94 research outputs found

    Oral cancer trends in a single head-and-neck cancer center in the Netherlands; decline in T-stage at the time of admission

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    Objectives: In this study we evaluated the possible epidemiologic changes of oral cancer patients in the Netherlands between the years 1980-1984 and 2000-2004. We specifically studied the differences in male-female ratio, age, TNM-stage, site distribution, and alcohol and tobacco use. Materials and Methods: Patients from the VU University Medical Center with an oral squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity registered in 1980-1984 (n=200), group 1, were compared to patients registered in 2000-2004 (n=184), group 2. Trends in prevalence, site distribution, TNM-stage, alcohol and tobacco use, age and gender were studied. Results: The male-female ratio has decreased from 1.8 to 1.2. There were no differences in age between the two groups of patients. The site distribution was similar in both groups. The most commonly involved sites were the tongue and the floor of mouth. In group 2 more patients were diagnosed with a T1 tumour. There were no differences in tobacco use between the two different groups. There were much more light drinkers (0-2 drinks per day) in group 2 than in group 1, whereas there were more heavy drinkers (>4 per day) in group 1 than in group 2 (p<0.001). This was observed in both male and female patients. Conclusion: In our study there were no significant differences between the patients registered in the years 1980-1984 and 2000-2004 regarding the mean age of the patients, site distribution and smoking habits. The male-female ratio has decreased. In the recent group more patients were staged T1N0 and there was a strong decrease of the patients who were heavy drinkers. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Diagnostiek bij mondholtetumoren.

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    In Nederland wordt per jaar bij ongeveer 900 patiënten een mondholtecarcinoom gediagnosticeerd. De tandarts-algemeen practicus speelt een belangrijke rol bij de vroegtijdige herkenning en verwijzing van dergelijke patiënten. Het heeft de voorkeur deze patiënten naar een gespecialiseerd centrum voor hoofd-halsoncologie te verwijzen, vanwege de relatieve zeldzaamheid en de complexiteit van de diagnostiek van mondholtetumoren. Voor het nader bepalen van de aard, de grootte en de uitbreiding van de tumor en de aan- of afwezigheid van halskliermetastasen en metastasen op afstand, dient verder aanvullend onderzoek te worden verricht. Hiervoor bestaan verschillende onderzoeksmodaliteiten, zoals echografie, computertomografie, magnetische resonantie enzovoort. De uiteindelijke onderzoeksresultaten dienen als basis voor de keuze van behandeling