5 research outputs found

    Uticaj biohemijskog sastava ploda na senzoričku ocenu kvaliteta ploda novointrodukovanih sorti jagode

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    The paper presents the results of the study conducted into the impact made by biochemical composition on sensory appraisal of the fruits of the ʻClery’, ʻJoly’ and ʻDely’ strawberry cultivars in the period 2012–2013. In 2012 a significantly higher content of total sugars was recorded in ʻDely’ and ʻClery’ cultivars, compared to ʻJoly’ cultivar. In 2013, a significantly higher content of total and reduced sugars were determined in the ʻJoly’ and ʻDely’ cultivar compared to ‘Clery’. Within the scope of the two years of research, the highest contents of sucrose was recorded in the ‘Joly’ strawberry cultivar. In the first trial year, the highest content of total acids was recorded in the ‘Clery’ cultivar, whereas in the second trial year the highest total acids content was found in the ‘Joly’ cultivar. A high cumulative grade for the sensory quality of fruit was attained by the ‘Joly’ cultivar, whereas the lowest cumulative grade was given to the ʻClery’ cultivar in both trial years. Considering the best score for the biochemical composition and sensory quality of the fruit, the ‘Joly’ cultivar can be recommended for more intensive use in the production practice.U radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja uticaja biohemijskog sastava ploda na senzoričku ocenu kvaliteta ploda jagode sorti ʻClery’, ʻJoly’ i ʻDely’ u periodu 2012–2013. godina. Značajno viši sadržaj ukupnih šećera registrovan je kod sorti ʻDely’ i ʻClery’ u poređenju sa sortom ʻJoly’, u 2012. godini. U 2013. godini, značajno viši sadržaj ukupnih i invertnih šećera evidentiran je kod sorti ʻJoly’ i ʻDely’ u odnosu na sortu ‘Clery’. U dvogodišnjem periodu istraživanja, najveća vrednost sadržaja saharoze evidentirana je u plodu jagode sorte ʻJoly’. U prvoj godini istraživanja, najviši sadržaj ukupnih kiselina zabeležen je kod sorte ʻClery’, a u drugoj godini istraživanja kod sorte ʻJoly’. Visoke zbirne ocene za senzorički kvalitet ploda ostvarila je sorta ʻJoly’, a najniže zbirne ocene sorta ʻClery’, u obe godine istraživanja. Najbolje rezultate u pogledu biohemijskog sastava i senzoričkog kvaliteta ploda ostvarila je sorta ʻJoly’, pa se ova sorta može preporučiti za intenzivnije širenje u proizvodnoj praksi


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    The aim of the investigation was to assess the level of soil fertility and repair measures in order to enhance the productivity of fruit production in a traditional fruit growing area. (Municipality of Topola, Serbia). The following tests were performed: mechanical composition, physical and chemical properties of soil, total adsorbed base cation, capacity of adsorbed base cation, degree of base saturation, different types of soil acidity, contents of carbon, humus, total nitrogen, easily accessible forms of P2O5 and K2O. Results obtained have shown that soils from all studied sites are of “heavy” mechanical texture with 75,40-84,90% of physical clay. High capacity of cation adsorption, low to medium hydrolytic acidity and high to almost complete saturation of adsorbed bases, has been measured. In compliance with previous analyses, it has been assessed that soils are neutral and of low acid chemical reaction, with low carbon and medium humus content and total nitrogen. Easily accessible content of P2O5 and K2O varies depending on the food quantity on individual parcels with low to medium accessibility to parcels with no fruit plantations. Based on the parameters analysed, the tested soils demand repair of mechanical properties, which will facilitate greater nutrient uptake

    Biološko-proizvodne osobine sorte jagode‘Leatitia’ na području Čačka

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    The paper presents results of the research of vegetative and generative potential, phenological properties and fruit quality of the promising strawberry cultivar ‘Leatitia’ in the 2016–2017 period. Significantly higher values of all tested parameters of vegetative, generative potential, productivity and fruit mass were determined in the second experimental year. High firmness values were determined in both years of the research, while significantly higher phenolics content and antioxidative capacity were registered in the fruits the second year after planting. Spread of the strawberry cultivar ‘Leatitia’ in production practices can be recommended primarily because of the late ripening, high productivity and very high quality of fruits.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja vegetativnog, generativnog potencijala, fenoloških osobina i kvaliteta ploda perspektivne sorte jagode ‘Leatitia’ u periodu 2016–2017. godine. U drugoj eksprimentalnoj godini, utvrđene su značajno više vrednosti svih ispitivanih parametara vegetativnog, generativnog potencijala, produktivnosti i mase ploda. Visoke vrednosti čvrstine ploda utvrđene su u obe godine istraživanja, dok su značajno veći fenolni sadržaj i antioksidativni kapacitet registrovani u plodovima jagode u drugoj godini nakon sadnje. Širenje sorte jagode ‘Leatitia’ u proizvodnjoj praksi može se preporučiti prevashodno zbog kasnog vremena zrenja, visoke rodnosti i veoma kvalitetnog ploda

    Noviji rezultati oplemenjivanja voćaka u Institutu za voćarstvo, Čačak

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    The Fruit Research Institute Čačak has seventy years long tradition in breeding of continental fruit species. The continual multi-disciplinary scientific and research work conducted so far has resulted in the releasing of 41 different cultivars. In addition to the named and released cultivars, for promising candidate cultivars have been selected (three plums and one peach) and entered for releasing, while there is also a large number of promising genotypes that are currently under intense evaluation. The paper presents an overview of the most significant biological and productive characteristic of the 12 new cultivars of pome and stone fruits, including seven plum cultivars (Boranka, Timočanka, Zlatka, Nada, Mildora, Krina and Pozna plava), two pear cultivars (Julijana and Anđelija) and three sour cherry cultivars (Sofija, Nevena and Iskra).Institut za voćarstvo, Čačak ima sedamdeset godina dugu tradiciju oplemenjivačkog rada na stvaranju novih sorti kontinentalnih vrsta voćaka. Do sada je kao rezultat kontinuiranog, multidisciplinarnog naučnoistraživačkog rada priznata 41 sorta različitih vrsta voćaka. Pored priznatih sorti, izdvojene su četiri kandidat sorte (tri šljive i jedna breskve) koje su u postupku priznavanja, kao i veliki broj perspektivnih genotipova koji se intenzivno proučavaju. U radu je prikazan pregled najznačajnijih bioloških i proizvodnih osobina 12 novije priznatih sorti jabučastih i koštičavih vrsta voćaka, i to: sedam sorti šljive (Boranka, Timočanka, Zlatka, Nada, Mildora, Krina i Pozna plava), dve sorte kruške (Julijana i Anđelija) i tri sorte višnje (Sofija, Nevena i Iskra)

    Zastupljenost rodnih grančica poznih sorti šljiva namenjenih preradi u zavisnosti od gustine sadnje

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    The paper examines the incidence rate of fruiting branches of plum (mixed-type, long and short fruiting branches, thorn shoots and May blossoms), depending on the planting density in the newer plum cultivars, Krina and Mildora. A simultaneous study was conducted comparing the said cultivars intended for processing, with the standard cultivars of the same purpose, Čačanska rodna and Stanley. The study established that the differences in the quantitative share of the corresponding types of fruiting branches occur as a result of the conditions and systems of cultivation, as well as the cultivar traits and the development phase. May flowers are the most frequent type of fruiting branches in all of the examined cultivars, with a higher percentage share in the dense planting treatments; at the same time, the other types of fruiting branches recorded a higher incidence in the classical cultivation treatments, compared to the dense planting treatments.U cilju razvoja tehnologije gajenja novijih sorti šljiva pogodnih za sušenje (Krina i Mildora u komparaciji sa standardnim sortama (Čačanska rodna i Stanley) iste namene, ispitvana je i zastupljenost rodnih grančica (mešovite, duge i kratke rodne grančice, trnasti izraštaji i majski buketići) u zavisnosti od gustine sadnje. Razlike u kvantitativnoj zastupljenosti tipova rodnih grančica u ispitivanih sorti šljive je pre svega posledica slova i sistema gajenja, sortnih karakteristika i stadijnog razvitka. Majski buketići su najzastupljeniji tip rodnih grančica kod svih ispitivanih sorti, pri čemu je procentualna zastupljenost veća u teretmanima guste sadnje, sa tendencijom smanjenja u tretmanima sa većim rastojanjima sadnje. Ostali tipovi rodnih grančica su procentualno više zastupljeni u tretmanima klasičnog uzgoja u odnosu na tretmane guste sadnje