213 research outputs found

    Female Employment and Fertility in Rural China

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    Data on 2,288 married women from the 2006 China Health and Nutrition Survey are deployed to study how off-farm female employment affects fertility. Such employment reduces a married woman's actual number of children by 0.64, her preferred number by 0.48, and her probability of having more than one child by 54.8 percent. Causality flows in both directions; hence, we use well validated instrumental variables to estimate employment status. China has deep concerns with both female employment and population size. Moreover, female employment is growing quickly. Hence, its implications for fertility must be understood. Ramifications for China's one-child policy are discussed.

    Effects of Inquiry-Based Instruction on Science Achievement for Students with Disabilities: An Analysis of the Literature

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    In comparison to the past, more students with disabilities are being included in the general education classroom for science instruction. Though inquiry-based instruction has not shown to be an effective practice for students with disabilities, it is vastly becoming the dominant practice in science education. The purpose of this review is to examine the effects of inquiry-based instruction on science achievement for students with disabilities. The twelve studies, meeting selection criteria, report improvement in science achievement using inquiry practices. The participants and settings, variations of inquiry-based instruction, science achievement measures, and teacher training were addressed in this review. Two major contributions have resulted from analyzing the twelve studies. First, students with disabilities require supports to participate in an inquiry-based lesson and demonstrate progress on science achievement measures. Second, science achievement improves when components of explicit instruction are utilized in both the general and special education setting for students with disabilities

    Representaciones sociales de la sexualidad en la infancia y práctica pedagógica de agentes etnoeducadores pertenecientes a la comunidad indígena Wayuu

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    La investigación titulada: Representaciones sociales de la sexualidad en la infancia y practica pedagógica de agentes etnoeducadores pertenecientes a la comunidad indígena wayuu tiene como objetivo identificar las representaciones sociales sobre sexualidad infantil en un grupo de etnoeducadores y como está influye en su práctica pedagógica. Los marcos conceptuales se encuentran sustentados en el concepto de representación social con autores como: Moscovissi, Denise Jodelet entre otros. El marco metodológico corresponde a una investigación cualitativa. En los resultados se encontró que las representaciones sociales de infancia en la comunidad Wayuu se caracterizan por una lectura tradicional del niño y niña donde debe ser sumiso frente a la autoridad del adulto, no puede criticar o poner en duda el saber y su posición frente al conocimiento es de un receptor pasivo, en el campo de la sexualidad no hay una transmisión de saberes, no se generan espacios para responder preguntar sobre este tema y prevalece el tabú, ya en la pubertad aparecen los rituales para la iniciación sexual más claramente en la niña que en el niño, esto va en contravía con los lineamientos de Ministerio de Educación Nacional sobre la educación sexual en primera infancia y primaria

    Jobs and Kids: Female Employment and Fertility in China

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    Data on 2,355 married women from the 2006 China Health and Nutrition Survey are used to study how female employment affects fertility in China. China has deep concerns with both population size and female employment, so the relationship between the two should be better understood. Causality flows in both directions. A conceptual model shows how employment prospects affect fertility. Then a well-validated instrumental variable isolates this effect. Female employment reduces a married woman’s preferred number of children by 0.35 on average and her actual number by 0.50. Ramifications for China’s one-child policy are discussed

    Occurrence of Nosema ceranae, Ascosphaera apis and trypanosomatids in Vespa orientalis linneus 1771

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    Vespa orientalis is spreading across the Italian and European territories leading to new interactions among species, which could lead to the transmission of pathogens between species. Detection of honey bee viruses in V. orientalis has already been revealed in both adults and larvae, while no information is available regarding parasitic occurrence. Sixty adult hornets collected across apiaries in the South of Italy were subjected to cytological, histopathological and biomolecular examination to evaluate the occurrence of Nosema ceranae, Ascosphaera apis, Lotmaria passim, Crithidia mellificae, and Crithidia bombi. Cytological examination revealed the presence of Nosema spores in 38.33% of individuals while histopathological analysis showed the presence of L. passim-like elements in the rectum of two examined specimens and the presence of fungal hyphae in the small intestine of another hornet. Biomolecular investigation revealed that N. ceranae was the most prevalent pathogen (50.0%), followed by A. apis (6.66%), L. passim (6.66%) and C. bombi (6.0%)

    Jobs and Kids: Female Employment and Fertility in Rural China

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    Data on 2,355 married women from the 2006 China Health and Nutrition Survey are used to study how female employment affects fertility in China. China has deep concerns with both population size and female employment, so the relationship between the two should be better understood. Causality flows in both directions. A conceptual model shows how employment prospects affect fertility. Then a well-validated instrumental variable isolates this effect. Female employment reduces a married woman’s preferred number of children by 0.35 on average and her actual number by 0.50. Ramifications for China’s one-child policy are discussed.

    Diabetes and Motor Vehicle Crashes: A Systematic Evidence-Based Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The primary objective of this systematic review was to address the question, “Are drivers with diabetes mellitus at greater risk for a motor vehicle crash than comparable drivers without the disease?” and secondarily, to address the question, “Are insulin-treated diabetics at higher risk for crash?” Our searches identified 16 articles that addressed these questions. An assessment of study quality of the included studies found them to be in the low-to-moderate range. While attempts were made to control for differences in the characteristics of individuals that may confound the relationship between diabetes and crash risk in all included studies, most failed to control for exposure. A random-effects metaanalysis found that individuals with diabetes have a 19% increased risk for a motor vehicle crash when compared to similar individuals without diabetes. We found no compelling evidence to suggest that insulin-treated individuals are at higher risk for motor vehicle crash than individuals with diabetes not being treated with insulin. We discuss the implications of these findings

    A Virtual World Versus Face-to-Face Intervention Format to Promote Diabetes Self-Management Among African American Women: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Virtual world environments have the potential to increase access to diabetes self-management interventions and may lower cost. OBJECTIVE: We tested the feasibility and comparative effectiveness of a virtual world versus a face-to-face diabetes self-management group intervention. METHODS: We recruited African American women with type 2 diabetes to participate in an 8-week diabetes self-management program adapted from Power to Prevent, a behavior-change in-person group program for African Americans with diabetes or pre-diabetes. The program is social cognitive theory-guided, evidence-based, and culturally tailored. Participants were randomized to participate in the program via virtual world (Second Life) or face-to-face, both delivered by a single intervention team. Blinded assessors conducted in-person clinical (HbA1c), behavioral, and psychosocial measurements at baseline and 4-month follow-up. Pre-post differences within and between intervention groups were assessed using t tests and chi-square tests (two-sided and intention-to-treat analyses for all comparisons). RESULTS: Participants (N = 89) were an average of 52 years old (SD 10), 60% had \u3c /=high school, 82% had household incomes \u3c US 30,000,andcomputerexperiencewasvariable.Overallsessionattendancewassimilaracrossthegroups(6.8/8sessions,P=.90).Comparedtofacetoface,virtualworldwasslightlysuperiorfortotalactivity,lightactivity,andinactivity(P=.05,P=.07,andP=.025,respectively).HbA1creductionwassignificantwithinfacetoface(0.46,P=02)butnotwithinvirtualworld(0.31,P=.19),althoughtherewerenosignificantbetweengroupdifferencesinHbA1c(P=.52).Inbothgroups,1430,000, and computer experience was variable. Overall session attendance was similar across the groups (6.8/8 sessions, P = .90). Compared to face-to-face, virtual world was slightly superior for total activity, light activity, and inactivity (P = .05, P = .07, and P = .025, respectively). HbA1c reduction was significant within face-to-face (-0.46, P = 02) but not within virtual world (-0.31, P = .19), although there were no significant between group differences in HbA1c (P = .52). In both groups, 14% fewer patients had post-intervention HbA1c \u3e /=9% (virtual world P = .014; face-to-face P = .002), with no significant between group difference (P = .493). Compared to virtual world, face-to-face was marginally superior for reducing depression symptoms (P = .051). The virtual world intervention costs were US 1117 versus US $931 for face-to-face. CONCLUSIONS: It is feasible to deliver diabetes self-management interventions to inner city African American women via virtual worlds, and outcomes may be comparable to those of face-to-face interventions. Further effectiveness research is warranted. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01340079; http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT01340079 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6T2aSvmka)