13 research outputs found

    Language contacts between Pomors and Norwegians during expeditions to Svalbard in the second half of the 18th — first half of the 19th centuries

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    Svalbard, despite its remoteness from the mainland and traditional routes of communication, is an Arctic territory that has been attracting the attention of various countries and peoples for several centuries. In the 18th — first half of the 19th century, the archipelago was actively developed by Pomors, engaged in mammal hunting there. In the 19th century, Norwegians revealed their economic interest in Svalbard. Historical studies have repeatedly examined the cases of contacts between Pomors and Norwegians during mammal hunting expeditions to Svalbard, but none of the authors have studied the language contacts between Pomors and Norwegians during the development of Svalbard. The authors used an interdisciplinary approach and analyzed documentary and literary sources to formulate a hypothesis about the practice of Pomor-Norwegian contacts, incl. those in Russenorsk. The study presents a new issue for scientific discussions by both historians and linguists, which can serve as a basis for the devel-opment of international cooperation between Norway and Russia

    Obtaining the fine-grained silicon carbide, used in the synthesis of construction ceramics

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    AbstractSilicon carbide is used in the production of construction and temperature-resistant goods, capable of withstanding high mechanical and thermal loads. During recent times, silicon carbide has been frequently used in the electronics industry. Since sintered silicon carbide has increasingly been used as a replacement for metal components of various devices, the process of obtaining compact goods from silicon powder has become the defining factor in the technology used for its synthesis. The selection of conditions in which the sintering is conducted depends on granulometric structure, the form and the surface condition of the initial powder. The work consists of the synthesis of silicon carbide powder using the purified form of metallurgical silicon powder and soot. The qualities of testing samples were studied, where silicon carbide was obtained using established technology, from mechanically activated elementary, fine-grained silicon and soot, by pyrolytic synthesis. It was demonstrated that synthesis produces highly pure silicon carbide powder, (α- and β-phases) with a granulometric composition that allowed subsequent sintering to produce high quality compact goods. It was established that the content of silica in synthesized silicon carbide powder does not exceed 1–2% of the total mass

    Impact of microwave pulses of ultrashort duration on a personal computer

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    Procedure of the tests for electromagnetic compatibility and strength (EMSS) of a personal computer (PC) to microwave ultrashort duration pulse (USP) and analysis of the results are described. 3D simulation of the MW USP interaction with the test objects considering the configuration of the test area and screening effect of metal components estimates the level of electromagnetic field inside the PC case. Numerically and experimentally is shown that the MW field penetrating into the metal PC case through technological holes can induce the USP potentials in the PC circuitry sufficient to create functional upsets and degradations.Описуються підготовка та аналіз результатів тестів на електромагнітну сумісність та стійкість персонального комп’ютера до дії імпульсних НВЧ-електромагнітних полів надкороткої тривалості. Застосовано чисельне моделювання опромінення тестованих об’єктів з урахуванням конфігурації тестового простору, що дозволяє визначити рівень електромагнітних полів усередині корпусу ПК. За допомогою розрахунків та експериментально показано, що імпульсні НВЧ-поля досить легко проникають у металеві корпуси ПК через технологічні отвори. При цьому, поблизу чутливих ланцюгів ПК вони можуть збуджувати потенціали надкороткої тривалості з амплітудами, що достатні для створення функціональних збоїв та деградаційних ефектів.Описываются подготовка и анализ результатов тестов на электромагнитную совместимость и стойкость персонального компьютера к воздействию импульсных СВЧ-электромагнитных полей сверхкороткой длительности. Применено численное моделирование облучения тестируемых объектов с учетом конфигурации тестового пространства, позволяющее определить уровень воздействующих электромагнитных полей внутри корпуса ПК. С помощью расчетов и экспериментально показано, что импульсные СВЧ-поля достаточно легко проникают в металлические корпуса ПК через технологические отверстия. При этом, в областях чувствительных цепей ПК они могут возбуждать уровни воздействующих потенциалов сверхкороткой длительности, достаточные для создания функциональных сбоев и деградационных эффектов