2 research outputs found

    Feasibility of using waste Molecular sieve and Ceramic ball in hot asphalt mixtures

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    Background and Aims: Environmental awareness about problems of industrial waste landfills has resulted in industrial waste management to be high on the agenda with an emphasis on the recovery of materials and energy. One of the methods of waste recycling in the oil and gas industry is the use of generated waste in civil activities. The main objective of this research is to assess the feasibility of using gas refineriesindustrial waste produced in dehydration unit in hot asphalt mixtures.Material and Methods: The ICP and XRF analyses were carried out to determine the concentrations of heavy metals and composing elements of waste Molecular Sieve and Ceramic ¬ball. Sieve and and quality analyses were thence done on these wastes and materials. All stages of this research were conducted ethically.Results: Both types of wastes were classified as non-dangerous waste. Absorption of water in waste Molecular Sieve was at least 10 times the permissible level for aggregates according to the standards of Journal 234. Waste molecular sieve was not therefore replaceable with aggregates in asphalt mixtures since they may cause cracking in the winter season., Moreover, the existence of many pores in MolecularSieve significantly increase the use of bitumen.Conclusion: Waste Molecular Sieve is not recommend to be uses as an alternative to aggregates due to significant absorption of water.Furthermore, the comparison of results obtained from physical tests performed on the waste ceramics ball with standard limit of Journal 234 indicate the potential of this wasteas an alternative to the aggregates in asphalt mixtures

    امکان سنجي استفاده از زائدات مولکولارسيو و سراميک بال در مخلوط هاي آسفالتي گرم

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    Background and Aims: Environmental awareness about problems of industrial waste landfills has resulted in industrial waste management to be high on the agenda with an emphasis on the recovery of materials and energy. One of the methods of waste recycling in the oil and gas industry is the use of generated waste in civil activities. The main objective of this research is to assess the feasibility of using gas refineriesindustrial waste produced in dehydration unit in hot asphalt mixtures.Material and Methods: The ICP and XRF analyses were carried out to determine the concentrations of heavy metals and composing elements of waste Molecular Sieve and Ceramic ¬ball. Sieve and and quality analyses were thence done on these wastes and materials. All stages of this research were conducted ethically.Results: Both types of wastes were classified as non-dangerous waste. Absorption of water in waste Molecular Sieve was at least 10 times the permissible level for aggregates according to the standards of Journal 234. Waste molecular sieve was not therefore replaceable with aggregates in asphalt mixtures since they may cause cracking in the winter season., Moreover, the existence of many pores in MolecularSieve significantly increase the use of bitumen.Conclusion: Waste Molecular Sieve is not recommend to be uses as an alternative to aggregates due to significant absorption of water.Furthermore, the comparison of results obtained from physical tests performed on the waste ceramics ball with standard limit of Journal 234 indicate the potential of this wasteas an alternative to the aggregates in asphalt mixtures.زمينه و اهداف: آگاهي‌هاي محيط زيستي در زمينه‌ مشکلات محل‌هاي دفن پسماند صنعتي باعث شده مديريت زائدات صنعتي با تاکيد بر بازيابي مواد و انرژي در دستور کار صنايع مختلف قرار گيرد. يکي از روش‌هاي بازيافت پسماند توليدي در صنعت نفت و گاز، استفاده از اين زائدات در فعاليت‌هاي عمراني مي‌باشد. هدف اصلي از اين پژوهش، امکان‌سنجي استفاده از زائدات صنعتي توليدي واحد نم‌زدايي پالايشگاه‌هاي گازي در مخلوط‌هاي آسفالتي مي‌باشد. مواد و روش‌ها: آزمايشICP وXRF به منظور تعيين غلظت فلزات سنگين و اجزاء تشکيل‌دهنده زائدات مولکولارسيو و سراميک‌بال انجام شد، سپس آزمايشات دانه‌بندي و مرغوبيت مصالح روي اين زائدات و مصالح تهيه شده قشر رويه انجام گرفت. تمامي مراحل اين تحقيق با رعايت موازين اخلاقي و پژوهشي انجام شد. يافته‌ها: هر دو نوع زائدات غيرخطرناک مي‌باشند. جذب آب در زائدات مولکولارسيو بيش از 10 برابر حد مجاز براي مصالح سنگي طبق استاندارد نشريه 234 است، از اين‌رو اين زائدات قابليت جايگزيني با مصالح سنگي در مخلوط‌هاي آسفالتي را ندارند، زيرا باعث ترک‌خوردگي در فصل زمستان مي‌شوند. به علاوه وجود خلل و فرج زياد در مولکولارسيو، قيرمصرفي را به طور قابل ملاحظه‌اي افزايش مي‌دهد. نتيجه‌گيري: زائدات مولکولارسيو به دليل جذب قابل توجه آب به عنوان جايگزين مصالح سنگي توصيه نمي‌شوند، همچنين مقايسه نتايج آزمايشات فيزيکي صورت گرفته روي زائدات سراميک بال با حدود مجاز استاندارد موجود در نشريه 234 نشان‌دهنده پتانسيل مناسب اين زائدات به عنوان جايگزين مصالح سنگي در مخلوط‌هاي آسفالتي مي‌باشد