19 research outputs found

    Combination of somatostatin analog, dexamethasone, and standard androgen ablation therapy in stage D3 prostate cancer patients with bone metastases

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    Purpose: Androgen ablation-refractory prostate cancer patients (stage D3) develop painful bone metastases and limited responsiveness to conventional therapies, hence the lack of universally accepted “gold standard” treatment for this poor prognosis clinical setting. We tested the safety and efficacy in stage D3 patients of the combination hormonal therapy, which combines administration of somatostatin analog and dexamethasone with standard androgen ablation monotherapy (luteinizing-hormone releasing-hormone analog or orchiectomy). Experimental Design: Thirty eight patients with stage D3 prostate cancer (mean age 71.8 +/- 5.9 years) continued receiving androgen ablation therapy in combination with oral dexamethasone (4 mg daily for the 1st month of treatment, tapered down to 1 mg daily by the 4th month, with 1 mg daily maintenance dose thereafter) and somatostatin analog (20 mg octreotide i.m. injections every 28 days). Results: Twenty-three of 38 patients (60.5%) receiving this combination regimen had partial responses [PR, greater than or equal to50% prostate-specific antigen (PSA) decline], 9 (21.1%) had stable disease, and 7 (18.4%) had progressive disease. In 47.7% (18 of 38) of patients, their serum PSA levels decreased with treatment but did not return to their respective baselines until the end of follow-up (or death from non-prostate cancer-related causes). The median time-to-return to baseline PSA was 12 months (95% CI, 7-17 months), median progression-free survival was 7 months (95% CI, 4.5-9.5 months), median overall survival was 14 months (95% CI, 10.7-17.4 months), and median prostate cancer-specific overall survival (defined as time from onset of combination therapy until prostate cancer-related death) was 16.0 months (95% CI, 11.9-20.1 months). All patients reported significant and durable improvement of bone pain and performance status (for a median duration of 14 months; 95% CI, 9-19 months), without major treatment-related side effects. We observed a statistically significant (P < 0.01) reduction in serum insulin-like growth factor-1 levels at response to the combination therapy. T levels remained suppressed within castration levels at baseline and throughout therapy, including relapse. Conclusion: The combination therapy of dexamethasone plus somatostatin analog and standard androgen ablation manipulation produces objective clinical responses and symptomatic improvement in androgen ablation-refractory refractory prostate cancer patients

    Molecular evidence-based use of bone resorption-targeted therapy in prostate cancer patients at high risk for bone involvement

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    Background: To improve median survival of patients with prostate cancer that has metastasized to bone, we need to better understand the early events of the metastatic process in skeleton and develop molecular tools capable of detecting the early tumor cell dissemination into bones (micrometastasis stage). However, the initial phase of tumor cell dissemination into the bone marrow is promptly followed by the migration of tumor cells into bone matrix, which is a crucial step that signals the transformation of micrometastasis to macrometastasis stage and clinically evident metastasis. The migration of cancer cells into bone matrix requires the activation of local bone resorption. Such an event contributes to tumor cell hiding/escaping from high immunologic surveillance of bone marrow cells. Within bone matrix, tumor cells are establishing plethoric cell-cell interactions with bone marrow-residing cells, ensuring their survival and growth. Recently, RTPCR detections of tumor marker transcripts, such as PSA and PSMA mRNA performed in RNA extracts of peripheral blood nucleated cells and bone marrow biopsy, have enabled the stratification of patients with clinically localized prostate cancer being of high risk for extraprostatic disease and bone involvement. Therefore, it is conceivable that bisphosphonate blockade of bone resorption can inhibit the migration of tumor cells into bone matrix during the early phase of disease dissemination into bone marrow (micrometastasis stage). Consequently, assessment of the efficacy and efficiency of bisphosphonates to arrest the evolution of bone lesions in this particular clinical setting of patients with clinically localized prostate cancer and positive molecular staging status (high risk for bone involvement) is warranted

    Endocrine/paracrine/autocrine survival factor activity of bone microenvironment participates in the development of androgen ablation and chemotherapy refractoriness of prostate cancer metastasis in skeleton

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    Bone is the most frequent site of metastases of prostate cancer and is almost always the first and frequently the only site of metastases where disease will progress to stage D3. In addition, the number of skeletal metastatic foci is the most powerful independent prognostic factor of limited response to hormone ablation therapy and poor survival of patients with advanced prostate cancer. Furthermore, disease progression frequently occurs in the osteoblastic metastases, even though androgen ablation therapy still provides adequate and sustained control of disease at the primary site. Notably, the management of metastatic disease onto bones has traditionally relied on therapeutic modalities, which almost exclusively aim at directly inducing cancer cell death. However, accumulating pieces of evidence, from both the clinical and the basic research front, point to major limitations of this conventional approach. The in vivo response of malignant cells to anticancer therapies is directly influenced by the local microenvironment in which they metastasize. In particular, organ sites frequently. involved in metastatic diseases, such as the bones, appear to confer to metastatic cells protection from anticancer drug-induced apoptosis. This protection is mediated by soluble growth factors and cytokines released by the normal cellular constituents of the host tissue microenvironment. The characterization of bone microenvironment-related survival factors has led to the development of a novel hormone manipulation which can re-introduce clinical responses in patients with stage D3 prostate cancer

    Combination of dexamethasone and a somatostatin analogue in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer

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    The local microenvironment at the sites of cancer metastases protects tumour cells from anticancer drug-induced apoptosis via mechanisms, such as soluble growth factors and cytokines. The concept of antisurvival factor (ASF) therapy as a component of anticancer treatments aims at neutralising the protective effect conferred upon cancer cells by the survival factor(s) derived by the local microenvironment, in order to enhance the sensitivity and/or reverse the resistance of tumour cells to other anticancer therapeutic strategies. Herein, we review the translation of this concept from ex vivo studies to clinical applications in the setting of prostate cancer refractory to androgen ablation (stage D3). At this stage, which predominantly involves bone metastases, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) production (either growth hormone (GH)-dependent or GH-independent) can protect tumour cells from apoptosis, despite the significant suppression of androgens. The application of the ASF therapeutic concept involves the combination of dexamethasone (which suppresses GH-independent IGF-1) and somatostatin analogue (which suppresses endocrine, GH-dependent IGF-1) with the pro-apoptotic effect of the testicular androgen suppression by sustained use of LHRH analogues. In stage D3, patients who had failed anti-androgen withdrawal, chemotherapy and also had several other adverse prognostic features, the ASF-based combination achieved durable objective responses and major symptomatic improvement, paving the way for future applications of this approach. The ASF-based combination therapy illustrates a novel paradigm in cancer treatment: anti-tumour treatment strategies may not only aim at directly inducing cancer cell apoptosis, but can also target the tumour microenvironment and neutralise the protection it confers on metastatic cancer cells. The favourable toxicity profile of this therapeutic approach calls for its testing in a randomised controlled setting in metastatic prostate cancer and, conceivably, in other IGF-1-responsive malignancies

    Combination therapy using LHRH and somatostatin analogues plus dexamethasone in androgen ablation refractory prostate cancer patients with bone involvement: A bench to bedside approach

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    The development of resistance to anticancer therapies is a major hurdle in preventing long-lasting clinical responses to conventional therapies in hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Herein, the molecular evidence documenting that bone metastasis microenvironment survival factors (mainly the paracrine growth hormone-independent, urokinase-type plasminogen activator-mediated increase of IGF-1 and the endocrine production of growth hormone-dependent IGF-1, mainly liver-derived IGF-1 production) produce an epigenetic form of prostate cancer cells that are resistant to proapoptotic therapies is reviewed. Consequently, the authors present the conceptual framework of a novel antibone microenvironment survival factor, mainly an anti-IGF-1 hormonal manipulation for androgen ablation refractory prostate cancer (a combination of conventional androgen ablation therapy [luteinising hormone-releasing hormone agonist-A or orchiectomy]) with dexamethasone plus somatostatin analogue, which yielded durable objective responses and major improvement of bone pain and performance status in stage D3 prostate cancer patients. © 2006 Informa UK Ltd