94 research outputs found


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    In the title compound, C7H9N5O2S, the pyrazolo­[4,3-e][1,2,4]triazine fused-ring system is essentially planar [maximum deviation = 0.0420 (3) Å]. In the crystal, mol­ecules related by twofold axes are linked into a mol­ecular net via inter­molecular C—H⋯O and C—H⋯N hydrogen bonds. π–π inter­actions are observed between the triazine and pyrazole rings of mol­ecules related by the the twofold axis and inversion symmetry with centroid–centroid distances of 3.778 (3) and 3.416 (3) Å, respectively


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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C17H17ClN4O, the existence of only one 2-imino–oxo of the five possible N-amino–imino/O-keto–hydr­oxy tautomers is observed and the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 29.78 (11)°. The mol­ecular conformation is stabilized by intra­molecular C—H⋯N, N—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, in each case generating a six-membered ring. In the crystal structure, the glide-plane-related mol­ecules are linked into C(4) amide chains by inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, and an inter­molecular C—H⋯O link also occurs


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    The mol­ecule of the title compound, C12H14N8S2, has an N—N gauche conformation. The triazine rings are nearly coplanar with respect to the imide bonds [C—C—C—N torsion angles = −15.3 (3) and −15.8 (3)°] and they are twisted by 77.88 (7)°. The overall conformation of the mol­ecule is stabilized by intra­molecular C—H⋯N hydrogen bonding. The mol­ecular packing is influenced by π–π inter­actions of the triazine systems with a shortest centroid–centroid separation of 3.5242 (12) Å


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    In the quinoline fused-ring system of the title compound, C9H9NO, the pyridine ring is planar to within 0.011 (3) Å, while the partially saturated cyclo­hexene ring adopts a sofa conformation with an asymmetry parameter ΔC s(C6) = 1.5 (4)°. There are no classical hydrogen bonds in the crystal structure. Mol­ecules form mol­ecular layers parallel to (100) with a distance between the layers of a/2 = 3.468 Å

    Dyskurs o wizualności w epoce cyfrowej

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    Introduction: The widespread availability of mobile technologies has resulted in changes in interpersonal communication in favor of a significant increase in visual communication. The growing role of the visual representation in communication processes gives rise to, e.g. questions: about the assessment of its effectiveness in comparison with the verbal message, about the chances of intercultural understanding beyond the language, as well as about the effects of language marginalization for the development of culture, in particular language culture. The text below is a voice in the discussion on the contemporary meaning of visuality and raises issues that are important especially for educators.Research Aim: The subject of consideration is to indicate various contexts related to visuality, with particular emphasis on the understanding of graphic messages in education. The aim of the undertaken research was to check the thesis whether a work of painterly art can be a plane of common meanings. In a broader perspective, we ask whether verbal and visual communication can be treated alternatively.Method: The methods used for the research are: semiotic analysis of the “open work” and discourse analysis. Results: In addition to individual semiotic analyzes of student interviews, tables of differences and similarities were developed. The semantic and discursive analyzes show the similarities and differences in the perception of images by the surveyed female students, as well as the discourses that arose in the course of visual communication through images.Conclusion: Based on the individual and semantic analysis of student interviews, it can be concluded that both the signs in the images and the meanings created by the respondents are a kind of communication carriers. Visual discourses of images become a platform on the basis of which communication and understanding between the subjects is possible.Wprowadzenie: Powszechna dostępność technologii mobilnych, spowodowała zmiany w komunikacji interpersonalnej na rzecz istotnego zwiększenia komunikowania wizualnego. Wzrost roli przedstawień wizualnych w procesach komunikacyjnych rodzi m.in. pytania: o ocenę ich skuteczności w porównaniu z przekazem werbalnym, o szanse na międzykulturowe porozumienie ponad językowe, a także o skutki marginalizacji języka dla rozwoju kultury, w szczególności kultury języka. Artykuł jest głosem w dyskusji na temat współczesnego znaczenia wizualności i porusza zagadnienia ważne zwłaszcza dla pedagogów.Cel badań: Przedmiotem rozważań jest wskazanie różnych dyskursów związanych z wizualnością ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na rozumienie komunikatów wizualnych w edukacji. Celem podjętych badań jest sprawdzenie tezy, czy dzieło sztuki malarskiej może być płaszczyzną wspólnych znaczeń. W szerszej perspektywie pytamy, czy można traktować alternatywnie komunikację werbalną i wizualną.Metoda badań: Metody wykorzystane do badań to: analiza semiotyczna „dzieła otwartego” i analiza dyskursu.Wyniki: Oprócz indywidualnych analiz semiotycznych wywiadów studenckich zostały opracowane tabele różnic i podobieństw. W analizach znaczeniowych i dyskursywnych pokazano podobieństwa i różnice w postrzeganiu obrazów przez badane studentki, a także dyskursy, które powstały w trakcie wizualnego komunikowania się przez obrazy.Wnioski: Na podstawie analizy jednostkowej i znaczeniowej wywiadów studenckich – można stwierdzić, że zarówno znaki w obrazach, jak i znaczenia tworzone przez osoby badane stanowią swego rodzaju nośniki komunikacyjne. Dyskursy wizualne obrazów stają się płaszczyzną, na podstawie której jest możliwa komunikacja i porozumienie między badanymi


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    The title compound, C19H17ClN4, was obtained from the reaction of 3-chloro-5,6-diphenyl-1,2,4-triazine with isobutyronitrile in the presence of lithium diisopropyl­amide as an unexpected product of covalent addition of isobutyronitrile carbanion to the C-5 atom of the 1,2,4-triazine ring. The 2,5-dihydro-1,2,4-triazine ring is essentially planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0059 Å) and the 5- and 6-phenyl substituents are inclined to its mean plane with dihedral angles of 89.97 (4) and 55.52 (5)°, respectively. Intra­molecular C—H⋯N inter­actions occur. In the crystal, mol­ecules related by a c-glide plane are linked into zigzag chains along [001] by N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds


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    Synthesis of novel isothiazolopyridines and their in vitro evaluation against Mycobacterium and Propionibacterium acnes

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    AbstractIn this paper we describe synthesis, structures and some physicochemical properties of 20 isothiazolopyridines 8–13 substituted differently into an isothiazole ring as well as their in vitro antibacterial assays against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, Mycobacterium fortuitum PCM 672 and Propionibacterium acnes PCM 2400. Compound 13a was found to be the most active derivative against M. tuberculosis H37Rv, demonstrating 100% growth inhibition of microorganisms in the primary screen (minimum inhibitory concentration [MIC] 6.25μg/mL). Nineteen of the prepared compounds were evaluated against M. fortuitum PCM 672 and P. acnes PCM 2400 and only compounds 9 and 12d exhibited excellent activity against individual strains of microorganisms with MIC90 <1μg/mL. The inhibitory action of the remaining isothiazolopyridines towards the tested strains of the microorganism was low, absent, or a non-linear correlation prohibited accurate determination of MIC values. Unexpectedly, seven of the remaining isothiazolopyridines tested against M. fortuitum and P. acnes stimulated growth of the microorganisms in the range 10–50% or even more (10b) under experimental conditions