9 research outputs found

    Comparison of All Transcripts among the Control Groups.

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    <p>Pearson correlation and scatterplot matrix of log2 normalized expression of all transcripts in control groups, Con1-Con4B. The red solid line is the identity line. Again, the aberrant results of Con4A are due to less than optimal amplification prior to sequencing.</p

    Comparison of the Ribosomal Subunit Expression among Control Groups.

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    <p>Pearson correlation and scatterplot matrix of log2 normalized expression of the ribosomal subunit proteins in control groups, Con1-Con4B. The red solid line is the identity line. Note that the aberrant/anomalous results of Con4A are due to less than optimal amplification prior to sequencing.</p

    Expression of Selected Immune-Related Transcripts in Control and Amphetamine Treated Rats.

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    <p>*These genes may also be in dendritic cells as well as monocytes but the levels of dendritic cells are much lower in circulating blood than monocytes.</p><p>**This gene is also present in plasma cells but the levels of these types of cells in blood would be much lower than B cells in circulating blood.</p><p>Expression of Selected Immune-Related Transcripts in Control and Amphetamine Treated Rats.</p

    Expression of Ribosomal Subunits in the Control versus Amphetamine Groups.

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    <p>Pearson correlation and scatterplot matrix of log2 normalized expression of the ribosomal subunit proteins comparing each control group to its time-matched AMPH group. The red solid line is the identity line.</p

    Analysis of Leukocyte Cell Types Present in the Whole Blood of Control and Amphetamine Treated Rats.

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    <p><sup>a</sup> Values for the total and various cell types of leukocytes are measured in thousands (10<sup>3</sup>) per cubic mm of blood and erythrocyte levels are given in millions (10<sup>6</sup>) per cubic mm of blood. Reported values represent mean ± SEM for blood samples collected from 16 control and 16 AMPH animals.</p><p><sup>b</sup> Reference values for the total and various cell types of leukocytes and RBCs for 56 to 70 day old adult male Charles River Crl:CD(SD) rats were obtained from <a href="http://www.criver.com/files/pdfs/rms/cd/rm_rm_d_cd_rat.aspx" target="_blank">http://www.criver.com/files/pdfs/rms/cd/rm_rm_d_cd_rat.aspx</a>. The mean ± standard deviation levels are given.</p><p>*p < 0.05; Mann-Whitney U test.</p><p>Analysis of Leukocyte Cell Types Present in the Whole Blood of Control and Amphetamine Treated Rats.</p

    Expression of Ribosomal Subunits in the Control versus Amphetamine Groups.

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    <p>Pearson correlation and scatterplot matrix of log2 normalized expression of the ribosomal subunit proteins comparing each control group to its time-matched AMPH group. The red solid line is the identity line.</p

    Expression Changes in Genes Primarily Expressed in Monocytes, B-cells or T-cells, and all Leukocytes as a Result of Neurotoxic AMPH Exposure.

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    <p>Scatterplot of log2 fold change (AMPH to control) expression of the selected immune-related genes. For each gene, values of log2FC are presented for each time-matched subgroup comparison using a different colored dot for each subgroup (AMPH1/Con1, black; AMPH2/Con2, red; AMPH3/Con3, blue and AMPH4/Con4B green). The pooled expression of AMPH to control over all subgroups (AMPH/Con) is represented by a purple diamond. Differential expression was assessed for the latter comparison. Log2FC expression for genes with adjusted p-values smaller than 0.05 and 0.58 < |log2FC| < 1 is marked by one asterisk. Likewise, expression for genes with adjusted p-values smaller than 0.05 and |log2FC|≥ 1 is marked with two asterisks.</p

    Comparison of Immune-Related Transcripts among the Control Groups.

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    <p>Pearson correlation and scatterplot matrix of log2 normalized expression of the selected immune-related genes in control groups, Con1-Con4B. The red solid line is the identity line.</p