19 research outputs found

    Ardışık bitim işlemi görmüş polipropilen esaslı dış mekan kumaşların antimikrobiyel ve su itici performanslarının incelenmesi

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    Polypropylene fabrics are one of the most preferred products for outdoor textiles. With the risks posed by the pandemic in the last year, outdoor textiles are expected to have some additional features such as antibacterial, antivirus, antimildew properties. Antimicrobial finishing and water repellency treatment may be applied consecutively on polypropylene fabrics. This research aims to investigate the effect of sequential finishing process by applying of different antimicrobial chemical ratio (0, 5 and 10 g/l) and fluorocarbon-based water repelling substance (0, 30 and 50 g/l) on antimicrobial efficiency and water repellency grades of outdoor fabrics. According to the results of statistical analyses, it was determined that antimicrobial efficiency against S. aureus and C. albicans was statistically influenced from process type at significance level of 0.05, while antimicrobial efficiency against E.coli microorganism was not statistically influenced from process type. Antimicrobial activity of outdoor samples was more satisfying against S. aureus microorganism. Water repellency results generally improved as the applied amount of water repellent substance increased for the fabrics treated with the same amount of antimicrobial substance.Dış mekân tekstilleri kapsamında en çok tercih edilen kumaşlardan bir tanesi polipropilen esaslı kumaşlardır. Son yıllarda pandeminin oluşturduğu risklerden dolayı dış mekân tekstillerinden antibakteriyel, antivirüs, küf önleyebilen bir takım ilave özellikler de beklenmektedir. Antimikrobiyel bitim işlemi ve su itici işlemler polipropilen kumaşlara ard arda uygulanabilmektedir. Bu çalışma farklı oranlarda antimikrobiyel (0,5, 10 gr/lt) ve florokarbon esaslı su itici (0, 30 ve 50 gr/lt) kimyasalların ard arda uygulanmasıyla elde edilen dış mekân kumaşların antimikrobiyal etkinlik ve su itici seviyelerinin araştırılmasını hedeflemektedir. İstatiksel sonuçlara göre; S. aureus ve C. albicans mikroorganizmalarına karşı antibakteriyel etkinlik, proses türünden 0,05 anlamlılık seviyesinde etkilenmektedir. Polipropilen esaslı dış mekân kumaşları genel olarak S. aureus mikroorganizmasına karşı daha etkili bulunmuştur. Aynı miktar antimikrobiyal madde ile işlem gören kumaşlarda, uygulanan su itici madde miktarı arttıkça, su iticilik seviyeleri genel olarak iyileşmiştir

    Elastan içerikli atkılı örme kumaşların bazı fiziksel özelliklerinin yıkama öncesi ve tekrarlı yıkamalar sonrasında karşılaştırılması

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    It was aimed to investigate the influence of washing cycle and fabric type on stretching (%), unrecovered elongation (%) and elastic recovery properties of plain knitted fabrics made of different ground yarn types having the same elastane ratio (%). For the plain knitted fabrics; Elastane ratio was kept constant as 5% for all fabric types whereas the ground yarns were selected as 70% polyester 30% cotton vortex yarn, 70% polyester 30%viscon ring yarn, 70% polyester 30%cotton ring yarn, 100%viscon vortex and 100% cotton ring spun yarns respectively. Knitted samples were objected to repeated laundering and flat dried after each washing cycle. Fabric weight (g/m2 ) after the washing cycles of 1, 5 and 10 were premeasured. Fryma fabric extensometer device was used for determining the stretching ratios (%), unrecovered elongation (%) and elastic recovery (%) of the samples both in wale and course way. Two-Way ANOVA was performed in order to investigate the influence of washing cycle and fabric type on stretching (%) and unrecovered elongation (%) properties of the elastane knitted fabrics.Bu çalışmada aynı elastan oranına sahip ancak farklı zemin ipliklerden üretilen düz örme kumaşların esneme (%), geri toparlanamama (%) ve elastik toparlanma özelliklerine yıkama tekrar sayısı ve kumaş tipinin etkisi incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Düz örme kumaşlar için elastan oranları tüm kumaşlar için sabit tutulurken (%5) zemin iplikleri sırasıyla; %70 poliester %30 pamuk vorteks iplik, %70 poliester %30 viskon ring iplik, %70 poliester %30 pamuk ring iplik, %100 viskon vorteks iplik, %100 pamuk ring iplik olarak seçilmiştir. Numuneler tekrarlı yıkama işlemine tabi tutulmuş olup her yıkama devri sonrasında sererek kurutma yapılmıştır. 1, 5 ve 10 devir yıkama sonrası kumaş gramajları belirlenmiştir. Numunelerin çubuk ve sıra yönlü esneme yüzdesi (%), geri toparlanamama yüzdesi (%) ve elastik toparlanma yüzdesi (%) ölçümleri için Fyrma kumaş ekstensiyometresi kullanılmıştır. Kumaş tipi ve yıkama devir sayısı faktörlerinin elastan örme kumaşların esneme ve geri toparlanamama özelliklerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla iki faktörlü ANOVA testi uygulanmıştır

    Farklı ağırlıklarda üretilen poliester çözgülü örme kumaşların uzama ve hava geçirgenlik özelliklerine yıkamanın etkisi

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    Warp knitting technology combines the two properties of dimensional stability and elasticity which are provided from woven and knitted fabrics separately. These fabrics consist of several threads (warp) which are formed as loops via needles and run through the fabric mainly in a vertical direction. These fabrics may be produced on a flat or a circular warp knitting machines. This study aims to investigate the influence of washing cycles (1, 5 and 20) on stretching (%) and air permeability properties of the polyester warp knitted fabrics of different weight. In order to analyze the effect of washing process on stretching ratios (%) and air permeability of the samples; Fyrma fabric extensometer and SDL Atlas M021A model Air Permeability Tester devices were used respectively. Additionally, the changes in fabric weight according to washing cycles of 1, 5 and 20 were also evaluated. According to test results; the stretching properties and air permeability values of the polyester warp knitted fabrics produced in different weights varied according to the laundering cycle which emphasized that caring processes should also be considered during the evaluation of mechanical properties (such as stretching, air permeability properties) of polyester warp knitted fabrics.Dokuma ve örme kumaşlardan ayrı ayrı sağlanan boyutsal stabilite ve elastikiyet özellikleri çözgülü örme teknolojisinde bir araya getirilmektedir. Bu kumaşlar dikey doğrultuda kumaş boyunca uzanan, iğneler vasıtasıyla ilmekler oluşturabilen çözgü ipliklerinden oluşmaktadır. Çözgülü örme kumaşlar düz ya da dairesel çözgülü örme makinelerinde üretilebilmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında yıkama işleminin (1, 5 ve 20 tekrar sayısında) farklı ağırlıklarda üretilen poliester çözgülü örme kumaşların uzama ve hava geçirgenlik özelliklerine etkisini incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bunun için sırasıyla, Fyrma kumaş ekstensiyometresi ve SDL Atlas M021A model hava geçirgenliği ölçüm cihazları kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca 1, 5 ve 20 yıkama sayısı ile kumaş ağırlıklarındaki değişim değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan testlere göre farklı ağırlıklarda üretilen poliester çözgülü örme kumaşlar, uzama ve hava geçirgenliği özellikleri bakımından yıkama tekrar sayısına göre değişiklik göstermiştir. Bu sonuç ise poliester çözgülü örme kumaşların mekanik özellikleri değerlendirilirken bakım işlemlerinin de göz önünde bulundurulması gerektiğini vurgulamaktadır

    Doğal ve sentetik lif esasli kompakt ipliklerden üretilen gömleklik kumaşların bazı mekanik ve hava geçirgenliği özelliklerinin incelenmesi

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    Shirting fabrics are one of the most demanded product groups for textile consumers. Although cotton is the most preferred fibre as the raw material of shirting fabrics, fibres such as Polyester, Elastane, viscose and their blends with cotton may also be utilized in the shirting fabrics. For the convenience usage of shirting fabrics in apparel products, those fabrics’ durability and air permeability properties should be considered in detail. Fabric constructional parameters such as weave structure, warp and weft yarn density, yarn count, fibre type are the main influential factors on shirting fabrics’ mechanical and air permeability properties. This study has been performed in order to evaluate the effect of fabric construction on some mechanical properties such as tear strength, seam strength, crease recovery angle (°) as well as on air permeability of the shirting fabrics. Throughout the study, plain, dobby and satin shirting woven fabrics were produced from the compact yarns with several combinations of cotton, linen, polyamide, viscose and elastane fibre blends. Pre-treated samples were objected to tear strength test, seam strength test, crease recovery angle (°) test and finally to air permeability test. Randomized One –Way ANOVA test was performed in order to investigate the significant effect of fabric type on some mechanical and air permeability properties of shirting fabrics at significance level of 0.05. Test results were statistically evaluated and it was generally observed that there was a significant effect of fabric type on tear strength, seam strength, crease recovery angle and on air permeability features of the shirting fabrics at significant level of 0.05.Gömleklik kumaşlar tekstil tüketicileri açısından en çok talep edilen ürün gurupları arasındadır. Bu ürünlerde hammadde olarak daha çok pamuk tercih edilse de, Poliester, elastan, viskon gibi lifler ve bu liflerin pamuk ile karışımları da gömleklik kumaşlarda kullanılabilmektedir. Gömleklik kumaşların konfeksiyon ürününde rahatlıkla kullanılabilmeleri açısından dayanıklılıkları ve hava geçirgenliği özellikleri göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Dokuma örgü konstrüksiyonu, çözgü ve atkı iplik sıklığı, iplik numarası, lif tipi gibi kumaş konstrüksiyon parametreleri gömleklik kumaşların mekanik ve hava geçirgenliği özelliklerini etkileyen temel parametreler arasında yerini almaktadır. Bu çalışma farklı kumaş tiplerinin, gömleklik kumaşlara ait çözgü ve atkı yönündeki yırtılma mukavemeti, dikiş mukavemeti, kat düzelme açısı (°) ve hava geçirgenliği özelliklerine etkisini değerlendirmek üzere yapılmıştır. Bunun için farklı oranlarda pamuk, keten, Poliamit, viskon ve elastan lifleri içeren kompakt iplikler kullanılarak bezayağı, armürlü ve saten gömleklik kumaşlar üretilmiştir. Ön terbiye işlemi yapılmış kumaşlara yırtılma mukavemeti testi, dikiş mukavemeti testi, kat düzelme açısı (°) testi ve son olarak hava geçirgenliği ölçüm testleri uygulanmıştır. Kumaş tipinin gömleklik kumaşların bazı mekanik özellikleri ve hava geçirgenliği üzerindeki etkisinin 0.05 anlamlılık düzeyinde etkisini görebilmek adına tek yönlü ANOVA testi uygulanmıştır. Test sonuçları istatiksel olarak değerlendirilmiş olup, kumaş tipinin genel olarak gömleklik kumaşlara ait yırtılma mukavemeti, dikiş mukavemeti, kat düzelme açısı ve hava geçirgenliği özellikleri üzerinde 0.05 anlamlılık düzeyinde etkili olduğu görülmüştür

    Investigation of moisture management and air permeability properties of fabrics with linen and linen-polyester blend yarns

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    This paper has focused on moisture management (MMT) and air permeability properties of fabrics produced from linen (100%) and linen-polyester yarns (80% polyester and 20% linen) at different weft densities. In the experimental study, eighteen different types of fabrics composed of six different weft yarns with three levels of weft density (weft density of 8,10 &12 pick/cm for 100% linen fabrics and 14,16,18 pick/cm for polyester-linen fabrics) were selected in order to determine the influence of weft density and yarn structural parameters (number of yarn folds) on moisture management as well as air permeability properties. The following weft yarns were selected: 104/1 tex, 104/2 tex & 104/3 tex for 100% linen and 41/1 tex, 41/2 tex & 41/3 tex for 80% Polyester - 20% linen fabrics, whereas the warp yarn was constant - 50/1 tex 100% linen for all fabric types. Satin type fabrics were subjected to moisture management tests and air permeability tests as well. According to test results, it was determined that some of the moisture management (wetting time, absorption rate (%/s) and one-way accumulative transport index of the fabrics’ top surfaces and bottom surfaces) and air permeability properties were significantly affected by the number of yarn folds and the weft density at a 0.05 significance level. © 2018, Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres. All rights reserved

    A research on tensile properties of vortex yarns

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    Spinning is a refinement of jet spinning system which has distinctive features such as the capability of spinning %100 carded cotton yarn and producing ring-like yarn structure even at high speeds with low cost. Comparison of vortex yarn structure with yarns produced by other spinning methods and also the main production factors (delivery speed, drawing rate, spindle type etc.) influencing the yarn structure have been the main subjects in the literature lately. However as in all spinning systems, the possibility of obtaining finer vortex yarns and the tensile behavior according to yarn count is still a main concern for the yarn producers. In this study, after the vortex yarns at different yarn counts (Ne 20, Ne 30, Ne 40) were produced on MVS 810 machine from the same raw material, the tensile properties (tenacity, breaking elongation, work to break, breaking force) of each yarn were measured with Uster Tensojet test equipment. According to test results of the statistical analyses by using the experimental values obtained from the tests, we determined that tensile properties of vortex yarns were directly influenced by the yarn count

    Investigation of selected physical properties of knitted fabrics produced from macaroni yarns

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    Recently there have been new trends in fancy yarns in order to meet consumer demands for drapery, decorative and outwear fabrics. Macaroni yarns are a promising group of fancy yarn which allows new yarn designs with different raw materials at different yarn counts. In the study, supreme knitted fabrics were produced with macaroni yarns of different raw materials (polyester, acyclic, cotton) at different yarn counts (Nm 2/1, Nm 2.5/1, Nm 3.3/1, Nm 4/1 and Nm 4.5/1). Completely randomised one-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for determination of the statistical significance of the fabric type on selected physical properties of knitted macaroni fabrics in terms of fabric weight (g/m2), dimensional change (%) in the wale and course direction, abrasion resistance, and air permeability properties before and after the washing process. According to the results of the statistical analyses performed using the experimental values obtained from the tests, we determined that the fabric weights (g/m2), dimensional changes (%) in the wale and course direction, abrasion resistance and air permeability properties before and after washing were significantly influenced by the ma­caroni yarn’s structural parameters (such as the yarn count and raw material comprising it). © 2018, Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres. All rights reserved

    Optimization of conductivity properties of nanoparticle added polymer surfaces

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    Bu çalışma kapsamında iletken nano malzemeler (çok duvarlı nano karbon, grafen, Nikel Oksit, Baryum Titanat, Demir Oksit) kullanılarak poliester film üretimi amaçlanmıştır. Film yüzeylerin iletkenlik ölçümlerinin tespiti için Waterun Sl-030 yüzey özdirenç ölçer kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen filmler malzeme karakterizasyonu için Fourier Dönüşümlü Infrared Spektroskopisi (FT-IR), Diferansiyel Taramalı Kalorimetre (DSC), Termal Gravimetrik (TGA) ve SEM EDX analizlerine tabi tutulmuştur. Ayrıca bu çalışmanın devamı niteliğinde iletken iplik üretilebilirliği de hedeflendiğinden elde edilen filmlerin viskozite testleri de yapılmıştır. Farklı nanopartikül katkılı poliester film yüzeyler arasından 105 ohm/s yüzey özdirenci gösteren karbon katkılı filmler iletken özellik göstermiş olup, yüzey özdirenç değerleri 107 ile 1010 ohm/s arasında değişen grafen katkılı filmler ise antistatik özellik göstermiştir. Ayrıca genel bir sonuç olarak nanopartikül katkı oranı (%) artışı ile özellikle grafen ve karbon katkılı film malzemelerde iletkenlik artarken termal özelliklerde dramatik bir değişim olmadığı gözlenmiştir.It was aimed to produce polyester films by using conductive nanomaterials within this study. Surface resistivity of the film surfaces was evaluated by using Waterun Sl-030 model surface resistivity meter device. Obtained film surfaces were analyzed for material characterization by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Furthermore, since the conductive yarn production is planned as an extension of this project, viscosity tests were also conducted for the films. Among the nanoparticle added polyester films, carbon added samples revealed a conductive property with the surface resistivity of 105 ohm/s while graphene added samples indicated an antistatic property with the surface resistivity varying between 105 ile 1011 ohm/s. In addition, as a general result, it is observed that with the increase in the nanoparticle particle ratio (%), the conductivity of the film materials increases especially in graphene and carbon-added film materials while, there is no dramatic change in thermal properties

    A research on tensile and abrasion properties of fabrics produced from conventional and fire resistant type polyester yarns

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    This paper is focused on investigating the abrasion and tensile properties of fabrics from conventional and fire resistant type polyester yams. In the experimental study, twelve different types of fabrics composed of four different weft yams with three levels of weft density were selected in order to determine the influence of weft density and yam structural parameters (texturing and addition of flame retardant material) on tenacity and abrasion resistance. The weft yams were conventional textured polyester yam (CTP), air-jet textured polyester yam (ATP), conventional textured flame retardant polyester yam (CTPFR), air-jet textured flame retardant polyester yam (ATPFR). Trilobal bright flat polyester was used as the warp yam for all the fabrics. After the satin type drapery fabrics were woven, the abrasion tests of the fabrics were performed with Martindale test equipment while the tenacity tests were earned out by using Instron test device. According to the results of the statistical analyses performed using the experimental values obtained from the tests, we determined that, the abrasion resistance and the tensile properties in warp and weft directions were affected by the yam structural parameters ( such as texturing and the addition of flame retardant material) and weft density