed directly to arithmetic in second grade. The connection between SFON and arithmetic was fully mediated by magnitude estimation and calculation skills at pre-school. CONCLUSION Our results indicate that SFON first and foremost influences deeper understanding of numerical concepts at pre-school and-in contrast to previous findings -affects only indirectly children's arithmetical development at school

    Taking a Closer Look: The Relationship between Pre-School Domain General Cognition and School Mathematics Achievement When Controlling for Intelligence

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    Intelligence, as well as working memory and attention, affect the acquisition of mathematical competencies. This paper aimed to examine the influence of working memory and attention when taking different mathematical skills into account as a function of children's intellectual ability. Overall, intelligence, working memory, attention and numerical skills were assessed twice in 1868 German pre-school children (t1, t2) and again at 2nd grade (t3). We defined three intellectual ability groups based on the results of intellectual assessment at t1 and t2. Group comparisons revealed significant differences between the three intellectual ability groups. Over time, children with low intellectual ability showed the lowest achievement in domain-general and numerical and mathematical skills compared to children of average intellectual ability. The highest achievement on the aforementioned variables was found for children of high intellectual ability. Additionally, path modelling revealed that, depending on the intellectual ability, different models of varying complexity could be generated. These models differed with regard to the relevance of the predictors (t2) and the future mathematical skills (t3). Causes and conclusions of these findings are discussed

    Developmental dyscalculia: a dysconnection syndrome?

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    Numerical understanding is important for everyday life. For children with developmental dyscalculia (DD), numbers and magnitudes present profound problems which are thought to be based upon neuronal impairments of key regions for numerical understanding. The aim of the present study was to investigate possible differences in white matter fibre integrity between children with DD and controls using diffusion tensor imaging. White matter integrity and behavioural measures were evaluated in 15 children with developmental dyscalculia aged around 10years and 15 matched controls. The main finding, obtained by a whole brain group comparison, revealed reduced fractional anisotropy in the superior longitudinal fasciculus in children with developmental dyscalculia. In addition, a region of interest analysis exhibited prominent deficits in fibres of the superior longitudinal fasciculus adjacent to the intraparietal sulcus, which is thought to be the core region for number processing. To conclude, our results outline deficient fibre projection between parietal, temporal and frontal regions in children with developmental dyscalculia, and therefore raise the question of whether dyscalculia can be seen as a dysconnection syndrome. Since the superior longitudinal fasciculus is involved in the integration and control of distributed brain processes, the present results highlight the importance of considering broader domain-general mechanisms in the diagnosis and therapy of dyscalculia

    Partizipation von Studierenden mit neurokognitiven Beeinträchtigungen am Beispiel von ADHS und spezifischen Lernstörungen

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    Zusammenfassung: Das Hauptziel des vorliegenden Beitrags ist eine kritische Reflexion der Situation von Studierenden mit neurokognitiven Beeinträchtigungen in Hinblick auf deren Partizipation im universitären Setting. Nach einer kurzen Erläuterung der aktuellen universitätsrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz werden (i) am Beispiel von Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen und spezifischen Lernstörungen charakteristische Schwierigkeiten von betroffenen Studierenden beim Studium anhand von Fallvignetten dargestellt und (ii) Ziele in Hinblick auf eine gelingende Partizipation und Chancengleichheit für Studierende mit Beeinträchtigungen skizziert. Anhand eines tentativen Rahmenmodells zur Förderung der Partizipation diskutieren wir die Notwendigkeit differenzierter universitätsinterner und -externer struktureller Rahmenbedingungen, die zusätzlich zu den bereits bestehenden – aber nicht ausreichenden – universitätsinternen Maßnahmen wie dem Nachteilsausgleich implementiert werden sollten. Participation of University Students with Neurocognitive Deficiencies: Evidence from ADHD and Specific Learning Disorders Abstract: This paper critically reflects on the current situation of students with neurocognitive deficiencies regarding their participation in the academic setting. After providing a brief summary of the relevant judicial frameworks implemented at universities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, we (1) present single-case histories to delineate characteristic difficulties encountered by students with attention and/or specific learning disorders; and (2) formulate a desirable target state regarding successful participation and equal opportunities for students with neurocognitive deficiencies. We suggest a tentative model targeted at fostering students’ participation and discuss the necessity to provide effective basic parameters at different levels both within and outside the academic setting which go beyond the currently offered disadvantage compensation
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