440 research outputs found

    Geodetic Precession in PSR B1913+16

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    We review the observational evidence for geodetic precession in PSR B1913+16 and present the latest observations and results from modelling the system geometry and beam.Comment: 4 pages,to appear in "Radio Pulsars" (ASP Conf. Ser.), eds. M. Bailes, D. Nice, & S. Thorset

    Polarisation profiles of southern pulsars at 3.1 GHz

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    We present polarisation profiles for 48 southern pulsars observed with the new 10-cm receiver at the Parkes telescope. We have exploited the low system temperature and high bandwidth of the receiver to obtain profiles which have good signal to noise for most of our sample at this relatively high frequency. Although, as expected, a number of profiles are less linearly polarised at 3.1 GHz than at lower frequencies, we identify some pulsars and particular components of profiles in other pulsars which have increased linear polarisation at this frequency. We discuss the dependence of linear polarisation with frequency in the context of a model in which emission consists of the superposition of two, orthogonally polarised modes. We show that a simple model, in which the orthogonal modes have different spectral indices, can explain many of the observed properties of the frequency evolution of both the linear polarisation and the total power, such as the high degree of linear polarisation seen at all frequencies in some high spin-down, young pulsars. Nearly all the position angle profiles show deviations from the rotating vector model; this appears to be a general feature of high-frequency polarisation observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Phase-resolved Faraday rotation in pulsars

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    We have detected significant Rotation Measure variations for 9 bright pulsars, as a function of pulse longitude. An additional sample of 10 pulsars showed a rather constant RM with phase, yet a small degree of RM fluctuation is visible in at least 3 of those cases. In all cases, we have found that the rotation of the polarization position angle across our 1.4 GHz observing band is consistent with the wavelength-squared law of interstellar Faraday Rotation. We provide for the first time convincing evidence that RM variations across the pulse are largely due to interstellar scattering, although we cannot exclude that magnetospheric Faraday Rotation may still have a minor contribution; alternative explanations of this phenomenon, like erroneous de-dispersion and the presence of non-orthogonal polarization modes, are excluded. If the observed, phase-resolved RM variations are common amongst pulsars, then many of the previously measured pulsar RMs may be in error by as much as a few tens of rad m-2.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, MNRAS accepte

    The complex polarization angles of radio pulsars: orthogonal jumps and interstellar scattering

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    Despite some success in explaining the observed polarisation angle swing of radio pulsars within the geometric rotating vector model, many deviations from the expected S-like swing are observed. In this paper we provide a simple and credible explanation of these variations based on a combination of the rotating vector model, intrinsic orthogonally polarized propagation modes within the pulsar magnetosphere and the effects of interstellar scattering. We use simulations to explore the range of phenomena that may arise from this combination, and briefly discuss the possibilities of determining the parameters of scattering in an effort to understand the intrinsic pulsar polarization.Comment: 5 page

    On the detectability of extragalactic fast radio transients

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    Recent discoveries of highly dispersed millisecond radio bursts by Thornton et al. in a survey with the Parkes radio telescope at 1.4 GHz point towards an emerging population of sources at cosmological distances whose origin is currently unclear. Here we demonstrate that the scattering effects at lower radio frequencies are less than previously thought, and that the bursts could be detectable at redshifts out to about z=0.5z=0.5 in surveys below 1 GHz. Using a source model in which the bursts are standard candles with bolometric luminosities 8×1044\sim 8 \times 10^{44} ergs/s uniformly distributed per unit comoving volume, we derive an expression for the observed peak flux density as a function of redshift and use this, together with the rate estimates found by Thornton et al. to find an empirical relationship between event rate and redshift probed by a given survey. The non-detection of any such events in Arecibo 1.4 GHz survey data by Deneva et al., and the Allen Telescope Array survey by Simeon et al. is consistent with our model. Ongoing surveys in the 1--2 GHz band should result in further discoveries. At lower frequencies, assuming a typical radio spectral index α=1.4\alpha=-1.4, the predicted peak flux densities are 10s of Jy. As a result, surveys of such a population with current facilities would not necessarily be sensitivity limited and could be carried out with small arrays to maximize the sky coverage. We predict that sources may already be present in 350-MHz surveys with the Green Bank Telescope. Surveys at 150 MHz with 30 deg2^2 fields of view could detect one source per hour above 30 Jy.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS on 2013 July 25. Received 2013 July 24; in original form 2013 May 3

    Geodetic Precession and the Binary Pulsar B1913+16

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    A change of the component separation in the profiles of the binary pulsar PSR B1913+16 has been observed for the first time (Kramer 1998) as expected by geodetic precession. In this work we extend the previous work by accounting for recent data from the Effelsberg 100-m telescope and Arecibo Observatory and testing model predictions. We demonstrate how the new information will provide additional information on the solutions of the system geometry.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, IAU 177 Colloquium: Pulsar Astronomy - 2000 and Beyon

    Simultaneous single-pulse observations of radio pulsars III. The behaviour of circular polarization

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    We investigate circular polarization in pulsar radio emission through simultaneous observations of PSR B1133+16 at two frequencies. In particular, we investigate the association of the handedness of circular polarization with the orthogonal polarization mode phenomenon at two different frequencies. We find the association to be significant across the pulse for PSR B1133+16, making a strong case for orthogonal polarization modes determining the observed circular polarization. The association however is not perfect and decreases with frequency. Based on these results and assuming emission occurs in superposed orthogonal polarization modes, we present a technique of mode decomposition based on single pulses. Average profiles of the polarization of each mode can then be computed by adding the individual mode-separated single pulses. We show that decomposing single pulses produces different average profiles for the orthogonal polarization modes from decomposing average profiles. Finally, we show sample single pulses and discuss the implications of the frequency dependence of the correlation of the circular polarization with the orthogonal polarization mode phenomenon.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Observations of transients and pulsars with LOFAR international stations

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    The LOw FRequency ARray - LOFAR is a new radio telescope that is moving the science of radio pulsars and transients into a new phase. Its design places emphasis on digital hardware and flexible software instead of mechanical solutions. LOFAR observes at radio frequencies between 10 and 240 MHz where radio pulsars and many transients are expected to be brightest. Radio frequency signals emitted from these objects allow us to study the intrinsic pulsar emission and phenomena such as propagation effects through the interstellar medium. The design of LOFAR allows independent use of its stations to conduct observations of known bright objects, or wide field monitoring of transient events. One such combined software/hardware solution is called the Advanced Radio Transient Event Monitor and Identification System (ARTEMIS). It is a backend for both targeted observations and real-time searches for millisecond radio transients which uses Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) technology to remove interstellar dispersion and detect millisecond radio bursts from astronomical sources in real-time using a single LOFAR station.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Electromagnetic Radiation from Pulsars and Magnetars conference, Zielona Gora, 2012. 4 pages, 1 figur

    A transient component in the pulse profile of PSR J0738-4042

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    One of the tenets of the radio pulsar observational picture is that the integrated pulse profiles are constant with time. This assumption underpins much of the fantastic science made possible via pulsar timing. Over the past few years, however, this assumption has come under question with a number of pulsars showing pulse shape changes on a range of timescales. Here, we show the dramatic appearance of a bright component in the pulse profile of PSR J0738-4042 (B0736-40). The component arises on the leading edge of the profile. It was not present in 2004 but strongly present in 2006 and all observations thereafter. A subsequent search through the literature shows the additional component varies in flux density over timescales of decades. We show that the polarization properties of the transient component are consistent with the picture of competing orthogonal polarization modes. Faced with the general problem of identifying and characterising average profile changes, we outline and apply a statistical technique based on a Hidden Markov Model. The value of this technique is established through simulations, and is shown to work successfully in the case of low signal-to-noise profiles.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evidence for alignment of the rotation and velocity vectors in pulsars. II. Further data and emission heights

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    We have conducted observations of 22 pulsars at frequencies of 0.7, 1.4 and 3.1 GHz and present their polarization profiles. The observations were carried out for two main purposes. First we compare the orientation of the spin and velocity vectors to verify the proposed alignment of these vectors by Johnston et al. (2005). We find, for the 14 pulsars for which we were able to determine both vectors, that 7 are plausibly aligned, a fraction which is lower than, but consistent with, earlier measurements. Secondly, we use profiles obtained simultaneously at widely spaced frequencies to compute the radio emission heights. We find, similar to other workers in the field, that radiation from the centre of the profile originates from lower in the magnetosphere than the radiation from the outer parts of the profile.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 14 page