19 research outputs found

    Kombinacja wewnątrzczaszkowej przezierności i ultrasonografii 3D w diagnostyce wad cewy nerwowej w pierwszym trymestrze ciąży: opis przypadku i przegląd literatury

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    Neural tube defects are congenital defects of the central nervous system caused by lack of neural tube closure. First trimester screening for aneuploidy has become widespread in the recent years. Fetal intracranial translucency (IT) can be easily observed in normal fetuses in the mid-sagittal plane. The absence of IT should be an important factor taken into consideration in the early diagnosis of open spinal defects. 3D ultrasonography is especially useful in cases of spinal anomalies where the visualization of the fetal structure is insufficient due to fetal position. We present a combination of intracranial translucency and 3D sonography used in the first trimester diagnosis of a neural tube defect case.Wady cewy nerwowej są wrodzonymi defektami centralnego układu nerwowego spowodowanymi brakiem zamknięcia cewy nerwowej. Badania skriningowe w pierwszym trymestrze w kierunku aneuploidii stały się w ostatnich latach bardzo rozpowszechnione. Płodowa przezierność wewnątrzczaszkowa może być oceniona w prawidłowych płodach w płaszczyźnie pośrodkowej. Brak przezierności wewnątrzczaszkowej (IT) powinien być istotnym czynnikiem ryzyka branym pod uwagę we wczesnej diagnostyce otwartych wad cewy nerwowej. Ultrasonografia 3D jest szczególnie przydatna w przypadkach gdy uwidocznienie struktur płodu jest niewystarczające z uwagi na pozycję płodu. Przedstawiamy kombinację przezierności wewnątrzczaszkowej i ultrasonografii 3D w diagnostyce wad cewy nerwowej w pierwszym trymetrze ciąży

    PLC Based Solar Tracking System

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    This thesis was commissioned by the Electrical Engineering and Automation degree programme at the Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), with Katariina Penttilä as the thesis supervisor. The target of this project was to establish a solar tracking system with programmable logic controller as its controlling unit. More specifically this project concerned the programming of the linear motors that were used to move the solar panel into the desired angle. Furthermore, a comparison was drawn between traditional static solar panels and various tracking systems. This was done by examining other peer reviewed research into the effectiveness of such systems in different environmental conditions, as real-life testing of this particular system was difficult to prepare during the Covid-19 pandemic. The programming of the system was done with a Siemens Programmable Logic Controller, specifically the S7-1200 series, through TIA Portal v15.1. Hardware wise, it had two linear motors, which had a feedback system and through retraction and extension, move a panel at the optimal angle. To accomplish this, a sun position calculating algorithm, developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the United States, was used, as well as its adaptation by Siemens. The algorithm provided the angle at which the panel would be positioned and moved the motors there automatically. In addition, there was a manual mode, which allowed the user to adjust the panel angle at the preferred position. The tracking in this system, was both single, and dual axis. In the single axis mode, the Y-axis motor was static, whilst the X-axis motor derived its data from Siemens’ PHI angle calculator function block. This provided an angle in which the panel needs to be repositioned for optimal tracking. Dual tracking utilized the zenith and sunset and sunrise times for motor tracking. Dual axis tracking is a difficult and costly method to implement. Using sunrise and sunset times to facilitate dual axis tracking is an atypical and unproven method, and warrants more research before implementation. On the other hand, the single axis feature of the system is an accurate and established approach, with promising earlier results. When in range, the system has a tracking accuracy of ±1°. Data analysis from research shows that even a single axis three-position system can increase efficiency and make solar tracking a worthwhile endeavour

    Skręt jajowodu podczas ciąży – opis przypadku

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    Abstract Tubal torsion is a very rare event, especially in pregnancy. We present a case of a patient of 20 weeks gestation that was admitted to our clinic with acute abdomen. Radiological and biochemical investigations did not reveal the cause of abdominal pain which resulted in laparatomic exploration. During the operation, the paratubal cystic mass, previously explored by ultrasonographic examination, and the left fallopian tube were found twisted among themselves. Salpingectomy was performed due to the necrotic appearance of the fallopian tube.Streszczenie Skręt jajowodu jest bardzo rzadkim schorzeniem, zwłaszcza w ciąży. Przedstawiamy przypadek pacjentki w 20 tygodniu ciąży, która została przyjęta do naszej kliniki z powodu silnych bólów brzucha. Badania radiologiczne i biochemiczne nie wykazały przyczyny dolegliwości bólowych, co skłoniło nas do wykonania laparotomii zwiadowczej. Podczas operacji okazało się, że wcześniej uwidoczniona w badaniu ultrasonograficznym torbiel około jajowodowa była skręcona razem z lewym jajowodem. Z uwagi na zmiany martwicze jajowodu wykonano jego usunięcie

    Gebelikte intrahepatik kolestazı: İki olgu sunumu

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    Intrahepatic cholestasis is generally encountered after the 30 gestational week of pregancy. Maternal effects of disease are genarally not serious but fetal complications are more harmful. In the present study fetal and maternal effects of intrahepatic cholestasis during the course of pregnancy was presented and the effectiveness of therapy was discussed.İntrahepatik kolestaz genellikle 30. gebelik haftasından sonra görülür. Maternal etkileri nispeten az olmasına rağmen fetal komplikasyonları çok ağır olabilir. Bu çalışmada gebelikte intrahepatik kolestaz saptanan iki olgunun fetal ve maternal komplikasyonları ayrıca verilen tedavinin etkinliği tartışılmıştır

    Coring-type laparoscopic resection of a cavitated non-communicating rudimentary horn under hysteroscopic assistance

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    WOS: 000339953100018PubMed ID: 25056476Non-communicating accessory uterine horns with an endometrial cavity are the most common and clinically significant unicornuate subtype of M llerian duct abnormality. They are generally associated with symptoms of dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, infertility, endometriosis, adhesions, and life-threatening cornual pregnancy. Treatment options include surgical resection of the rudimentary horn, hysteroscopic recanalization, and endometrial ablation. Currently, laparoscopic resection is the recommended treatment choice. Dissection of the rudimentary horn from the unicornuate uterus is the most challenging part of this procedure and may compromise the remaining unicornuate uterus wall. Here we describe a case of laparoscopic coring-type resection of a non-communicating functional rudimentary horn firmly attached to the unicornuate uterus, by using hysteroscopic assistance. The use of hysteroscopy, adjunct to laparoscopy, facilitates the coring-type resection and may strengthen the remaining myometrial scar