60 research outputs found

    Canted Ferromagnetism in Double Exchange Model with on-site Coulomb Repulsion

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    The double exchange model with on-site Coulomb repulsion is considered. Schwinger-bosons representation of the localized spins is used and two spin-singlet Fermion operators are introduced. In terms of the new Fermi fields the on-site Hund's interaction is in a diagonal form and the true magnons of the system are identified. The singlet fermions can be understood as electrons dressed by a cloud of repeatedly emitted and reabsorbed magnons. Rewritten in terms of Schwinger-bosons and spin-singlet fermions the theory is U(1) gauge invariant. We show that spontaneous breakdown of the gauge symmetry leads to \emph{\textbf{canted ferromagnetism with on-site spins of localized and delocalized electrons misaligned}}. On-site canted phase emerges in double exchange model when Coulomb repulsion is large enough. The quantum phase transition between ferromagnetism and canted phase is studied varying the Coulomb repulsion for different values of parameters in the theory such as Hund's coupling and chemical potential.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Normal metal to ferromagnetic superconductor tunneling

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    We study the point-contact tunneling between normal metal and ferromagnetic superconductor. In the case of magnon-induced pairing the tunneling conductance is continuous and smooth function of the applied voltage. For small values of the applied voltage the Ohm law holds. We show that one can obtain the magnetization and the superconducting order parameter from the tunneling conduc- tance. In the case of paramagnon-induced superconductivity the tunneling does not depend on the magnetization. We argue that tunneling experiment can unambiguously determine the correct pairing mechanism in the ferromagnetic superconductors.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figur

    Magnon Exchange Mechanism of Ferromagnetic Superconductivity

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    The magnon exchange mechanism of ferromagnetic superconductivity (FM-superconductivity) was developed to explain in a natural way the fact that the superconductivity in UGe2UGe_2, ZrZn2ZrZn_2 and URhGeURhGe is confined to the ferromagnetic phase.The order parameter is a spin anti-parallel component of a spin-1 triplet with zero spin projection. The transverse spin fluctuations are pair forming and the longitudinal ones are pair breaking. In the present paper, a superconducting solution, based on the magnon exchange mechanism, is obtained which closely matches the experiments with ZrZn2ZrZn_2 and URhGeURhGe. The onset of superconductivity leads to the appearance of complicated Fermi surfaces in the spin up and spin down momentum distribution functions. Each of them consist of two pieces, but they are simple-connected and can be made very small by varying the microscopic parameters. As a result, it is obtained that the specific heat depends on the temperature linearly, at low temperature, and the coefficient γ=CT\gamma=\frac {C}{T} is smaller in the superconducting phase than in the ferromagnetic one. The absence of a quantum transition from ferromagnetism to ferromagnetic superconductivity in a weak ferromagnets ZrZn2ZrZn_2 and URhGeURhGe is explained accounting for the contribution of magnon self-interaction to the spin fluctuations' parameters. It is shown that in the presence of an external magnetic field the system undergoes a first order quantum phase transition.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Ferromagnetic phases in spin-Fermion systems

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    Spin-Fermion systems which obtain their magnetic properties from a system of localized magnetic moments being coupled to conducting electrons are considered. The dynamical degrees of freedom are spin-ss operators of localized spins and spin-1/2 Fermi operators of itinerant electrons. Renormalized spin-wave theory, which accounts for the magnon-magnon interaction, and its extension are developed to describe the two ferrimagnetic phases in the system: low temperature phase 0<T<T∗0<T<T^{*}, where all electrons contribute the ordered ferromagnetic moment, and high temperature phase T∗<T<TCT^{*}<T<T_C, where only localized spins form magnetic moment. The magnetization as a function of temperature is calculated. The theoretical predictions are utilize to interpret the experimentally measured magnetization-temperature curves of UGe2UGe_2..Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Spin-Wave Theory of the Spiral Phase of the t-J Model

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    A graded H.P,realization of the SU(2|1) algebra is proposed.A spin-wave theory with a condition that the sublattice magnetization is zero is discussed.The long-range spiral phase is investigated.The spin-spin correlator is calculated.Comment: 17 page

    The effect of the perturber population on subhalo measurements in strong gravitational lenses

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    Analyses of extended arcs in strong gravitational lensing images to date have constrained the properties of dark matter by measuring the parameters of one or two individual subhaloes. However, since such analyses are reliant on likelihood-based methods like Markov-chain Monte Carlo or nested sampling, they require various compromises to the realism of lensing models for the sake of computational tractability, such as ignoring the numerous other subhaloes and line-of-sight haloes in the system, assuming a particular form for the source model and requiring the noise to have a known likelihood function. Here, we show that a simulation-based inference method called truncated marginal neural ratio estimation (TMNRE) makes it possible to relax these requirements by training neural networks to directly compute marginal posteriors for subhalo parameters from lensing images. By performing a set of inference tasks on mock data, we verify the accuracy of TMNRE and show it can compute posteriors for subhalo parameters marginalized over populations of hundreds of substructures, as well as lens and source uncertainties. We also find that the multilayer perceptron (MLP) mixer network works far better for such tasks than the convolutional architectures explored in other lensing analyses. Furthermore, we show that since TMNRE learns a posterior function it enables direct statistical checks that would be extremely expensive with likelihood-based methods. Our results show that TMNRE is well-suited for analysing complex lensing data, and that the full subhalo and line-of-sight halo population must be included when measuring the properties of individual dark matter substructures with this technique

    Magnon-Paramagnon Effective Theory of Itinerant Ferromagnets

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    The present work is devoted to the derivation of an effective magnon-paramagnon theory starting from a microscopic lattice model of ferromagnetic metals. For some values of the microscopic parameters it reproduces the Heisenberg theory of localized spins. For small magnetization the effective model describes the physics of weak ferromagnets in accordance with the experimental results. It is written in a way which keeps O(3) symmetry manifest,and describes both the order and disordered phases of the system. Analytical expression for the Curie temperature,which takes the magnon fluctuations into account exactly, is obtained. For weak ferromagnets TcT_c is well below the Stoner's critical temperature and the critical temperature obtained within Moriya's theory.Comment: 14 pages, changed content,new result
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