5 research outputs found

    Interpretation of Brain Abscess Through: A Systematic Review Using the Prism 2020 Methodology

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    A brain abscess is an accumulation of infected material, such as pus and necrotic tissue, in the brain. It can occur due to bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections in the body that spread to the brain. Objective: The aim of the study was to interpret brain abscess using a systematic review with PRISMA 2020 methodology. The study was exploratory level, relying on hermeneutics to interpret the systematic review with the PRISMA 2020 methodology, carried out in the SCOPUS, Web Science, SciELO and PubMed Central databases, specifically, 53 results were achieved.  It was found that the analyses carried out in Latin America on the clinical, radiological, and pathological manifestations associated with brain abscess indicate that the predominant symptoms include fever, headache, altered level of consciousness and seizures, and that most abscesses are in the frontal and temporal lobe. Multiple risk factors for mortality and morbidity in patients with brain abscess were identified, including delay in diagnosis and treatment, presence of comorbidities, and abscess size. A higher mortality rate was observed in patients with brain abscess in Latin America compared to other regions of the world. It was concluded that early identification of underlying causes may help prevent recurrence of brain abscess. Several future studies are suggested including the use of fuzzy logic and neutrosophy associated with brain abscesses

    Rol del hiperaldosteronismo primario para el desarrollo de hipertensión arterial

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    Introduction: primary hyperaldosteronism is considered the most frequent secondary endocrine form of arterial hypertension; it is characterized by an inadequate elevation of aldosterone due to an autonomous and independent production of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.Objective: to describe the role of primary hyperaldosteronism in the development of arterial hypertension.Methods: a search for information was carried out in the PubMed/MedLine, Scopus and SciELO databases. A search strategy was structured using the terms hypertension and hyperaldosteronism.Results: primary hyperaldosteronism is an entity considered as the first cause of secondary arterial hypertension; however, it is underdiagnosed due to the lack of knowledge, causing a large number of patients with hypertension to present resistance to the usual treatment, producing an increase in cardiovascular, metabolic, renal and cerebrovascular risk in the patient.Conclusions: screening of the hypertensive patient is of great importance for the timely detection of primary hyperaldosteronism and its laterization, since it allows guiding an adequate treatment, either pharmacological or surgical, to guarantee the reduction or control of blood pressure, cardiovascular and renal risk and the appearance of diabetes mellitus in the patient in order to improve his quality of life.Introducción: el hiperaldosteronismo primario se considera la forma endocrina secundaria más frecuente de hipertensión arterial; se caracteriza por una elevación inadecuada de aldosterona debido a una producción autónoma e independiente del sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona.Objetivo: describir el rol del hiperaldosteronismo primario en el desarrollo de hipertensión arterial.Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda de información en las bases de datos PubMed/MedLine, Scopus y SciELO. Se estructuró una estrategia de búsqueda empleando los términos hipertensión he hiperaldosteronismo.Resultados: el hiperaldosteronismo primario es una entidad considerada como la primera causa de hipertensión arterial secundaria, sin embargo, está subdiagnosticada debido al poco conocimiento que se tiene ocasionando que un gran número de pacientes con HTA presenten una resistencia al tratamiento habitual, produciendo un aumento del riesgo cardiovascular, metabólico, renal y cerebrovascular en el paciente.Conclusiones: es de gran importante el tamizaje del paciente hipertenso, para una detección del hiperaldosteronismo primario de manera oportuna y su laterización, pues permite guiar un tratamiento adecuado, ya sea farmacológico o quirúrgico, para garantizar la disminución o control de la presión, del riesgo cardiovascular y renal y de la aparición de diabetes mellitus en el paciente para mejorar su calidad de vida

    A Clinical Case Study on Hemophilia in a Child From Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador

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    Hemophilia A is a coagulation disorder where the main clinical manifestation is the presence of hemorrhage. The aim of the study  was to characterize hemophilia A through the results obtained in a case study of a child from Ecuador. The epidemiological study, at a descriptive level, was a clinical case that consisted of a 3-year-old Ecuadorian male patient, who at 3 months of age presented spontaneous hematomas in the lower limbs and back area. At 5 months of age, he was diagnosed with acute bronchitis with a clinical picture accompanied by nausea, vomiting and greenish liquid stools with mucus.  Physical examination showed the presence of hydrocele in the first 2 months of birth. Laboratory data indicated that the patient had decreased coagulation factor VIII (less than 0.3), classifying the disease as mild. The patient's family tree indicated that the maternal uncle had hemophilia A, so there was a 50% probability that the patient presented the pathology. The present study reported the case of a 3-year-old male patient with hemophilia A, concluding that it is of utmost importance for the physician to thoroughly investigate the patient's family history and make an early diagnosis by taking an umbilical cord blood sample to determine the levels of coagulation factors

    Update notes on neurocysticercosis

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    Introduction: neurocysticercosis is a preventable parasitic infection caused by larval cysts of Taenia solium (tapeworm), which can infect any part of the body, including the brain and is the most severe form of the disease, sometimes lead to seizures and even be fatal. Objective: to synthesize information concerning this pathology. Method: an updated bibliographic search was carried out in databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and ClinicalKey, as well as in high impact journals like SciELO, and Scopus. The information gathered was complemented with the use of systematic reviews, randomized clinical studies and meta-analysis approaches, in which to facilitate the search process various key words were used: "neurocysticercosis", "pathophysiology", "etiology", "clinical manifestations", "prevalence", "morbimortality", "diagnosis", and "treatment". Development: the research allowed the researchers to recognize the arduous work required for the diagnosis of this disease, assuming as well how difficult is to typify it. The importance of neuroimaging studies as tools to qualify the severity of neurocysticercosis and, thus, to choose the appropriate treatment was highlighted. The following sections were developed: epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, life cycle, clinical manifestations, classification, and evolution of lesions, diagnosis, diagnostic criteria, and treatment. Conclusions: Ecuador is considered an endemic country for Taeniasolium. The implementation of preventive actions should be regarded as a fundamental task of the Ministry of Health due to the permanent surrounding risk factors, which have an influence for getting infection and the set of aspects associated with the precarious quality of life in many parts of the country

    Uveítis por toxoplasma

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    La uveítis por toxoplasma es una infección producida por el parasito, Toxoplasma gondii, cuyo huésped definitivo son los felinos. La mayoría de los pacientes cursan asintomáticos, sin embargo, entre las principales manifestaciones clínicas oftalmológicas se resalta la visión borrosa o pérdida de la visión, además de “moscas móviles” descritas por el paciente. El diagnóstico es netamente clínico, con ayuda de exámenes complementarios para comprobar la presencia del parasito. El tratamiento se basa en una terapia clásica de pirimetamina y sulfadiazina más corticosteroides. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica es profundizar en la fisiopatología, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la uveítis producida por Toxoplasma gondii para reducir la prevalencia de esta enfermedad. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en las bases de datos Scopus, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, PubMed, Scielo y Embase. El período de publicación de los artículos establecido fue del 1 de enero de 2017 al 31 de diciembre de 2022. Se encontraron 54 artículos a los cuales se les aplicó los criterios de exclusión y se excluyeron 36 estudios, por tal motivo se incluyeron en el estudio 18 artículos. La uveítis por toxoplasma es muy frecuente es por esta razón que es de suma importancia dar a conocer la etiología de esta enfermedad y cómo prevenirla, ya que tener conocimiento de los factores de riesgos es fundamental para evitar esta patología