698 research outputs found

    Robust signatures of quantum radiation reaction in focused ultrashort laser pulses

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    Radiation reaction effects in the interaction of an electron bunch with a superstrong focused ultrashort laser pulse are investigated in the quantum radiation dominated regime. The angle-resolved Compton scattering spectra are calculated in laser pulses of variable duration using a semi-classical description for the radiation dominated dynamics and a full quantum treatment for the emitted radiation. In dependence of the laser pulse duration we find signatures of quantum radiation reaction in the radiation spectra, which are characteristic for the focused laser beam and visible in the qualitative behaviour of both the angular spread and the spectral bandwidth of the radiation spectra. The signatures are robust with respect to the variation of the electron and laser beam parameters in a large range. They fully differ qualitatively from those in the classical radiation reaction regime and are measurable with presently available laser technology

    Attosecond gamma-ray pulses via nonlinear Compton scattering in the radiation dominated regime

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    The feasibility of generation of bright ultrashort gamma-ray pulses is demonstrated in the interaction of a relativistic electron bunch with a counterpropagating tightly-focused superstrong laser beam in the radiation dominated regime. The Compton scattering spectra of gamma-radiation are investigated using a semiclassical description for the electron dynamics in the laser field and a quantum electrodynamical description for the photon emission. We demonstrate the feasibility of ultrashort gamma-ray bursts of hundreds of attoseconds and of dozens of megaelectronvolt photon energies in the near-backwards direction of the initial electron motion. The tightly focused laser field structure and radiation reaction are shown to be responsible for such short gamma-ray bursts which are independent of the durations of the electron bunch and of the laser pulse. The results are measurable with the laser technology available in a near-future

    Electron-Angular-Distribution Reshaping in Quantum Radiation-Dominated Regime

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    Dynamics of an electron beam head-on colliding with an ultraintense focused ultrashort circularly-polarized laser pulse are investigated in the quantum radiation-dominated regime. Generally, the ponderomotive force of the laser fields may deflect the electrons transversely, to form a ring structure on the cross-section of the electron beam. However, we find that when the Lorentz factor of the electron γ\gamma is approximately one order of magnitude larger than the invariant laser field parameter ξ\xi, the stochastic nature of the photon emission leads to electron aggregation abnormally inwards to the propagation axis of the laser pulse. Consequently, the electron angular distribution after the interaction exhibits a peak structure in the beam propagation direction, which is apparently distinguished from the "ring"-structure of the distribution in the classical regime, and therefore, can be recognized as a proof of the fundamental quantum stochastic nature of radiation. The stochasticity signature is robust with respect to the laser and electron parameters and observable with current experimental techniques

    Ultrarelativistic polarized positron jets via collision of electron and ultraintense laser beams

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    Relativistic spin-polarized positron beams are indispensable for future electron-positron colliders to test modern high-energy physics theory with high precision. However, present techniques require very large scale facilities for those experiments. We put forward a novel efficient way for generating ultrarelativistic polarized positron beams employing currently available laser fields. For this purpose the generation of polarized positrons via multiphoton Breit-Wheeler pair production and the associated spin dynamics in single-shot interaction of an ultraintense laser pulse with an ultrarelativistic electron beam is investigated in the quantum radiation-dominated regime. A specifically tailored small ellipticity of the laser field is shown to promote splitting of the polarized particles along the minor axis of laser polarization into two oppositely polarized beams. In spite of radiative de-polarization, a dense positron beam with up to about 90\% polarization can be generated in tens of femtoseconds. The method may eventually usher high-energy physics studies into smaller-scale laser laboratories

    Laser-driven lepton polarization in the quantum radiation-dominated reflection regime

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    Generation of ultrarelativistic polarized leptons during interaction of an ultrarelativistic electron beam with a counterpropagating ultraintense laser pulse is investigated in the quantum radiation-dominated domain. While the symmetry of the laser field tends to average the radiative polarization of leptons to zero, we demonstrate the feasibility of sizable radiative polarization through breaking the symmetry of the process in the reflection regime. After the reflection, the off-axis particles escape the tightly focused beam with polarization correlated to the emission angle, while the particles at the beam center are more likely to be captured in the laser field with unmatched polarization and kinetic motion. Meanwhile, polarization along the electric field emerges due to the spin rotation in the transverse plane via precession. In this way, the combined effects of radiative polarization, spin precession and the laser field focusing are shaping the angle-dependent polarization for outgoing leptons. Our spin-resolved Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate an angle-dependent polarization degree up to ∼20%\sim20\% for both electrons and positrons, with a yield of one pair per seed electron. It provides a new approach for producing polarized high density electron and positron jets at ultraintense laser facilities
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