21 research outputs found

    Survey of Arabic Checker Techniques

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    It is known that the importance of spell checking, which increases with the expanding of technologies, using the Internet and the local dialects, in addition to non-awareness of linguistic language. So, this importance increases with the Arabic language, which has many complexities and specificities that differ from other languages. This paper explains these specificities and presents the existing works based on techniques categories that are used, as well as explores these techniques. Besides, it gives directions for future work

    Construction of an ontology for intelligent Arabic QA systems leveraging the Conceptual Graphs representation

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    The last decade had known a great interest in Arabic Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. This interest is due to the prominent importance of this 6th most wide-spread language in the world with more than 350 million native speakers. Currently, some basic Arabic language challenges related to the high inflection and derivation, Part-of-Speech (PoS) tagging, and diacritical ambiguity of Arabic text are practically tamed to a great extent. However, the development of high level and intelligent applications such as Question Answering (QA) systems is still obstructed by the lacks in terms of ontologies and other semantic resources. In this paper, we present the construction of a new Arabic ontology leveraging the contents of Arabic WordNet (AWN) and Arabic VerbNet (AVN). This new resource presents the advantage to combine the high lexical coverage and semantic relations between words existing in AWN together with the formal representation of syntactic and semantic frames corresponding to verbs in AVN. The Conceptual Graphs representation was adopted in the framework of a multi-layer platform dedicated to the development of intelligent and multi-agents systems. The built ontology is used to represent key concepts in questions and documents for further semantic comparison. Experiments conducted in the context of the QA task show a promising coverage with respect to the processed questions and passages. The obtained results also highlight an improvement in the performance of Arabic QA regarding the c@1 measure.The work of the last author was carried out in the framework of the WIQ-EI IRSES project (Grant No. 269180) within the FP 7 Marie Curie, the DIANA APPLICATIONS - Finding Hidden Knowledge in Texts: Applications (TIN2012-38603-C02-01) project, and the VLC/CAMPUS Microcluster on Multimodal Interaction in Intelligent Systems.Abouenour, L.; Nasri, M.; Bouzoubaa, K.; Kabbaj, A.; Rosso, P. (2014). Construction of an ontology for intelligent Arabic QA systems leveraging the Conceptual Graphs representation. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. 27(6):2869-2881. https://doi.org/10.3233/IFS-141248S2869288127

    IDRAAQ: New Arabic Question Answering system based on Query Expansion and Passage Retrieval

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    Arabic is one of the languages which are less concerned by researchers in the field of Question Answering. The paper presents core modules of a new Arabic Question Answering system called IDRAAQ. These modules aim at enhancing the quality of retrieved passages with respect to a given question. Experiments have been conducted in the framework of the main task of QA4MRE@CLEF 2012 that includes this year the Arabic language. Two runs were submitted. Both runs only use reading test documents to answer questions. The difference between the two runs exists in the answer validation process which is more relaxed in the second run. The Passage Retrieval (PR) module of our system presents multi-levels of processing in order to improve the quality of returned passage and thereafter the performances of the whole system. The PR module of IDRAAQ is based on keyword-based and structure-based levels that respectively consist in: (i) a Query Expansion (QE) process relying on Arabic WordNet semantic relations; (ii) a Distance Density N-gram Model based passage retrieval system. The latter level uses passages retrieved on the basis of QE queries and re-ranks them according to a structure-based similarity score. Named Entities are recognized by means of a mapping between the YAGO ontology and Arabic WordNet. The experiments that we conducted show that with respect to the accuracy and c@1 measure, IDRAAQ registered encouraging performances in particular with factoid questions. The same experiments allowed us to identify the lacks of the system especially when processing non factoid questions and at the Answer Validation stage. The IDRAAQ system, which is still under construction, will integrate a Conceptual Graph-based passage re-ranking introducing a semantic level to its PR module.Abouenour, L.; Bouzoubaa, K.; Rosso, P. (2012). IDRAAQ: New Arabic Question Answering system based on Query Expansion and Passage Retrieval. CELCT. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/46316

    On the evaluation and improvement of arabic wordnet coverage and usability

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10579-013-9237-0[EN] Built on the basis of the methods developed for Princeton WordNet and EuroWordNet, Arabic WordNet (AWN) has been an interesting project which combines WordNet structure compliance with Arabic particularities. In this paper, some AWN shortcomings related to coverage and usability are addressed. The use of AWN in question/answering (Q/A) helped us to deeply evaluate the resource from an experience-based perspective. Accordingly, an enrichment of AWN was built by semi-automatically extending its content. Indeed, existing approaches and/or resources developed for other languages were adapted and used for AWN. The experiments conducted in Arabic Q/A have shown an improvement of both AWN coverage as well as usability. Concerning coverage, a great amount of named entities extracted from YAGO were connected with corresponding AWN synsets. Also, a significant number of new verbs and nouns (including Broken Plural forms) were added. In terms of usability, thanks to the use of AWN, the performance for the AWN-based Q/A application registered an overall improvement with respect to the following three measures: accuracy (+9.27 % improvement), mean reciprocal rank (+3.6 improvement) and number of answered questions (+12.79 % improvement).The work presented in Sect. 2.2 was done in the framework of the bilateral Spain-Morocco AECID-PCI C/026728/09 research project. The research of the two first authors is done in the framework of the PROGRAMME D'URGENCE project (grant no. 03/2010). The research of the third author is done in the framework of WIQEI IRSES project (grant no. 269180) within the FP 7 Marie Curie People, DIANA-APPLICATIONS-Finding Hidden Knowledge in Texts: Applications (TIN2012-38603-C02-01) research project and VLC/CAMPUS Microcluster on Multimodal Interaction in Intelligent Systems. We would like to thank Manuel Montes-y-Gomez (INAOE-Puebla, Mexico) and Sandra Garcia-Blasco (Bitsnbrain, Spain) for their feedback on the work presented in Sect. 2.4. We would like finally to thank Violetta Cavalli-Sforza (Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco) for having reviewed the linguistic level of the entire document.Abouenour, L.; Bouzoubaa, K.; Rosso, P. (2013). On the evaluation and improvement of arabic wordnet coverage and usability. Language Resources and Evaluation. 47(3):891-917. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-013-9237-0S891917473Abbès, R., Dichy, J., & Hassoun, M. (2004). The architecture of a standard Arabic lexical database: Some figures, ratios and categories from the DIINAR.1 source program. In Workshop on computational approaches to Arabic script-based languages, Coling 2004. Geneva, Switzerland.Abouenour, L., Bouzoubaa, K., & Rosso, P. (2009a). Structure-based evaluation of an Arabic semantic query expansion using the JIRS passage retrieval system. In Proceedings of the workshop on computational approaches to Semitic languages, E-ACL-2009, Athens, Greece, March.Abouenour, L., Bouzoubaa, K., & Rosso, P. (2009b). Three-level approach for passage retrieval in Arabic question/answering systems. In Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Arabic language processing CITALA’09, Rabat, Morocco, May, 2009.Abouenour, L., Bouzoubaa, K., & Rosso, P. (2010a). An evaluated semantic query expansion and structure-based approach for enhancing Arabic question/answering. Special Issue in the International Journal on Information and Communication Technologies/IEEE. June.Abouenour, L., Bouzoubaa, K., & Rosso, P. (2010b). Using the YAGO ontology as a resource for the enrichment of named entities in Arabic WordNet. In Workshop LR & HLT for semitic languages, LREC’10. Malta. May, 2010.Ahonen-Myka, H. (2002). Discovery of frequent word sequences in text. 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Using language independent and language specific features to enhance Arabic named entity recognition. In IEEE transactions on audio, speech and language processing. Special Issue on Processing Morphologically Rich Languages, 17(5), 2009.Benajiba, Y., Rosso, P., & Lyhyaoui, A. (2007). Implementation of the ArabiQA question answering system’s components. In Proceedings of workshop on Arabic natural language processing, 2nd Information Communication Technologies int. symposium, ICTIS-2007, April 3–5, Fez, Morocco.Benoît, S., & Darja, F. (2008). Building a free French WordNet from multilingual resources. Workshop on Ontolex 2008, LREC’08, June, Marrakech, Morocco.Black, W., Elkateb, S., Rodriguez, H, Alkhalifa, M., Vossen, P., Pease, A., et al. (2006). Introducing the Arabic WordNet project. In Proceedings of the third international WordNet conference. Sojka, Choi: Fellbaum & Vossen (eds).Boudelaa, S., & Gaskell, M. G. (2002). A reexamination of the default system for Arabic plurals. Language and Cognitive Processes, 17, 321–343.Brini, W., Ellouze & M., Hadrich, B. L. (2009a). QASAL: Un système de question-réponse dédié pour les questions factuelles en langue Arabe. In 9th Journées Scientifiques des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Electrique et Informatique, Tunisia.Brini, W., Trigui, O., Ellouze, M., Mesfar, S., Hadrich, L., & Rosso, P. (2009b). Factoid and definitional Arabic question answering system. In Post-proceedings of NOOJ-2009, June 8–10, Tozeur, Tunisia.Buscaldi, D., Rosso, P., Gómez, J. M., & Sanchis, E. (2010). Answering questions with an n-gram based passage retrieval engine. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 34(2), 113–134.Costa, R. P., & Seco, N. (2008). Hyponymy extraction and Web search behavior analysis based on query reformulation. In Proceedings of the 11th Ibero-American conference on AI: advances in artificial intelligence (pp. 1–10).Denicia-carral, C., Montes-y-Gõmez, M., Villaseñor-pineda, L., & Hernandez, R. G. (2006). A text mining approach for definition question answering. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on natural language processing, FinTal’2006, Turku, Finland.Diab, M. T. (2004). Feasibility of bootstrapping an Arabic Wordnet leveraging parallel corpora and an English Wordnet. In Proceedings of the Arabic language technologies and resources, NEMLAR, Cairo, Egypt.El Amine, M. A. (2009). Vers une interface pour l’enrichissement des requêtes en arabe dans un système de recherche d’information. In Proceedings of the 2nd conférence internationale sur l’informatique et ses applications (CIIA’09), May 3–4, Saida, Algeria.Elghamry, K. (2008). Using the web in building a corpus-based hypernymy-hyponymy Lexicon with hierarchical structure for Arabic. In Proceedings of the 6th international conference on informatics and systems, INFOS 2008. Cairo, Egypt.Elkateb, S., Black, W., Vossen, P., Farwell, D., Rodríguez, H., Pease, A., et al. (2006). Arabic WordNet and the challenges of Arabic. 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    Arabic Phonetic Rules

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    Description: this xml file describes the Arabic phonetic constraints (rules) resulting from the analysis of the lexicons(Taj Alarous, Al ain, Lisan Al arab, Alwassit and almoassir ). These rules are to be applied to Arabic roots and are classified into a number of categories. Each category has a certain type of constraints as follow: The first category defines that the root must not consist of three identical letters. The second category defines that the root must not start with two repeating letters. The third category lists the letters that must not occur in the same root, regardless of their order. The fourth category lists the letters that may not be used together in a certain order in a root. ISLRN: 190-535-098-473-

    CORMAP - Corpus for Moroccan Arabic Processing

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    This resource is a corpus containing 34k Moroccan Colloquial Arabic sentences collected from different sources. The sentences are written in Arabic letters. This resource can be useful in some NLP applications such as Language Identification

    La logistique et son rôle dans la productivité industrielle au Maroc (cas de la chaîne logistique de la Société Marocaine de Construction Automobile (SOMACA) Filiale groupe Renault Maroc)

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    Le domaine concerné est en général la logistique industrielle au Maroc et en particulier la logistique industrielle dans le secteur automobile et le mode d approvisionnement de la chaîne de production. La problématique générale est la suivante : comment minimiser les coûts logistiques et augmenter la cadence de production en réduisant le délais de livraison du produit fini. Une réponse réside dans le mode d approvisionnement et d alimentation de la chaîne de production. Il existe deux modes d approvisionnement dans le secteur automobile : le mode d approvisionnement en collection qui répond à un besoin en lots CKD de 48 véhicules sous la forme d une demande d embarquement hebdomadaire. Ce mode est totalement déconnecté des standards et normes Renault. Le nouveau mode d approvisionnement par pièces, appelé Appro-pièces est utilisé dans la majorité des sites de production de Renault. Ce mode consiste en l expression quotidienne des besoins à la pièce. Le site de production gère ainsi la documentation des véhicules qu il fabrique et assume la responsabilité du stock de ses pièces. Chaque référence est emballée selon un conditionnement adapté (emballages perdus ou retournables). Bien appliquée, une telle approche demeure économique. Avec l instauration du deuxième mode d approvisionnement dans la Supply Chain de la SOMACA, le résultat s est avéré positif : réalisation des économies de 100 euros par véhicule ; augmentation de la cadence de production : de 60 à 220 véhicules/jour et une cible de 340 véhicules en 2012 pour la X90 (Logan/Sandero Maroc, Logan/Sandero export) ; plus d intégration locale des pièces (tôlerie aussi), grâce à cette montée en cadence de production ; création de la main d œuvre en passant d une seule équipe à 3 équipes par jour ; multiplication des sourcings pièces (ILNs et fournisseurs locaux).The area in question is generally related to industrial logistics in Morocco, more particularly the industrial logistics in the automotive sector and the mode of supply of the production chain. The general problematic is: how to minimize the logistics costs and increase the production pace while reducing the delivery time of the finished product. The answer lies on the mode of supply as well as on the production chain feeding. In fact, there are two modes of supply in the automotive sector: The mode of supply collection that meets a need in CKD batches of 48 vehicles in the form of a weekly boarding application. This mode is completely disconnected from the norms and standards of Renault; and The new mode of supply by parts, called Appro-pièces , which is mainly used in the majority of Renault production sites. This mode consists of the daily expression of needs for the parts. The production site, thus, manages not only the documentation of the vehicles it manufactures but also assumes the responsibility for the stock of its parts. Each reference is packed in suitable packing (lost or returnable packaging). With the introduction of the second mode of supply in the Supply Chain of SOMACA, the result proved to be positive : Realization of 100 Euros benefit on each vehicle. Increase of the production speed: 60 to 220 vehicles/day and a target of 340 vehicle in 2012 for the X90 (Logan/Sandero Morocco, Logan/Sandero export). More local integration (sheetmetal also) thanks to the rapid increase in production speed. Creation of the labor force by passing a single team to 3 teams per day. Multiplication of the parts sourcings (ILNs and local suppliers).PARIS3-BU (751052102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Arabic Triliteral roots Lexicon

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    Description: This xml file is a lexicon containing all 21952 (28x28x28) Arabic triliteral combinations (roots). the file is split into three parts as follow: the first part contains the phonetic constraints that must be taken into account in the formation of Arabic roots (for more details see all_phonetic_rules.xml in http://arabic.emi.ac.ma/alelm/?q=Resources). the second part contains the lexicons that were used to create this lexicon (see in lexicons tag). the third part contains the roots. ISLRN: 813-907-570-946-

    Addressed Arabic Phonetic Rules

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    This xml file describes the Arabic phonetic constraints are to be applied on Arabic root. The first rule category lists the letters that may not occur in the same root, regardless of their order. The second category lists the letters that may not be used together in a root word with a specific order. The third and fourth categories show that each contiguous letters must not be redundant ISLRN: 991-445-325-823-