3 research outputs found

    Epidemiological aspects of suicide attempts among Moroccan children

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    Suicidal behavior among children has significantly increased in Morocco. We conducted a study on the epidemiological aspect to propose a treatment strategy. Descriptive retrospective study over a period of 3 years (April 2012-April 2015) involving children who visited pediatric medical emergencies of the Children Hospital of Rabat after an autolysis attempt. We observed epidemiological parameters, history, social and family context, the means used, the presumed cause, clinical manifestation, and the management. 66 patients were identified. A female predominance was found (sex =15). The average age was 13 years old. This was a first episode in 97% of cases. Psychiatric history was found in 6 patients. The causes of suicide attempt were unidentified in 65%. The most frequent cause was family conflict (35%). The most frequent method was pharmaceutical drug ingestion (54.4%). Children were asymptomatic (57.6%). Neurological manifestations (30%) were most frequent. Digestive symptoms (12%) and hemodynamic (3%) were also discovered. Patients were hospitalized in a general pediatric service 92.4% of the times, admitted to intensive care 4.5% of the times, and two patients refused to be hospitalized. The treatment consisted of gastric lavage (18%) supplemented by symptomatic measures. The outcome was favorable in 95.4% of cases. We recorded 2 deaths by rat poison poisoning. All patients were advised in writing after leaving to follow up with a psychological treatment. Suicide attempts are the result of an ill being, mostly among children living in a family with conflict. Upstream treatment is essential to identify children at risk. Additionally, a psychiatric care in hospital is essential to avoid recurrences.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Intoxication au M’khinza: à propos de deux observations

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    Dysphania ambrosioides ou ansĂ©rine, appelĂ©e au Maroc M'Khinza est une plante appartenant Ă  la famille des Chenopodiaceae. UtilisĂ©e au Maroc pour ses propriĂ©tĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques notamment antipyrĂ©tique, elle peut ĂŞtre toxique si elle est mal dosĂ©e. Nous rapportons deux cas d'intoxications colligĂ©s au service des urgences mĂ©dicales pĂ©diatriques de Rabat: un nourrisson de 5 mois et une fille de 10 ans qui, suite Ă  l'ingestion d'infusion de cette plante Ă  des doses indĂ©terminĂ©es dans un but antipyrĂ©tique avaient prĂ©sentĂ© respectivement une encĂ©phalopathie toxique et une dĂ©shydratation sĂ©vère sur gastroentĂ©rite aiguĂ« aboutissant aux dĂ©cès en moins de 12 heures. Ces nouveaux cas de neurotoxicitĂ© et d'entĂ©rotoxicitĂ© au M'Khinza doivent interpeler sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© de savoir Ă©voquer le diagnostic, d'informer, de lutter contre la banalisation de sa consommation, d'inciter Ă  la recherche sur la pharmacopĂ©e traditionnelle permettant d'identifier leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques afin de formaliser, rationaliser et codifier leurs prescriptions