10 research outputs found

    Geometric Effects and Computation in Spin Networks

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    When initially introduced, a Hamiltonian that realises perfect transfer of a quantum state was found to be analogous to an x-rotation of a large spin. In this paper we extend the analogy further to demonstrate geometric effects by performing rotations on the spin. Such effects can be used to determine properties of the chain, such as its length, in a robust manner. Alternatively, they can form the basis of a spin network quantum computer. We demonstrate a universal set of gates in such a system by both dynamical and geometrical means

    Efficient and perfect state transfer in quantum chains

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    We present a communication protocol for chains of permanently coupled qubits which achieves perfect quantum state transfer and which is efficient with respect to the number chains employed in the scheme. The system consists of MM uncoupled identical quantum chains. Local control (gates, measurements) is only allowed at the sending/receiving end of the chains. Under a quite general hypothesis on the interaction Hamiltonian of the qubits a theorem is proved which shows that the receiver is able to asymptotically recover the messages by repetitive monitoring of his qubits.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; new material adde

    Computation of Dynamical Structure Factors with the Recursion Method

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    We compute the energies and transition probabilities for low excitations in the one dimensional antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg model by means of the recursion method. We analyse finite size effects in the euclidian time (τ\tau)-representation and compare the resulting estimate for the thermodynamical limit with two parametrizations for the dynamical structure factors in the spectral (ω\omega)-representation.Comment: PostScript file with 13 pages + 5 figures, uuencoded compresse

    Charge and spin dynamics in the one-dimensional t−Jzt-J_z and t−Jt-J models

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    The impact of the spin-flip terms on the (static and dynamic) charge and spin correlations in the Luttinger-liquid ground state of the 1D t−Jt-J model is assessed by comparison with the same quantities in the 1D t−Jzt-J_z model, where spin-flip terms are absent. We employ the recursion method combined with a weak-coupling or a strong-coupling continued-fraction analysis. At Jz/t=0+J_z/t=0^+ we use the Pfaffian representation of dynamic spin correlations. The changing nature of the dynamically relevant charge and spin excitations on approach of the transition to phase separation is investigated in detail. The t−Jzt-J_z charge excitations (but not the spin excitations) at the transition have a single-mode nature, whereas charge and spin excitations have a complicated structure in the t−Jt-J model. In the t−Jzt-J_z model, phase separation is accompanied by N\'eel long-range order, caused by the condensation of electron clusters with an already existing alternating up-down spin configuration (topological long-range order). In the t−Jt-J model, by contrast, the spin-flip processes in the exchange coupling are responsible for continued strong spin fluctuations (dominated by 2-spinon excitations) in the phase-separated state.Comment: 11 pages (RevTex). 14 Figures available from author

    Optimization of remote one- and two-qubit state creation by unitary transformations of a sender and an extended receiver

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