3,329 research outputs found

    Above-threshold ionization with highly-charged ions in super-strong laser fields: I. Coulomb-corrected strong field approximation

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    Aiming at the investigation of above-threshold ionization in super-strong laser fields with highly charged ions, we develop a Coulomb-corrected strong field approximation (SFA). The influence of the Coulomb potential of the atomic core on the ionized electron dynamics in the continuum is taken into account via the eikonal approximation, treating the Coulomb potential perturbatively in the phase of the quasi-classical wave function of the continuum electron. In this paper the formalism of the Coulomb-corrected SFA for the nonrelativistic regime is discussed employing velocity and length gauge. Direct ionization of a hydrogen-like system in a strong linearly polarized laser field is considered. The relation of the results in the different gauges to the Perelomov-Popov-Terent'ev imaginary-time method is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Above-threshold ionization with highly-charged ions in super-strong laser fields: II. Relativistic Coulomb-corrected strong field approximation

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    We develop a relativistic Coulomb-corrected strong field approximation (SFA) for the investigation of spin effects at above-threshold ionization in relativistically strong laser fields with highly charged hydrogen-like ions. The Coulomb-corrected SFA is based on the relativistic eikonal-Volkov wave function describing the ionized electron laser-driven continuum dynamics disturbed by the Coulomb field of the ionic core. The SFA in different partitions of the total Hamiltonian is considered. The formalism is applied for direct ionization of a hydrogen-like system in a strong linearly polarized laser field. The differential and total ionization rates are calculated analytically. The relativistic analogue of the Perelomov-Popov-Terent'ev ionization rate is retrieved within the SFA technique. The physical relevance of the SFA in different partitions is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Momentum partition between constituents of exotic atoms during laser induced tunneling ionization

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    The tunneling ionization of exotic atoms such as muonic hydrogen, muonium and positronium in a strong laser field of circular polarization is investigated taking into account the impact of the motion of the center of mass on the the tunneling ionization dynamics. The momentum partition between the ionization products is deduced. The effect of the center of mass motion for the momentum distribution of the ionization components is determined. The effect scales with the ratio of the electron (muon) to the atomic core masses and is nonnegligible for exotic atoms, while being insignificant for common atoms. It is shown that the electron (muon) momentum shift during the under-the-barrier motion due to the magnetically induced Lorentz force has a significant impact on the momentum distribution of the atomic core and depends on the ratio of the electron to the atomic core masses

    The Wigner time delay for laser induced tunnel-ionization via the electron propagator

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    Recent attoclock experiments using the attsecond angular streaking technique enabled the measurement of the tunneling time delay during laser induced strong field ionization. Theoretically the tunneling time delay is commonly modelled by the Wigner time delay concept which is derived from the derivative of the electron wave function phase with respect to energy. Here, we present an alternative method for the calculation of the Wigner time delay by using the fixed energy propagator. The developed formalism is applied to the nonrelativistic as well as to the relativistic regime of the tunnel-ionization process from a zero-range potential, where in the latter regime the propagator can be given by means of the proper-time method.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Radiation reaction force induced nonlinear mixing of Raman sidebands of an ultra-intense laser pulse in a plasma

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    Stimulated Raman scattering of an ultra-intense laser pulse in plasmas is studied by perturbatively including the leading order term of the Landau-Lifshitz radiation reaction force in the equation of motion for plasma electrons. In this approximation, radiation reaction force causes phase shift in nonlinear current densities that drive the two Raman sidebands (anti-Stokes and Stokes waves), manifesting itself into the nonlinear mixing of two sidebands. This mixing results in a strong enhancement in the growth of the forward Raman scattering instability

    Robust signatures of quantum radiation reaction in focused ultrashort laser pulses

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    Radiation reaction effects in the interaction of an electron bunch with a superstrong focused ultrashort laser pulse are investigated in the quantum radiation dominated regime. The angle-resolved Compton scattering spectra are calculated in laser pulses of variable duration using a semi-classical description for the radiation dominated dynamics and a full quantum treatment for the emitted radiation. In dependence of the laser pulse duration we find signatures of quantum radiation reaction in the radiation spectra, which are characteristic for the focused laser beam and visible in the qualitative behaviour of both the angular spread and the spectral bandwidth of the radiation spectra. The signatures are robust with respect to the variation of the electron and laser beam parameters in a large range. They fully differ qualitatively from those in the classical radiation reaction regime and are measurable with presently available laser technology