225 research outputs found

    Identification of distinct quantitative trait loci associated with defence against the closely related aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum and A. kondoi in Medicago truncatula

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    Aphids are a major family of plant insect pests. Medicago truncatula and Acyrthosiphon pisum (pea aphid, PA) are model species with a suite of resources available to help dissect the mechanism underlying plant–aphid interactions. A previous study focused on monogenic and relatively strong resistance in M. truncatula to PA and other aphid species. In this study a moderate resistance to PA was characterized in detail in the M. truncatula line A17 and compared with the highly susceptible line A20 and the more resistant line Jester. The results show that PA resistance in A17 involves both antibiosis and tolerance, and that resistance is phloem based. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population (n=114) from a cross between A17 and A20 revealed that one locus, which co-segregated with AIN (Acyrthosiphon-induced necrosis) on chromosome 3, is responsible for the reduction of aphid biomass (indicator of antibiosis) for both PA and bluegreen aphid (BGA, A. kondoi), albeit to a lesser degree for PA than BGA. Interestingly, two independent loci on chromosomes 5 and 3 were identified for the plant biomass reduction (indicator of plant tolerance) by PA and BGA, respectively, demonstrating that the plant’s tolerance response to these two closely related aphid species is distinct. Together with previously identified major resistant (R) genes, the QTLs identified in this study are powerful tools to understand fully the spectrum of plant defence against sap-sucking insects and provide opportunities for breeders to generate effective and sustainable strategies for aphid control

    Diversifying selection in the wheat stem rust fungus acts predominantly on pathogen-associated gene families and reveals candidate effectors

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    Plant pathogens cause severe losses to crop plants and threaten global food production. One striking example is the wheat stem rust fungus, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, which can rapidly evolve new virulent pathotypes in response to resistant host lines. Like several other filamentous fungal and oomycete plant pathogens, its genome features expanded gene families that have been implicated in host-pathogen interactions, possibly encoding effector proteins that interact directly with target host defense proteins. Previous efforts to understand virulence largely relied on the prediction of secreted, small and cysteine-rich proteins as candidate effectors and thus delivered an overwhelming number of candidates. Here, we implement an alternative analysis strategy that uses the signal of adaptive evolution as a line of evidence for effector function, combined with comparative information and expression data. We demonstrate that in planta up-regulated genes that are rapidly evolving are found almost exclusively in pathogen-associated gene families, affirming the impact of host-pathogen co-evolution on genome structure and the adaptive diversification of specialized gene families. In particular, we predict 42 effector candidates that are conserved only across pathogens, induced during infection and rapidly evolving. One of our top candidates has recently been shown to induce genotype-specific hypersensitive cell death in wheat. This shows that comparative genomics incorporating the evolutionary signal of adaptation is powerful for predicting effector candidates for laboratory verification. Our system can be applied to a wide range of pathogens and will give insight into host-pathogen dynamics, ultimately leading to progress in strategies for disease control.Jana Sperschneider was supported by the CSIRO Transformational Biology Capability platform. Donald M. Gardiner was partially supported by the Australian Grains Research and Development Corporation. Narayana M. Upadhyaya and Peter N. Dodds thank the Two Blades Foundation for financial support

    Identification and characterisation of seed storage protein transcripts from Lupinus angustifolius

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In legumes, seed storage proteins are important for the developing seedling and are an important source of protein for humans and animals. <it>Lupinus angustifolius </it>(L.), also known as narrow-leaf lupin (NLL) is a grain legume crop that is gaining recognition as a potential human health food as the grain is high in protein and dietary fibre, gluten-free and low in fat and starch.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genes encoding the seed storage proteins of NLL were characterised by sequencing cDNA clones derived from developing seeds. Four families of seed storage proteins were identified and comprised three unique α, seven β, two γ and four δ conglutins. This study added eleven new expressed storage protein genes for the species. A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of NLL conglutins with those available for the storage proteins of <it>Lupinus albus </it>(L.), <it>Pisum sativum </it>(L.), <it>Medicago truncatula </it>(L.), <it>Arachis hypogaea </it>(L.) and <it>Glycine max </it>(L.) permitted the analysis of a phylogenetic relationships between proteins and demonstrated, in general, that the strongest conservation occurred within species. In the case of 7S globulin (β conglutins) and 2S sulphur-rich albumin (δ conglutins), the analysis suggests that gene duplication occurred after legume speciation. This contrasted with 11S globulin (α conglutin) and basic 7S (γ conglutin) sequences where some of these sequences appear to have diverged prior to speciation. The most abundant NLL conglutin family was β (56%), followed by α (24%), δ (15%) and γ (6%) and the transcript levels of these genes increased 10<sup>3 </sup>to 10<sup>6 </sup>fold during seed development. We used the 16 NLL conglutin sequences identified here to determine that for individuals specifically allergic to lupin, all seven members of the β conglutin family were potential allergens.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study has characterised 16 seed storage protein genes in NLL including 11 newly-identified members. It has helped lay the foundation for efforts to use molecular breeding approaches to improve lupins, for example by reducing allergens or increasing the expression of specific seed storage protein(s) with desirable nutritional properties.</p

    Variability in an effector gene promoter of a necrotrophic fungal pathogen dictates epistasis and effector-triggered susceptibility in wheat

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    The fungus Parastagonospora nodorum uses proteinaceous necrotrophic effectors (NEs) to induce tissue necrosis on wheat leaves during infection, leading to the symptoms of septoria nodorum blotch (SNB). The NEs Tox1 and Tox3 induce necrosis on wheat possessing the dominant susceptibility genes Snn1 and Snn3B1/Snn3D1, respectively. We previously observed that Tox1 is epistatic to the expression of Tox3 and a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 2A that contributes to SNB resistance/susceptibility. The expression of Tox1 is significantly higher in the Australian strain SN15 compared to the American strain SN4. Inspection of the Tox1 promoter region revealed a 401 bp promoter genetic element in SN4 positioned 267 bp upstream of the start codon that is absent in SN15, called PE401. Analysis of the world-wide P. nodorum population revealed that a high proportion of Northern Hemisphere isolates possess PE401 whereas the opposite was observed in representative P. nodorum isolates from Australia and South Africa. The presence of PE401 removed the epistatic effect of Tox1 on the contribution of the SNB 2A QTL but not Tox3. PE401 was introduced into the Tox1 promoter regulatory region in SN15 to test for direct regulatory roles. Tox1 expression was markedly reduced in the presence of PE401. This suggests a repressor molecule(s) binds PE401 and inhibits Tox1 transcription. Infection assays also demonstrated that P. nodorum which lacks PE401 is more pathogenic on Snn1 wheat varieties than P. nodorum carrying PE401. An infection competition assay between P. nodorum isogenic strains with and without PE401 indicated that the higher Tox1-expressing strain rescued the reduced virulence of the lower Tox1-expressing strain on Snn1 wheat. Our study demonstrated that Tox1 exhibits both ‘selfish’ and ‘altruistic’ characteristics. This offers an insight into a complex NE-NE interaction that is occurring within the P. nodorum population. The importance of PE401 in breeding for SNB resistance in wheat is discussed

    Prosudba učinkovitosti celomske tekućine kišne gujavice na cijeljenje rana u punoj debljini kože kunića.

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    The present study was conducted on 16 New Zealand White rabbits of 10-12 months of age, to evaluate the healing potential of earthworm coelomic fluid in full thickness skin wounds. Under xylazine-ketamine anaesthesia, four rectangular full thickness excisional skin wounds, measuring 2×2 cm2 were created on the dorsum of each animal and designated as groups I, II, III and IV. Wounds were treated by topical coelomic fluid (I), 0.5 % povidone-iodine and coelomic fluid (II), 0.5 % povidone-iodine (III) and normal saline (IV). Healing was evaluated on the basis of gross and histomorphological parameters. The mean wound area was significantly lesser (P<0.05) in the wounds of groups I and II as compared to groups III and IV, up to 21 days. Out of 16 wounds, nine wounds in group I (56.25 %) and 11 wounds in group II (68.75 %) healed completely by day 21, but none in groups III and IV. Histomorphological studies showed more mature and densely placed collagen and better epithelialization in groups I and II as compared to groups III and IV. It was concluded that coelomic fluid of the earthworm Eisenia foetida can accelerate healing of full-thickness skin wounds in rabbits.Istraživanje je provedeno na 16 novozelandskih bijelih kunića u dobi od 10 do 12 mjeseci s ciljem da se prosudi mogući učinak celomske tekućine kišne gujavice na cijeljenje rana u punoj debljini kože u kunića. Kunići su bili podijeljeni u četiri skupine označene I, II, III i IV. Četiri pravokutne ekscizijske kožne rane u punoj debljini veličine 2x2 cm načinjene su na leđima svake životinje pod anestezijom ksilazin-ketaminom. Rane su bile obrađene celomskom tekućinom (skupina I), 0,5 %-tnim povidon-jodom i celomskom tekućinom (skupina II), 0,5 %-tnim povidon-jodom (skupina III) i fiziološkom otopinom (skupina IV). Cijeljenje rana bilo je prosuđivano na osnovi patoanatomskih i patohistoloških nalaza. Prosječna površina rana 21 dan nakon ekscizije bila je značajno manja (P<0,05) u skupinama I i II u usporedbi s površinom skupina III i IV. Devet od 16 rana u skupini I (56,25 %) i 11 u skupini II (68,75 %) u potpunosti su zacijelile 21 dan nakon ekscizije, dok nijedna nije zacijelila u skupini III i IV. Patohistološki nalaz pokazao je više zrelog i gušće raspoređenog kolagena te bolju epitelizaciju u skupinama I i II u usporedbi sa skupinama III i IV. Može se zaključiti da celomska tekućina kišne gujavice Eisenia foetida može ubrzati cijeljenje rana u punoj debljini kože u kunića

    LOCALIZER: subcellular localization prediction of both plant and effector proteins in the plant cell

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    Pathogens secrete effector proteins and many operate inside plant cells to enable infection. Some effectors have been found to enter subcellular compartments by mimicking host targeting sequences. Although many computational methods exist to predict plant protein subcellular localization, they perform poorly for effectors. We introduce LOCALIZER for predicting plant and effector protein localization to chloroplasts, mitochondria, and nuclei. LOCALIZER shows greater prediction accuracy for chloroplast and mitochondrial targeting compared to other methods for 652 plant proteins. For 107 eukaryotic effectors, LOCALIZER outperforms other methods and predicts a previously unrecognized chloroplast transit peptide for the ToxA effector, which we show translocates into tobacco chloroplasts. Secretome-wide predictions and confocal microscopy reveal that rust fungi might have evolved multiple effectors that target chloroplasts or nuclei. LOCALIZER is the first method for predicting effector localisation in plants and is a valuable tool for prioritizing effector candidates for functional investigations. LOCALIZER is available at http://localizer.csiro.au/.JS is supported by an OCE Postdoctoral Fellowship

    Climate model response from the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP)

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    Solar geoengineering - deliberate reduction in the amount of solar radiation retained by the Earth - has been proposed as a means of counteracting some of the climatic effects of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. We present results from Experiment G1 of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project, in which 12 climate models have simulated the climate response to an abrupt quadrupling of CO2 from preindustrial concentrations brought into radiative balance via a globally uniform reduction in insolation. Models show this reduction largely offsets global mean surface temperature increases due to quadrupled CO2 concentrations and prevents 97% of the Arctic sea ice loss that would otherwise occur under high CO2 levels but, compared to the preindustrial climate, leaves the tropics cooler (-0.3 K) and the poles warmer (+0.8 K). Annual mean precipitation minus evaporation anomalies for G1 are less than 0.2 mm day-1 in magnitude over 92% of the globe, but some tropical regions receive less precipitation, in part due to increased moist static stability and suppression of convection. Global average net primary productivity increases by 120% in G1 over simulated preindustrial levels, primarily from CO2 fertilization, but also in part due to reduced plant heat stress compared to a high CO2 world with no geoengineering. All models show that uniform solar geoengineering in G1 cannot simultaneously return regional and global temperature and hydrologic cycle intensity to preindustrial levels. Key Points Temperature reduction from uniform geoengineering is not uniform Geoengineering cannot offset both temperature and hydrology changes NPP increases mostly due to CO2 fertilization ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.BK is supported by the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research. Simulations performed by BK were supported by the NASA High-End Computing (HEC) Program through the NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) at Goddard Space Flight Center. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by Battelle Memorial Institute under contract DE-AC05-76RL01830. AR is supported by US National Science Foundation grant AGS-1157525. JMH and AJ were supported by the joint DECC/Defra Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme (GA01101). KA, DBK, JEK, UN, HS, and MS received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ 2007–2013) under grant agreement 226567-IMPLICC. KA and JEK received support from the Norwegian Research Council’s Programme for Supercomputing (NOTUR) through a grant of computing time. Simulations with the IPSL-CM5 model were supported through HPC resources of [CCT/ TGCC/CINES/IDRIS] under the allocation 2012-t2012012201 made by GENCI (Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif). DJ and JCM thank all members of the BNU-ESM model group, as well as the Center of Information and Network Technology at Beijing Normal University for assistance in publishing the GeoMIP data set. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is funded by the National Science Foundation. SW was supported by the Innovative Program of Climate Change Projection for the 21st century, MEXT, Japan. Computer resources for PJR, BS, and JHY were provided by the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-05CH11231

    Relevance of B-Lines on Lung Ultrasound in Volume Overload and Pulmonary Congestion: Clinical Correlations and Outcomes in Patients on Hemodialysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Volume overload in patients on hemodialysis (HD) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular mortality. B-lines detected on lung ultrasound (BLUS) assess extravascular lung water. This raises interest in its utility for assessing volume status and cardiovascular outcomes. METHODS: End-stage renal disease patients on HD at the Island Rehab Center being older than 18 years were screened. Patients achieving their dry weight (DW) had a lung ultrasound in a supine position. Scores were classified as mild (0-14), moderate (15-30), and severe (\u3e30) for pulmonary congestion. Patients with more than 60 were further classified as very severe. Patients were followed for cardiac events and death. RESULTS: 81 patients were recruited. 58 were males, with a mean age of 59.7 years. 44 had New York Heart Association (NYHA) class 1, 24 had class 2, and 13 had class 3. In univariate analysis, NYHA class was associated with B-line classes ( CONCLUSION: At DW, BLUS is an independent risk factor for death and cardiovascular events in patients on HD

    A specific fungal transcription factor controls effector gene expression and orchestrates the establishment of the necrotrophic pathogen lifestyle on wheat

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    The fungus Parastagonospora nodorum infects wheat through the use of necrotrophic efector (NE) proteins that cause host-specifc tissue necrosis. The Zn2Cys6 transcription factor PnPf2 positively regulates NE gene expression and is required for virulence on wheat. Little is known about other downstream targets of PnPf2. We compared the transcriptomes of the P. nodorum wildtype and a strain deleted in PnPf2 (pf2-69) during in vitro growth and host infection to further elucidate targets of PnPf2 signalling. Gene ontology enrichment analysis of the diferentially expressed (DE) genes revealed that genes associated with plant cell wall degradation and proteolysis were enriched in down-regulated DE gene sets in pf2-69 compared to SN15. In contrast, genes associated with redox control, nutrient and ion transport were up-regulated in the mutant. Further analysis of the DE gene set revealed that PnPf2 positively regulates twelve genes that encode efector-like proteins. Two of these genes encode proteins with homology to previously characterised efectors in other fungal phytopathogens. In addition to modulating efector gene expression, PnPf2 may play a broader role in the establishment of a necrotrophic lifestyle by orchestrating the expression of genes associated with plant cell wall degradation and nutrient assimilation.Tis study was supported by the Centre for Crop and Disease Management, a joint initiative of Curtin University and the Grains Research and Development Corporation [research grant CUR00023 (Programme 3)]. EJ was supported by the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarshi