17 research outputs found


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    Background: The interplay of high fertility, low contraceptive use and high maternal mortality continues to decimate populations across sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to determine contraceptive use and family size preferences among rural women in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted in rural communities of Sokoto State, Nigeria, using both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. It involved interviews to a random sample of 202 women of child bearing age using semi-structured interviewer- administered questionnaires, and focus group discussions among women and men. The quantitative data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 17 computer statistical package; while the qualitative data were transcribed, sorted, categorized and analyzed thematically. Results: The mean age of the women was 27.9 + 8.0 years, most of them had no formal education (85.6%) and were aged 14-19 years when they had their first pregnancy (84.2%). Of the 202 respondents only 10 (5.0%) were using modern contraceptives, most commonly pills 4 (40.0%), and injectable contraceptives 4 (40.0%). The main barriers to use of modern contraceptives were religious beliefs, desire for more pregnancies, poor understanding of FP concept/ disapproval by husbands; and lack of communication between couples. Almost all the respondents 197 (97.5%) preferred large family sizes and most of them 149 (73.8%) were willing to have as many children as possible. Conclusion: These findings underscore the need for governments and other stakeholders to make female education the central focus of FP promotion programs, in addition to involving men and religious leaders. Keywords: Contraceptive use, modern contraceptives, family size preferences, rural women, SokotoÂ

    Socio-demographic factors associated with knowledge and uptake of family planning among women of reproductive age in a Rural Community of Abuja, Nigeria

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    Nigeria has a population of about 180 million, estimated to double in 22 years due to low uptake of family planning services. Low utilization of family planning is the major factor associated with high fertility pattern in Nigeria. This trend is higher among rural women in Northern Nigeria. Without a thorough understanding of, and due attention to the local context, utilization of family planning may continue to be low. Identification of correlates of family planning would be invaluable in designing strategies for ultimately improving uptake of family planning services. This study became relevant as no previous study on family planning has been carried out in Ushafa Community. The study was conducted at Ushafa community, a rural community, located in Bwari Area Council on the northern axis of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study, conducted among women of reproductive age (15-49 years) who were permanent resident of Ushafa Community. Using proportion of contraceptive usage of 16% from a previous study, 240 women were recruited into the study by systematic sampling technique. Data was collected by means of a structured interviewer administered questionnaire, data was entered and analysed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20. All tests were conducted using 2 tails while level of significance was set at 0.05. About a quarter of respondents (26.3%) knew that amenorrhoea could be a side effect of oral contraceptive pills, 51.1% knew that oral contraceptive pills must be taken daily, 58% were not using any form of family planning. Age (χ2 = 8.382, p = 0.01) and marital status (χ2 = 8.915, p = 0.01) were significantly associated with family planning knowledge. Level of education was significantly associated with current use of family planning (χ2 = 10.78, p = 0.03). Educational status was significantly associated with likelihood of using family planning in the future (χ2 = 8.64, p = 0.04). Although the respondents had fairly good knowledge of family planning, the study observed some misconceptions especially with respect to side effects and methodology of use of the commodities. Low uptake of family planning was observed among the respondents. Age and marital status were significantly associated with family planning knowledge; level of education was significantly associated with current use of family planning. There is need for incorporation of facts on usage and side effects of family planning in message disseminated by health workers in health facilities in Ushafa Community so as to correct misconceptions

    Effect of hormonal and copper IUDs on genital microbial colonisation and clinical outcomes in North-Western Nigeria

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    Background: Intrauterine devices are one of the popular long term reversible contraceptive methods. Earlier forms were associated with genital infections, however more recent types such copper IUDs and hormonal types have been shown to have better safety profile. However, there is no conclusive evidence to demonstrate that hormonal IUD is less associated with genital infection when compared with copper IUDs. The objectives include determination of prevalence of genital tract infections among IUD users, to determine the type of IUD that is less associated with genital infection, and also determine clinical features seen among IUD users.Methods: We conducted a descriptive, cross sectional study of clients who were at 6 months following IUD insertion. Endocervical and high vaginal samples were taken to isolate microbes.Results: The prevalence of genital tract infection was 20% in Copper IUD users and 8.6% among LNG-IUS users. Genital infection was significantly higher among copper IUD users compared to hormonal IUD users (p=0.038, OR= 2.88). Abnormal vaginal discharge was the commonest symptoms among IUD users and formal education was associated with less risk of genital infections (p=0.048).Conclusions: Hormonal IUDs are less associated with genital tract infection compared to copper IUDs and women with formal education are less likely to have genital infection among IUD users

    Comparison of genital microbial isolates between intrauterine contraceptive device users and nonusers in Sokoto, Nigeria

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    Background: In the past, the use of intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD), in particular, Dalkon Shield was found to be associated with increased risk of pelvic infection. Recent literature illustrates that the risk of pelvic infection after insertion of an IUCD is low and that the risk peaks in the 1st month after insertion. We set out to determine the incidence of genital infection among IUCD users after the 1st and 3rd months of insertion compared to users of other contraceptive methods; to determine the risk of genital infections among IUCD users compared to users of other contraceptive methods and to determine the organisms associated with genital infection among the contraceptive users.Materials and Methods: This was a cohort study involving new clients who chose various forms of contraceptives.Results: The incidence of genital infection was 3 (8.5%) at 1 month and 4 (12.1%) at 3 months. The incidence in non‑IUCD contraceptive users was 2 (5.9%) at 1 month and 3 (8.8%) at 3 months. The relative risk was 1.44 and 1.5 at 1 and 3 months, respectively. The observed difference in the rate of infection between IUCD users and other contraceptive users was not statistically significant. Bacteria vaginosis and Trichomonas vaginalis were commonly observed in the two groups.Conclusion: The incidence of genital infection among IUCD users was relatively low compared to non‑IUCD users. IUCD s do not significantly increase the of rate genital infection.Keywords: Contraceptives; genital; infection; intrauterine contraceptive device; Nigeri

    Oxidative stress and outcome of antioxidant supplementation in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

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    Background: PCOS is a condition with significant decrease in antioxidant with an increased risk of oxidative stress. Antioxidant supplementation has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in PCOS and may improve outcome of management of PCOS. Objectives of this study were to determine the oxidative stress level of PCOS patients, to assess the effect of antioxidant supplementation on the outcome of management of PCOS and to compare with a control group.Methods: The study was a single blind randomised control trial involving 200 patients with PCOS. The study was conducted at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto. They were randomly divided into intervention and control groups and base line serum levels of oxidative stress marker, antioxidant enzymes, vitamins and minerals were determined. Antioxidant supplementation and placebo were given to the intervention and control groups respectively. All the patients had ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate and were followed up for 6 months. Outcome measures were clinical pregnancy or menstrual regularisation. Level of significance was <0.05.Results: There was statistical significance in the serum levels of oxidative stress marker, antioxidant enzymes, vitamins and minerals between the two groups (post intervention). Glutathione peroxidase (p = 0.001), superoxide dismutase (p = 0.0001), catalase (p= 0.0369), melondialdehyde (p= 0.007), Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (p = 0.0001), zinc and copper (p = 0.0001). The clinical pregnancy outcomes were 22 (22%) versus 2 (2%); live births 18 (18%) versus 2 (2%) and menstrual regularisation 48 (48%) versus 46 (46%) in the intervention and control groups respectively.Conclusions: Antioxidant supplementation in this study significantly affected pregnancy rate in patients with PCOS. Larger studies are suggested to revisit the conclusion of the Cochrane review that antioxidants supplementation had no significant role in female infertility

    Persistent hypertension up to one year postpartum among women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy in a low-resource setting:A prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDPs) are associated with lifelong cardiovascular disease risk. Persistent postpartum hypertension in HDPs could suggest progression to chronic hypertension. This phenomenon has not been well examined in low- and middle-income countries (LIMCs), and most previous follow-ups typically last for maximally six weeks postpartum. We assessed the prevalence of persistent hypertension up to one year in women with HDPs in a low resource setting and determined associated risk factors. METHODOLOGY: A prospective cohort study of women conducted at eight tertiary health care facilities in seven states of Nigeria. Four hundred and ten women with any HDP were enrolled within 24 hours of delivery and followed up at intervals until one year postpartum. Descriptive statistics were performed to express the participants’ characteristics. Univariable and multivariable logistic regressions were conducted to identify associated risk factors. RESULTS: Of the 410 women enrolled, 278 were followed up to one year after delivery (follow-up rate 68%). Among women diagnosed with gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, 22.3% (95% CI; 8.3–36.3) and 62.1% (95% CI; 52.5–71.9), respectively, had persistent hypertension at six months and this remained similar at one year 22.3% (95% CI; 5.6–54.4) and 61.2% (95% CI; 40.6–77.8). Maternal age and body mass index were significant risk factors for persistent hypertension at one year [aORs = 1.07/year (95% CI; 1.02–1.13) and 1.06/kg/m(2) (95% CI; 1.01–1.10)], respectively. CONCLUSION: This study showed a substantial prevalence of persistent hypertension beyond puerperium. Health systems in LMICs need to be organized to anticipate and maintain postpartum monitoring until blood pressure is normalized, or women referred or discharged to family physicians as appropriate. In particular, attention should be given to women who are obese, and or of higher maternal age

    Metabolic syndrome following hypertensive disorders in pregnancy in a low-resource setting:A cohort study

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    Objectives: Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDPs) are associated with risk of future metabolic syndrome. Despite the huge burden of HDPs in sub-Saharan Africa, this association has not been adequately studied in this population. Study design: This was a prospective cohort study on pregnant women recruited between August 2017 - April 2018 and followed up to one year after their deliveries and evaluated for presence of metabolic syndrome at delivery, nine weeks, six months and one year. Main outcome measures: Prevalence of metabolic syndrome Results: A total of 488 pregnant women were included: 410 and 78 with HDPs and normotensive, respectively. None of the normotensive had metabolic syndrome until one year (1.7% = 1 out of 59 observations), while among those with HDPs were 17.4% (71 of 407), 8.7% (23 of 263), 4.7% (11 of 232) and 6.1% (17 of 278), at delivery, nine weeks, six months and one year postpartum, respectively. High BMI and blood pressure were the drivers of metabolic syndrome in this population. The incidence rate in HDPs versus normotensive at one year were, respectively, 57.5/1000 persons’ year (95%CI; 35.8 – 92.6) and 16.9/1000 persons’ years (95%CI; 2.4-118.3), with incidence rate ratio of 3.4/1000 person's years. Only parity significantly predicted the presence of metabolic syndrome at one year [(aOR= 3.26/delivery (95%CI; 1.21-8.79)]. Conclusion: HDPs were associated with a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome up to one year postpartum. Women with HDPs should be routinely screened for metabolic syndrome within the first year postpartum to reduce cardiometabolic risks.</p

    Adherence to Guidelines in Postpartum Management of Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy in Tertiary Health Facilities in Nigeria: A Multi-centre Study

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    Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDPs) are a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Available guidelines for their postpartum management are expected to be optimally utilized. This study aimed to determine adherence to guidelines in selected Nigerian tertiary hospitals. It was nested in a cohort of women with HDPs who delivered in eight facilities between October 2017 and June 2018. Nine weeks after delivery, their cases were evaluated on prespecified indicators and supplemented with interviews. The level of adherence to the guidelines was determined using descriptive analyses, including frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations, as well as charts. Of the 366 participants, 33 (9%), 75 (20%), 200 (55%), and 58 (16%) had chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia, respectively. Only about a third had their blood pressure measured between postpartum days three and five. Similarly, a third of those with persistent hypertension (≥140/90 mmHg) were not on antihypertensive medications within the first week postpartum. In addition, 37% and 42% of participants were not counseled on contraceptives and early subsequent antenatal visits, respectively. Among those with preeclampsia/eclampsia, 93% were not offered postpartum screening for thromboprophylaxis. Although all women with preeclampsia/eclampsia remained hypertensive two weeks after discharge, only 24% had medical reviews. Overall, only 58% and 44% of indicators were adhered to among all HDPs and preeclampsia/eclampsia-specific indicators, respectively. Level of adherence to guidelines on postpartum management of HDPs in Nigerian tertiary hospitals is poor. It is recommended that institutionalization of guidelines be prioritized and linked to the entire continuum from preconception through longer term postpartum care

    Metabolic syndrome following hypertensive disorders in pregnancy in a low-resource setting: A cohort study

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    Objectives: Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDPs) are associated with risk of future metabolic syndrome. Despite the huge burden of HDPs in sub-Saharan Africa, this association has not been adequately studied in this population. Study design: This was a prospective cohort study on pregnant women recruited between August 2017 - April 2018 and followed up to one year after their deliveries and evaluated for presence of metabolic syndrome at delivery, nine weeks, six months and one year. Main outcome measures: Prevalence of metabolic syndrome Results: A total of 488 pregnant women were included: 410 and 78 with HDPs and normotensive, respectively. None of the normotensive had metabolic syndrome until one year (1.7% = 1 out of 59 observations), while among those with HDPs were 17.4% (71 of 407), 8.7% (23 of 263), 4.7% (11 of 232) and 6.1% (17 of 278), at delivery, nine weeks, six months and one year postpartum, respectively. High BMI and blood pressure were the drivers of metabolic syndrome in this population. The incidence rate in HDPs versus normotensive at one year were, respectively, 57.5/1000 persons’ year (95%CI; 35.8 – 92.6) and 16.9/1000 persons’ years (95%CI; 2.4-118.3), with incidence rate ratio of 3.4/1000 person's years. Only parity significantly predicted the presence of metabolic syndrome at one year [(aOR= 3.26/delivery (95%CI; 1.21-8.79)]. Conclusion: HDPs were associated with a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome up to one year postpartum. Women with HDPs should be routinely screened for metabolic syndrome within the first year postpartum to reduce cardiometabolic risks

    Breech deliveries in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto, Northwestern Nigeria: A 10-year review

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    Background: Breech delivery is a major issue in obstetric practice mainly because of the high perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with it. The aims of the study are to determine the prevalence management and perinatal outcome of singleton breech deliveries in our center. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study involving 395 singleton breech deliveries out of 24,160 deliveries conducted at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto, Sokoto, over a 10-year (2001-2010) period. Results: The prevalence rate of singleton breech delivery was 1.7%. Breech deliveries occurred more in the primigravidae. Most babies (69.1%) had vaginal delivery. There was a high caesarean section (CS) rate of 30.9%. Babies delivered by CS had better Apgar scores than those delivered through the vagina (P < 0.05). The perinatal mortality rate in breech deliveries (410/1000) was significantly higher than that (101.5/10000) in their cephalic counterparts (P < 0.05). Similarly, perinatal deaths were more common in unbooked than in booked patients (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Breech delivery was frequent in the study population. Singleton breech delivered by CS had better outcome than those who were delivered through the vagina