12 research outputs found

    Polynomials with r-Lah coefficient and hyperharmonic numbers

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    In this paper, we take advantage of the Mellin type derivative to produce some new families of polynomials whose coefficients involve r-Lah numbers. One of these polynomials leads to rediscover many of the identities of r-Lah numbers. We show that some of these polynomials and hyperharmonic numbers are closely related. Taking into account of these connections, we reach several identities for harmonic and hyperharmonic numbers

    Harmonic number identities via polynomials with r-Lah coefficients

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    Stieltjes constants appearing in the Laurent expansion of the hyperharmonic zeta function

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    In this paper, we consider meromorphic extension of the function ζh(r)(s)=k=1hk(r)ks, Re(s)>r, \zeta_{h^{\left( r\right) }}\left( s\right) =\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{h_{k}^{\left( r\right) }}{k^{s}},\text{ }\operatorname{Re}\left( s\right) >r, (which we call \textit{hyperharmonic zeta function}) where hn(r)h_{n}^{(r)} are the hyperharmonic numbers. We establish certain constants, denoted γh(r)(m)\gamma_{h^{\left( r\right) }}\left( m\right) , which naturally occur in the Laurent expansion of ζh(r)(s)\zeta_{h^{\left( r\right) }}\left( s\right) . Moreover, we show that the constants γh(r)(m)\gamma_{h^{\left( r\right) }}\left( m\right) and integrals involving generalized exponential integral can be written as a finite combination of some special constants