123 research outputs found

    Heavy metal resistance of microorganisms from petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soils located in Mersin, Turkey

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    European Biotechnology Congress -- MAY 25-27, 2017 -- Dubrovnik, CROATIAWOS: 000413585400193…Ahi Evran Univ. BAP [PYO-Fen.4003/2.14.009 (2015)]This work was supported in part by a grant from Ahi Evran Univ. BAP No: PYO-Fen.4003/2.14.009 (2015)

    Histološka i imunohistokemijska svojstva metastatskog karcinosarkoma mliječne žlijezde u kuje - prikaz slučaja

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    A carcinosarcoma is a tumor composed of cells morphologically resembling both malignant epithelial and mesenchymal components. An 11-year-old, female, mixed-breed terrier was referred to the clinic with complaints of anorexia, vomiting and exercise intolerance. Clinically, tumoral masses were seen in the mammary glands. During necropsy, multilobulated calcified masses were observed in several visceral organs (the liver, kidneys, lungs, small intestines, lymph nodes and thyroid) and both right and left (3rd and 4th) mammary glands. Immunohistochemically, Thyroglobulin, SMA, TTF-1, S100, CD34, and p53 were negative in both epithelial and mesenchymal areas, however, Ki-67 showed high proliferation, especially in the mesenchymal areas. While the positivity of vimentin expression was high in the mesenchymal component of the tumor, the positivity of cytokeratin (CK7 and CK19) expressions was high in the epithelial component of the tumor. In the case of a carcinosarcoma, there is a probability that not only the carcinomatous part, but also the sarcomatous part will metastasize. Despite being uncommon, canine carcinosarcomas should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of mixed mammary tumors, if they include both components. There have not been many previous studies dealing with the metastasis of a mammary carcinosarcoma in dogs as an aggressive tumor. Therefore, we consider this report a worthy contribution and have defined the multiple organ metastasis of a mammary carcinosarcoma.Karcinosarkom je tumor sastavljen od stanica koje morfološki nalikuju i na maligne epitelne i na mezenhimne komponente. Ženka stara 11 godina, mješanka u tipu terijera, primljena je na pregled zbog anoreksije, povraćanja i nepodnošenja tjelesnog napora. Klinički, uočena je tumorska masa u mliječnim žlijezdama. Pri obdukciji su uočene multilobulirane kalcificirane tvrobe u nekoliko visceralnih organa (jetra, bubreg, pluća, tanko crijevo, limfni čvorovi, štitnjača) te u desnoj i lijevoj (trećoj i četvrtoj) mliječnoj žlijezdi. Imunohistokemijski su tireoglobulin, SMA, TTF-1, S100, CD34 i p53 bili negativni i u epitelnim i mezenhimnim tkivima, međutim Ki-67 pokazao je visoku proliferaciju, osobito u mezenhimnom području. Dok je pozitivnost ekspresije vimentina bila visoka u mezenhimnoj komponenti tumora, pozitivnost ekspresije citokeratina (CK7 i CK19) bila je visoka u epitelnoj komponenti tumora. U slučaju karcinosarkoma moguće je da ne metastaziraju samo karcinomatozni dijelovi nego također i sarkomatozni. Premda je neuobičajen, pseći karcinosarkom trebalo bi uzeti u obzir kao diferencijalnu dijagnozu kod miješanih tumora mliječne žlijezde, ako sadržavaju obje komponente. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima nema mnogo radova o metastazama karcinosarkoma mliječne žlijezde kuja, posebno u slučajevima gdje je to agresivan tumor. Stoga smatramo da je ovaj prikaz slučaja vrijedan doprinos kojim su utvrđene višestruke metastaze karcinosarkoma mliječne žlijezde na različitim organima

    The Effect of Hypermobility on Pain and Quality of Life in Young Adults

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    Objective:Hypermobility is the excessive range of motion of joints, and related to various musculoskeletal and extra-articular problems that may significantly impair quality of life (QoL) by causing pain. The aim of the study is to examine the prevalence of hypermobility in young adults, and its relationship with pain in various regions of body and QoL.Methods:Two hundred and twenty five volunteers, aged between 17 and 23, were classified as subjects-with-hypermobility or subjects-without-hypermobility according to the Beighton Criteria. Chronic pain was identified by using Nordic Pain Questionnaire, QoL was identified by Short Form-36 (SF-36) Questionnaire. Pain presence in 9 body regions and SF-36 scores were compared between groups using chi-square test and Independent Samples T-test, respectively.Results:Of the participants, 164 (64%) were female, 91 (36%) were male, 119 (46.7%) had hypermobility. Upper back was the body region with the highest pain prevalence where 79% of hypermobile and 74% of non-hypermobile subjects reported pain at least once in past 12 months. Pain prevalence in body regions did not differ between groups (p>0.05). In terms of QoL, physical and mental component scores of SF-36, as well as all subgroup scores except social function were significantly lower in hypermobile subjects (p<0.05).Conclusion:Pain prevalence in different body regions did not differ between subjects with and without hypermobility whereas the QoL was significantly impaired in hypermobile subjects. Hypermobility is a substantial anatomical finding in young adults that should not be disregarded. Education, emotional support and encouraging about strengthening and proprioception exercises may contribute to their quality of life

    Investigation of genome instability in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

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    The Mother, Who Is Not One: Reflections Of Motherhood In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet, The Tempest, And The Taming Of The Shrew

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    The lack of proper motherhood in Shakespeare's plays has been a point of attraction for many feminist critics actively engaged in emphasizing the patriarchal aspect of Shakespeare's plays. This paper aims to analyze motherhood and the lack of mother/mother-figure in The Tempest, Romeo and Juliet and The Taming of the Shrew through Luce Irigaray's theory of gender and the work of other feminist critics. The issues of gender, father-daughter relations and the reflections of the absent mothers will be discussed. Male/Female Subjectivity will also be questioned, in view of Irigaray's conceptualization of gender by relating it to Subject

    The Prevalence of Heterotopic Gastric Mucosa of the Proximal Esophagus and the Relationship Between Clinical and Endoscopic Findings

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    PurposeIn this study, we aimed to investigate the prevalence of HGMPE and the relationship between clinical and endoscopic findings. Patients and MethodsBetween December 2013 and February 2018, a total of 4126 patients, 2091 women and 2035 men, who underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy in the gastroenterology unit of Acıbadem Kayseri Hastanesi were retrospectively screened.Totally, 122 patients, 54 women and 68 men found to have heterotopic gastric mucosa and a control group of age and sex matched 241 patients, 107 women and 134 men who do not have heterotopic gastric mucosa were included the study.ResultsWe found the prevalence of HGMPE 2.96 % in our study. Dysphagia was significantly higher in the case group, whereas abdominal pain was higher in the control group.Conclusion Because of the controversies among the studies we think that HGMPE may be a frequent finding if the endoscopist be aware of this entity. Although the controversies remain regarding the clinical significance of this entity, increasing number of cases of neoplastic transformation has further increased the importance of HGMPE