5 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study of AI-based Smart Contract Creation

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    The introduction of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Google Palm2 for smart contract generation seems to be the first well-established instance of an AI pair programmer. LLMs have access to a large number of open-source smart contracts, enabling them to utilize more extensive code in Solidity than other code generation tools. Although the initial and informal assessments of LLMs for smart contract generation are promising, a systematic evaluation is needed to explore the limits and benefits of these models. The main objective of this study is to assess the quality of generated code provided by LLMs for smart contracts. We also aim to evaluate the impact of the quality and variety of input parameters fed to LLMs. To achieve this aim, we created an experimental setup for evaluating the generated code in terms of validity, correctness, and efficiency. Our study finds crucial evidence of security bugs getting introduced in the generated smart contracts as well as the overall quality and correctness of the code getting impacted. However, we also identified the areas where it can be improved. The paper also proposes several potential research directions to improve the process, quality and safety of generated smart contract codes.Comment: Updated to address issue

    On Conditional Cryptocurrency With Privacy

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    In this paper, we present the design and imple-mentation of a conditional cryptocurrency system with privacy protection. Unlike the existing approaches that often depend on smart contracts where cryptocurrencies are first locked in a vault, and then released according to event triggers, the conditional cryptocurrency system encodes event outcome as part of a cryptocurrency note in a UTXO based system. Without relying on any triggering mechanism, the proposed system separates event processing from conditional coin transaction processing where conditional cryptocurrency notes can be transferred freely in an asynchronous manner, only with their asset values conditional to the linked event outcomes. The main advantage of such design is that it enables free trade of conditional assets and prevents assets from being locked. In this work, we demonstrate a method of confidential conditional coin by extending the Zerocoin data model and protocol. The system is implemented and evaluated using xJsnark

    TPU as Cryptographic Accelerator

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    Polynomials defined on specific rings are heavily involved in various cryptographic schemes, and the corresponding operations are usually the computation bottleneck of the whole scheme. We propose to utilize TPU, an emerging hardware designed for AI applications, to speed up polynomial operations and convert TPU to a cryptographic accelerator. We also conduct preliminary evaluation and discuss the limitations of current work and future plan

    Decentralized Translator of Trust: Supporting Heterogeneous TEE for Critical Infrastructure Protection

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    Trusted execution environment (TEE) technology has found many applications in mitigating various security risks in an efficient manner, which is attractive for critical infrastructure protection. First, the natural of critical infrastructure requires it to be well protected from various cyber attacks. Second, performance is usually important for critical infrastructure and it cannot afford an expensive protection mechanism. While a large number of TEE-based critical infrastructure protection systems have been proposed to address various security challenges (e.g., secure sensing and reliable control), most existing works ignore one important feature, i.e., devices comprised the critical infrastructure may be equipped with multiple incompatible TEE technologies and belongs to different owners. This feature makes it hard for these devices to establish mutual trust and form a unified TEE environment. To address these challenges and fully unleash the potential of TEE technology for critical infrastructure protection, we propose DHTee, a decentralized coordination mechanism. DHTee uses blockchain technology to support key TEE functions in a heterogeneous TEE environment, especially the attestation service. A Device equipped with one TEE can interact securely with the blockchain to verify whether another potential collaborating device claiming to have a different TEE meets the security requirements. DHTee is also flexible and can support new TEE schemes without affecting devices using existing TEEs that have been supported by the system.Comment: Appeared in ACM BSCI'2

    EDSC: An Event-Driven Smart Contract Platform

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    This paper presents EDSC, a novel smart contract platform design based on the event-driven execution model as opposed to the traditionally employed transaction-driven execution model. We reason that such a design is a better fit for many emerging smart contract applications and is better positioned to address the scalability and performance challenges plaguing the smart contract ecosystem. We propose EDSC's design under the Ethereum framework, and the design can be easily adapted for other existing smart contract platforms. We have conducted implementation using Ethereum client and experiments where performance modeling results show on average 2.2 to 4.6 times reduced total latency of event triggered smart contracts, which demonstrates its effectiveness for supporting contracts that demand timely execution based on events. In addition, we discuss example use cases to demonstrate the design's utility and comment on its potential security dynamics.Comment: 11 page