39 research outputs found

    Grass lignin: biosynthesis, biological roles, and industrial applications

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    Lignin is a phenolic heteropolymer found in most terrestrial plants that contributes an essential role in plant growth, abiotic stress tolerance, and biotic stress resistance. Recent research in grass lignin biosynthesis has found differences compared to dicots such as Arabidopsis thaliana. For example, the prolific incorporation of hydroxycinnamic acids into grass secondary cell walls improve the structural integrity of vascular and structural elements via covalent crosslinking. Conversely, fundamental monolignol chemistry conserves the mechanisms of monolignol translocation and polymerization across the plant phylum. Emerging evidence suggests grass lignin compositions contribute to abiotic stress tolerance, and periods of biotic stress often alter cereal lignin compositions to hinder pathogenesis. This same recalcitrance also inhibits industrial valorization of plant biomass, making lignin alterations and reductions a prolific field of research. This review presents an update of grass lignin biosynthesis, translocation, and polymerization, highlights how lignified grass cell walls contribute to plant development and stress responses, and briefly addresses genetic engineering strategies that may benefit industrial applications

    Agronomic Performance of Perennial Grain Genotypes in the Palouse Region of the Pacific Northwest, USA

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    Annual plants are currently the dominant growth habit for grain production systems but often create agroecosystems with negative environmental consequences. Developing grains with a perennial growth habit provides an opportunity to produce staple crops in a more environmentally beneficial manner. Amphiploids of perennial tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum elongatum) and common annual wheat (Triticum aestivum) have been produced for wheat-like traits while exhibiting post-sexual cycle regrowth (PSCR). Here we report results from two experiments at two locations in the Palouse region of the U.S. Pacific Northwest (PNW) designed to (1) evaluate a subset of the current perennial grain germplasm base and (2) test post-harvest management strategies on key perennial growth habit traits. The first experiment evaluated 18 putative perennial amphiploid lines, two annual wheat varieties, and one intermediate wheatgrass variety (Thinopyrum intermedium) for yield, PSCR, key agronomic traits, and grain quality characteristics. Results from this trial showed mean yields ranged from 713 to 2874 kg/ha among the amphiploids and 1,627 to 6,867 kg/ha with the annual wheat varieties. Variation across the amphiploids was found for key agronomic and quality traits, indicating potential for continued selection and improvement. When compared to the two annuals, the four highest-yielding amphiploids produced the same yield at one location but 50–60% less at the other. Amphiploids were generally taller with increased tiller number, flowered later, had lower leaf chlorophyll content, and decreased threshability, compared to annual varieties. Regarding grain qualities, amphiploids had lower test weights and thousand kernel weights, smaller kernel diameters, lower starch content, and higher protein, ash, and fiber. The second experiment investigated the effect of post-harvest residue management on PSCR and winter survival of two amphiploids using mowing, burning, and a control. Mowing the residue and PSCR significantly increased winter survival across both amphiploids at one location from 3% in the control to 63% in the mowed treatment. Burning the residue did not improve survival. Our results address three important challenges in perennial grain development in the Palouse region: selecting a stable perennial habit, increasing grain yield, and improving marketable grain quality traits. Each of these challenges will require significant research efforts by plant breeders and agronomists prior to widespread adoption of perennial grains in the Palouse region of the PNW

    Considerations of AOX Functionality Revealed by Critical Motifs and Unique Domains

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    An understanding of the genes and mechanisms regulating environmental stress in crops is critical for boosting agricultural yield and safeguarding food security. Under adverse conditions, response pathways are activated for tolerance or resistance. In multiple species, the alternative oxidase (AOX) genes encode proteins which help in this process. Recently, this gene family has been extensively investigated in the vital crop plants, wheat, barley and rice. Cumulatively, these three species and/or their wild ancestors contain the genes for AOX1a, AOX1c, AOX1e, and AOX1d, and common patterns in the protein isoforms have been documented. Here, we add more information on these trends by emphasizing motifs that could affect expression, and by utilizing the most recent discoveries from the AOX isoform in Trypanosoma brucei to highlight clade-dependent biases. The new perspectives may have implications on how the AOX gene family has evolved and functions in monocots. The common or divergent amino acid substitutions between these grasses and the parasite are noted, and the potential effects of these changes are discussed. There is the hope that the insights gained will inform the way future AOX research is performed in monocots, in order to optimize crop production for food, feed, and fuel

    In silico analysis identified bZIP transcription factors genes responsive to abiotic stress in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)

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    Abstract Background Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is the most cultivated forage legume around the world. Under a variety of growing conditions, forage yield in alfalfa is stymied by biotic and abiotic stresses including heat, salt, drought, and disease. Given the sessile nature of plants, they use strategies including, but not limited to, differential gene expression to respond to environmental cues. Transcription factors control the expression of genes that contribute to or enable tolerance and survival during periods of stress. Basic-leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factors have been demonstrated to play a critical role in regulating plant growth and development as well as mediate the responses to abiotic stress in several species, including Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa, Lotus japonicus and Medicago truncatula. However, there is little information about bZIP transcription factors in cultivated alfalfa. Result In the present study, 237 bZIP genes were identified in alfalfa from publicly available sequencing data. Multiple sequence alignments showed the presence of intact bZIP motifs in the identified sequences. Based on previous phylogenetic analyses in A. thaliana, alfalfa bZIPs were similarly divided and fell into 10 groups. The physico-chemical properties, motif analysis and phylogenetic study of the alfalfa bZIPs revealed high specificity within groups. The differential expression of alfalfa bZIPs in a suite of tissues indicates that bZIP genes are specifically expressed at different developmental stages in alfalfa. Similarly, expression analysis in response to ABA, cold, drought and salt stresses, indicates that a subset of bZIP genes are also differentially expressed and likely play a role in abiotic stress signaling and/or tolerance. RT-qPCR analysis on selected genes further verified these differential expression patterns. Conclusions Taken together, this work provides a framework for the future study of bZIPs in alfalfa and presents candidate bZIPs involved in stress-response signaling

    Plant Uptake of Lactate-Bound Metals: A Sustainable Alternative to Metal Chlorides

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    Global agricultural intensification has prompted investigations into biostimulants to enhance plant nutrition and soil ecosystem processes. Metal lactates are an understudied class of organic micronutrient supplement that provide both a labile carbon source and mineral nutrition for plant and microbial growth. To gain a fundamental understanding of plant responses to metal lactates, we employed a series of sterile culture-vessel experiments to compare the uptake and toxicity of five metals (Zn, Mn, Cu, Ni, and Co) supplied in lactate and chloride salt form. Additionally, primary root growth in plate-grown Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings was used to determine optimal concentrations of each metal lactate. Our results suggest that uptake and utilization of metals in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) when supplied in lactate form is comparable to that of metal chlorides. Metal lactates also have promotional growth effects on A. thaliana seedlings with optimal concentrations identified for Zn (0.5–1.0 µM), Mn (0.5–1.0 µM), Cu (0.5 µM), Ni (1.0 µM), and Co (0.5 µM) lactate. These findings present foundational evidence to support the use of metal lactates as potential crop biostimulants due to their ability to both supply nutrients and stimulate plant growth

    Genome-wide identification and analysis of the ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE gene family in diploid and hexaploid wheat

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    A comprehensive understanding of wheat responses to environmental stress will contribute to the long-term goal of feeding the planet. ALERNATIVE OXIDASE (AOX) genes encode proteins involved in a bypass of the electron transport chain and are also known to be involved in stress tolerance in multiple species. Here, we report the identification and characterization of the AOX gene family in diploid and hexaploid wheat. Four genes each were found in the diploid ancestors Triticum urartu, and Aegilops tauschii, and three in Aegilops speltoides. In hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum), 20 genes were identified, some with multiple splice variants, corresponding to a total of 24 proteins for those with observed transcription and translation. These proteins were classified as AOX1a, AOX1c, AOX1e or AOX1d via phylogenetic analysis. Proteins lacking most or all signature AOX motifs were assigned to putative regulatory roles. Analysis of protein-targeting sequences suggests mixed localization to the mitochondria and other organelles. In comparison to the most studied AOX from Trypanosoma brucei, there were amino acid substitutions at critical functional domains indicating possible role divergence in wheat or grasses in general. In hexaploid wheat, AOX genes were expressed at specific developmental stages as well as in response to both biotic and abiotic stresses such as fungal pathogens, heat and drought. These AOX expression patterns suggest a highly regulated and diverse transcription and expression system. The insights gained provide a framework for the continued and expanded study of AOX genes in wheat for stress tolerance through breeding new varieties, as well as resistance to AOX-targeted herbicides, all of which can ultimately be used synergistically to improve crop yield

    Registration of the Louise/Alpowa Wheat Recombinant Inbred Line Mapping Population

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    A mapping population was developed from the cross of soft white spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars ‘Louise’ and ‘Alpowa’ for use in investigating the genetic architecture of drought tolerance in the US Pacific Northwest. The Louise/Alpowa (Reg. No. MP‐8, NSL 520824 MAP) recombinant inbred line mapping population was developed through single seed descent from the F2 generation to the F5 generation. The population consists of 141 F5:6 recombinant inbred lines, of which 132 were used to construct the genetic linkage map. The 32 linkages groups included 882 single nucleotide polymorphism markers and one simple sequence repeat marker spanning 18 of 21 chromosomes. The Louise/Alpowa population was characterized for variation in agronomic traits, phenology, and end‐use quality traits. This population will be used for identification and introgression of multiple loci providing resistance to environmental stress such as drought, stripe rust, and high temperatures

    Alignment of AetAOX (<i>A</i>. <i>tauschii</i>) proteins with TbAOX (<i>T</i>. <i>brucei</i>).

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    <p>Yellow highlights indicate conserved motifs. Red font indicates residues proposed to coordinate the diiron center of the active site. Blue font indicates residues experimentally tested for loss of activity by previous researchers. Underlined residues are involved in the TbAOX hydrophobic cavity.</p