1,507 research outputs found

    Dalitz Plot Analysis of B- --> D+ pi- pi-

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    We present a Dalitz plot analysis of B- --> D+ pi- pi- decays, based on a sample of about 383 million Y(4S) --> BBbar decays collected by the BaBar detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC. The analysis has been published previously in PRD. We measure the inclusive branching fraction of the three-body decay to be BR(B- --> D+ pi- pi-) = (1.08 \pm 0.03\stat \pm 0.05\syst) x 10^{-3}$. We observe the established D^{*0}_2 and confirm the existence of D^{*0}_0 in their decays to D+ pi-, where the D^{*0}_2 and D^{*0}_0 are the 2+ and 0+ c-ubar P-wave states, respectively. We measure the masses and widths of D^{*0}_2 and D^{*0}_0 to be: m_{D^{*}_2} = (2460.4 \pm 1.2 \pm 1.2 \pm 1.9) MeV/c^2, Gamma_{D^*_2} = (41.8 \pm 2.5 \pm 2.1 \pm 2.0) MeV, m_{D^{*}_0} = (2297 \pm 8 \pm 5 \pm 19) MeV/c^2, Gamma_{D^*_0} = (273 \pm 12 \pm 17 \pm 45) MeV. The stated errors reflect the statistical and systematic uncertainties, and the uncertainty related to the assumed composition of signal events and the theoretical model.Comment: 5 pages, 7 PDF figures, uses AIP style, conference proceedings of HADRON09, to be published in AIP Conference Proceedings, arXiv:0901.129

    Doubly excited ferromagnetic spin-chain as a pair of coupled kicked rotors

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    We show that the dynamics of a doubly-excited 1D Heisenberg ferromagnetic chain, subject to short pulses from a parabolic magnetic field may be analyzed as a pair of quantum kicked rotors. By focusing on the two-magnon dynamics in the kicked XXZ model we investigate how the anisotropy parameter - which controls the strength of the magnon-magnon interaction - changes the nature of the coupling between the two "image" coupled Kicked Rotors. We investigate quantum state transfer possibilities and show that one may control whether the spin excitations are transmitted together, or separate from each other.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; extended appendix and corrected typo

    Spectrum and transition rates of the XX chain analyzed via Bethe ansatz

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    As part of a study that investigates the dynamics of the s=1/2 XXZ model in the planar regime |Delta|<1, we discuss the singular nature of the Bethe ansatz equations for the case Delta=0 (XX model). We identify the general structure of the Bethe ansatz solutions for the entire XX spectrum, which include states with real and complex magnon momenta. We discuss the relation between the spinon or magnon quasiparticles (Bethe ansatz) and the lattice fermions (Jordan-Wigner representation). We present determinantal expressions for transition rates of spin fluctuation operators between Bethe wave functions and reduce them to product expressions. We apply the new formulas to two-spinon transition rates for chains with up to N=4096 sites.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Optimization of Short Coherent Control Pulses

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    The coherent control of small quantum system is considered. For a two-level system coupled to an arbitrary bath we consider a pulse of finite duration. We derive the leading and the next-leading order corrections to the evolution operator due to the non-commutation of the pulse and the bath Hamiltonian. The conditions are computed that make the leading corrections vanish. The pulse shapes optimized in this way are given for π\pi and π2\frac{\pi}{2} pulses.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; published versio

    Lineshape predictions via Bethe ansatz for the one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet in a magnetic field

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    The spin fluctuations parallel to the external magnetic field in the ground state of the one-dimensional (1D) s=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet are dominated by a two-parameter set of collective excitations. In a cyclic chain of N sites and magnetization 0<M_z<N/2, the ground state, which contains 2M_z spinons, is reconfigured as the physical vacuum for a different species of quasi-particles, identifiable in the framework of the coordinate Bethe ansatz by characteristic configurations of Bethe quantum numbers. The dynamically dominant excitations are found to be scattering states of two such quasi-particles. For N -> \infty, these collective excitations form a continuum in (q,\omega)-space with an incommensurate soft mode. Their matrix elements in the dynamic spin structure factor S_{zz}(q,\omega) are calculated directly from the Bethe wave functions for finite N. The resulting lineshape predictions for N -> \infty complement the exact results previously derived via algebraic analysis for the exact 2-spinon part of S_{zz}(q,\omega) in the zero-field limit. They are directly relevant for the interpretation of neutron scattering data measured in nonzero field on quasi-1D antiferromagnetic compounds.Comment: 10 page

    Interaction effects between impurities in low dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnets

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    We are considering the interplay between several non-magnetic impurities in the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet in chains, ladders and planes by introducing static vacancies in numerical quantum Monte Carlo simulations. The effective potential between two and more impurities is accurately determined, which gives a direct measure of the quantum correlations in the systems. Large effective interaction potentials are an indication of strong quantum correlations in the system and reflect the detailed nature of the valence bond ground states. In two-dimensions (2D) the interactions are smaller, but can still be analyzed in terms of valence bonds.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Europhys. Lett. The latest pdf file is available at http://www.physik.uni-kl.de/eggert/papers/interact2d.pd

    Finite Size Analysis of the Structure Factors in the Antiferromagnetic XXZ Model

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    We perform a finite size analysis of the longitudinal and transverse structure factors Sj(p,γ,N),j=1,3S_j(p,\gamma,N),j=1,3 in the groundstate of the spin-12\frac{1}{2} XXZ model. Comparison with the exact results of Tonegawa for the XX model yields excellent agreement. Comparison with the conjecture of M\"uller, Thomas, Puga and Beck reveals discrepancies in the momentum dependence of the longitudinal structure factors.Comment: 9 pages RevTex 3.0 and 17 figures as uuencoded fil

    Line shapes of dynamical correlation functions in Heisenberg chains

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    We calculate line shapes of correlation functions by use of complete diagonalization data of finite chains and analytical implications from conformal field theory, density of states, and Bethe ansatz. The numerical data have different finite size accuracy in case of the imaginary and real parts in the frequency and time representations of spin-correlation functions, respectively. The low temperature, conformally invariant regime crosses over at T∗≈0.7JT^*\approx 0.7J to a diffusive regime that in turn connects continuously to the high temperature, interacting fermion regime. The first moment sum rule is determined.Comment: 13 pages REVTEX, 18 figure

    Two-spinon dynamic structure factor of the one-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    The exact expression derived by Bougourzi, Couture, and Kacir for the 2-spinon contribution to the dynamic spin structure factor Szz(q,ω)S_{zz}(q,\omega) of he one-dimensional SS=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet at T=0T=0 is evaluated for direct comparison with finite-chain transition rates (N≤28N\leq 28) and an approximate analytical result previously inferred from finite-NN data, sum rules, and Bethe-ansatz calculations. The 2-spinon excitations account for 72.89% of the total intensity in Szz(q,ω)S_{zz}(q,\omega). The singularity structure of the exact result is determined analytically and its spectral-weight distribution evaluated numerically over the entire range of the 2-spinon continuum. The leading singularities of the frequency-dependent spin autocorrelation function, static spin structure factor, and qq-dependent susceptibility are determined via sum rules.Comment: 6 pages (RevTex) and 5 figures (Postscript

    Statistically interacting quasiparticles in Ising chains

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    The exclusion statistics of two complementary sets of quasiparticles, generated from opposite ends of the spectrum, are identified for Ising chains with spin s=1/2,1. In the s=1/2 case the two sets are antiferromagnetic domain walls (solitons) and ferromagnetic domains (strings). In the s=1 case they are soliton pairs and nested strings, respectively. The Ising model is equivalent to a system of two species of solitons for s=1/2 and to a system of six species of soliton pairs for s=1. Solitons exist on single bonds but soliton pairs may be spread across many bonds. The thermodynamics of a system of domains spanning up to MM lattice sites is amenable to exact analysis and shown to become equivalent, in the limit M -> infinity, to the thermodynamics of the s=1/2 Ising chain. A relation is presented between the solitons in the Ising limit and the spinons in the XX limit of the s=1/2 XXZ chain.Comment: 18 pages and 4 figure
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