189 research outputs found

    Search for New Particles Decaying to Dijets in p-pbar Collisions at sqrt(s)=1.8 TeV

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    We have used 19 pb**-1 of data collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab to search for new particles decaying to dijets. We exclude at 95% confidence level models containing the following new particles: axigluons with mass between 200 and 870 GeV, excited quarks with mass between 80 and 570 GeV, and color octet technirhos with mass between 320 and 480 GeV.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letters in December 199

    Measurement of σB(Weν)\sigma \cdot B (W \to e \nu) and σB(Z0e+e)\sigma \cdot B(Z^0 \to e^+e^-) in ppˉp {\bar p} collisions at s=1.8\sqrt{s}=1.8 TeV

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    We present a measurement of σB(Weν)\sigma \cdot B(W \to e \nu) and σB(Z0e+e)\sigma \cdot B(Z^0 \to e^+e^-) in proton - antiproton collisions at s=1.8\sqrt{s} =1.8 TeV using a significantly improved understanding of the integrated luminosity. The data represent an integrated luminosity of 19.7 pb1^{-1} from the 1992-1993 run with the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF). We find σB(Weν)=2.49±0.12\sigma \cdot B(W \to e \nu) = 2.49 \pm 0.12~nb and σB(Z0e+e)=0.231±0.012\sigma \cdot B(Z^0 \to e^+e^-) = 0.231 \pm 0.012~nb.Comment: Uses Latex, Article 12 point, figure appended as uuencoded file The full PostScript available via WWW at http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/pub95/cdf3312_sigma_1a_prl_v3.p

    Limits on WWZWWZ and WWγWW\gamma couplings from WWWW and WZWZ production in ppp\overline{p} collisions at s=1.8\sqrt{s} = 1.8 TeV

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    Direct limits are set on WWZWWZ and WWγWW\gamma three-boson couplings in a search for WWWW and WZWZ production with high transverse momentum in ppp\overline{p} collisions at s=1.8\sqrt{s} = 1.8 TeV, using the Collider Detector at Fermilab. The results are in agreement with the SU(2) ×\times U(1) model of electroweak interactions. Assuming Standard Model WWγWW\gamma coupling, the the limits are interpreted as direct evidence for a non-zero WWZWWZ coupling at subprocess energies near 500 GeV. Alternatively, assumiong identical WWZWWZ and WWγWW\gamma couplings, bounds 0.11<κ<2.27-0.11 < \kappa < 2.27 and 0.81<λ<0.84-0.81 < \lambda < 0.84 are obtained at 95%95\% CL for a form factor scale 1000 GeV.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to PRL, URL: http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/pub95/cdf2951_vvprl.p

    Measurement of correlated μoverlineb\mu - {overline b} jet cross sections in ppˉp {\bar p} collisions at s=1.8\sqrt{s}=1.8 TeV

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    We report on measurements of differential μbˉ\mu - {\bar b} cross sections, where the muon is from a semi-leptonic bb decay and the bˉ{\bar b} is identified using precision track reconstruction in jets. The semi-differential correlated cross sections, dσ\sigma/d\Et^{{\bar b}}, dσ\sigma/d\pt^{{\bar b}}, and dσ\sigma/dδϕ(μbˉ)\delta\phi(\mu - {\bar b}) for \pt^{\mu}>~9 GeV/c, ημ|\eta^{\mu}|~10 GeV, ηbˉ<|\eta^{{\bar b}}|<~1.5, are presented and compared to next-to-leading order QCD calculations.Comment: Uses Latex, Article 12 point, figures appended as uuencoded file The full PostScript available via WWW at http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/pub95/cdf3164_mu_bbar_prd_final.p

    Measurement of the BB Meson Differential Cross Section, dσ/dpTd\sigma/dp_T, in ppˉp\bar{p} Collisions at s=1.8\sqrt{s} = 1.8 TeV

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    This paper presents the first direct measurement of the BB meson differential cross section, dσ/dpTd\sigma/dp_T, in ppˉp\bar{p} collisions at s=1.8\sqrt{s}=1.8 TeV using a sample of 19.3±0.719.3 \pm 0.7 pb1^{-1} accumulated by the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF). The cross section is measured in the central rapidity region y6.0|y| 6.0 GeV/cc by fully reconstructing the BB meson decays B+J/ψK+B^{+}\to J/\psi K^{+} and B0J/ψK0(892)B^{0}\to J/\psi K^{*0}(892), where J/ψμ+μJ/\psi \to \mu^+\mu^- and K0K+πK^{*0} \to K^+ \pi^-. A comparison is made to the theoretical QCD prediction calculated at next-to-leading order.Comment: 14 pages. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. The postscript file is at http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/pub95/cdf2893_bexcl_xsection.p

    The Charge Asymmetry in W-Boson Decays Produced in p-pbar Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV

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    The charge asymmetry has been measured using 19,039 W19,039~W decays recorded by the CDF detector during the 1992-93 run of the Tevatron Collider. The asymmetry is sensitive to the ratio of dd and uu quark distributions to x<0.01x<0.01 at Q2MW2Q^2 \approx M_W^2, where nonperturbative effects are minimal. It is found that of the two current sets of parton distributions, those of Martin, Roberts and Stirling (MRS) are favored over the sets most recently produced by the CTEQ collaboration. The WW asymmetry data provide a stronger constraints on d/ud/u ratio than the recent measurements of F2μn/F2μpF_2^{\mu n}/F_2^{\mu p} which are limited by uncertainties originating from deutron corrections.Comment: to be published in PR

    Corruption in a Comprehensive School: Sociological Diagnosis and Educational Providence

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    Adaptation of the value proposal to employee target groups in the context of employer branding

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    Darbdavio prekės ženklo kūrimas įvardijamas kaip veiksmingas strateginis įrankis, siekiant pritraukti bei išlaikyti darbuotojus organizacijoje. Siekdama išskirti save iš konkurentų bei tapti pasirinktu darbdaviu, organizacija formuoja vertės pasiūlymą, kuris yra darbdavio prekės ženklo sudėtinis elementas. Tačiau atliktas pilotinis empirinis tyrimas atskleidė, kad darbdavio vertės pasiūlymas yra beveik identiškas visų tyrime dalyvavusių organizacijų, todėl nebeveikia kaip darbdavio pozicionavimo įrankis. Dauguma ankstesnių tyrimų, susijusių su darbdavio prekės ženklo kūrimu, buvo nukreipti į įdarbinimo etapą. Dėl šios priežasties yra mažai žinoma, kas darbdavio prekės ženklą daro patrauklų esamiems darbuotojams. Vis dar pasigendama tyrimų, kuriuose vertės pasiūlymas būtų taikomas esamiems darbuotojams. Atsižvelgus į skirtingų darbuotojų grupių profesinius bei asmeninius profilius ir jų poreikius, vertės pasiūlymo modifikavimas bei tikslingas pritaikymas, leistų padidinti darbdavio prekės ženklo veiksmingumą bei atnešti organizacijai ilgalaikės naudos. Vertės pasiūlymo adaptavimo esamiems darbuotojams tyrimas ir yra šio darbo tyrimo objektas.Employer branding is an effective strategic instrument to attract and retain employees within the organization. In an effort to differentiate itself from its competitors and become an employer of choice, the organization forms a value proposition, which is an integral part of employer’s brand. However, the empirical pilot study revealed, that value proposition used by employer is designed almost identically by all the organizations involved in the study and no longer works as a tool of positioning and differential ties. Most previous studies on employer branding had been focused on the attracting and hiring phase. For this reason, little is known about what makes an employer brand attractive to existing employees. In addition to the recruitment phase, the employer should strive to create effective, creative and productive human potential within the organization. Taking into account the professional and personal profiles of different groups of employees and their needs, adapting the value proposition for their needs would increase the employer’s brand effectiveness and bring long-term benefits to the organization. Adaptation of the value proposition for existing employees has been investigated in this research