10 research outputs found

    Harnessing livestock innovations for greater economic good

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    ILRI Comms project insight 2014: Publishing

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    Communicating better science, better lives

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    ILRI Comms project insight 2014: Blogging

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    ILRI Comms project insight 2014: Storify

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    Influence of Media Messages on Self-efficacy Towards Cervical Cancer Screening Among Women Aged 18-30 Years in Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology

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    A paper presentation at the 3rd East African Multidisciplinary Research Conference (EAMARC III) held at the United States International University- Africa, 15th -17th November, 2016.Cervical cancer is a major global health threat. From sexually transmitted HPV. Over 270,000 deaths annually; 85% in developing world. 13m women of 14-44 years at risk in Kenya. 10-15 cases each week in Nairobi (Kivuti-Bitok, et al., 2012) 4800 diagnosed annually in Kenya. Over 2,400 die (Bruni et al., 2015). Risk factors Sexually active women esp. of with multiple partners, Early sexual activity, use of oral contraceptives, smoking. Young women of university/college age at higher risk than others (Hoque et al., 2014). Preventable if detected early. Screening reduces mortality rates by 80% in women over 21 years (National Cancer Institute, 2015). Critical time for detecting non-invasive disease is between 20-40 years (Kesharvarz et al., 2011). Knowledge about disease has a direct influence on the uptake of screening (Rositch et al., 2012). Awareness and take up of cervical cancer screening by women aged 18-30 years is most effective in the prevention and early diagnosis for cervical cancer (Keshavarz et al., 2011; WHO, 2015). Young women in Kiambu poorly informed about cervical cancer, its risk factors, benefits of screening for preventing it (Gatune & Nyamongo, 2005). Have inaccurate information, beliefs and attitudes about need for screening (Hoque et al, 2014). Low use (3.2% among women 18-69 years) of over 100 screening sites in Kenya (Rositch et al., 2012). Limited research on efficacy of cervical cancer messages in promoting screening for the disease in Kenya