14 research outputs found

    Assessment of <i>SLX4</i> Mutations in Hereditary Breast Cancers

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    <div><p>Background</p><p><i>SLX4</i> encodes a DNA repair protein that regulates three structure-specific endonucleases and is necessary for resistance to DNA crosslinking agents, topoisomerase I and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors. Recent studies have reported mutations in <i>SLX4</i> in a new subtype of Fanconi anemia (FA), FA-P. Monoallelic defects in several FA genes are known to confer susceptibility to breast and ovarian cancers.</p><p>Methods and Results</p><p>To determine if <i>SLX4</i> is involved in breast cancer susceptibility, we sequenced the entire <i>SLX4</i> coding region in 738 (270 Jewish and 468 non-Jewish) breast cancer patients with 2 or more family members affected by breast cancer and no known <i>BRCA1</i> or <i>BRCA2</i> mutations. We found a novel nonsense (c.2469G>A, p.W823*) mutation in one patient. In addition, we also found 51 missense variants [13 novel, 23 rare (MAF<0.1%), and 15 common (MAF>1%)], of which 22 (5 novel and 17 rare) were predicted to be damaging by Polyphen2 (score = 0.65–1). We performed functional complementation studies using p.W823* and 5 <i>SLX4</i> variants (4 novel and 1 rare) cDNAs in a human <i>SLX4</i>-null fibroblast cell line, RA3331. While wild type <i>SLX4</i> and all the other variants fully rescued the sensitivity to mitomycin C (MMC), campthothecin (CPT), and PARP inhibitor (Olaparib) the p.W823* <i>SLX4</i> mutant failed to do so.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Loss-of-function mutations in <i>SLX4</i> may contribute to the development of breast cancer in very rare cases.</p></div

    Identification of the nonsense<i>SLX4</i> variant and evaluation of pathogenicity of the <i>SLX4</i> variants by complementation assay.

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    <p>(A) Sanger sequence traces for DNA extracted from whole blood and breast tumor of the patient with the c.2469G>A (p.W823*) <i>SLX4</i> mutation (NCBI Refseq NM_032444.2). (B) Anti-HA immunoblot showing expression of HA-tagged SLX4 variants in RA3331/E6E7/hTERT cells. Alpha-tubulin serves as loading control. (C)∼(E) Cell survival assays of the RA3331/E6E7/hTERT cell lines expressing indicated SLX4 variants in response to MMC (C), CPT (D) and the PARP inhibitor, Olaparib (E). RA3331/E6E7/hTERT fibroblast cell lines expressing empty vector, wild type SLX4 and indicated SLX4 variants were treated in triplicate with increasing concentrations of MMC (0–100 nM), CPT (0–16 nM) and Olaparib (0–50 µM). After 8 days in culture, the cell number was determined using a Coulter counter. The number of cells at each drug concentration was divided by the number of cells in the untreated sample to calculate the percentage of cell survival. The error bars indicate standard deviations based on three replicates.</p

    Susceptibility Loci Associated with Specific and Shared Subtypes of Lymphoid Malignancies

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    <div><p>The genetics of lymphoma susceptibility reflect the marked heterogeneity of diseases that comprise this broad phenotype. However, multiple subtypes of lymphoma are observed in some families, suggesting shared pathways of genetic predisposition to these pathologically distinct entities. Using a two-stage GWAS, we tested 530,583 SNPs in 944 cases of lymphoma, including 282 familial cases, and 4,044 public shared controls, followed by genotyping of 50 SNPs in 1,245 cases and 2,596 controls. A novel region on 11q12.1 showed association with combined lymphoma (LYM) subtypes. SNPs in this region included rs12289961 near <em>LPXN</em>, (P<sub>LYM</sub> = 3.89×10<sup>−8</sup>, OR = 1.29) and rs948562 (P<sub>LYM</sub> = 5.85×10<sup>−7</sup>, OR = 1.29). A SNP in a novel non-HLA region on 6p23 (rs707824, P<sub>NHL</sub> = 5.72×10<sup>−7</sup>) was suggestive of an association conferring susceptibility to lymphoma. Four SNPs, all in a previously reported HLA region, 6p21.32, showed genome-wide significant associations with follicular lymphoma. The most significant association with follicular lymphoma was for rs4530903 (P<sub>FL</sub> = 2.69×10<sup>−12</sup>, OR = 1.93). Three novel SNPs near the HLA locus, rs9268853, rs2647046, and rs2621416, demonstrated additional variation contributing toward genetic susceptibility to FL associated with this region. Genes implicated by GWAS were also found to be cis-eQTLs in lymphoblastoid cell lines; candidate genes in these regions have been implicated in hematopoiesis and immune function. These results, showing novel susceptibility regions and allelic heterogeneity, point to the existence of pathways of susceptibility to both shared as well as specific subtypes of lymphoid malignancy.</p> </div

    Mapping of the 17q21 locus.

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    <p><i>Top 3 panels:</i> P-values of association (−log<sub>10</sub> scale) with ovarian cancer risk for genotyped and imputed SNPs (1000 Genomes Project CEU), by chromosome position (b.37) at the 17q21 region, for <i>BRCA1</i>, <i>BRCA2</i> mutation carriers and combined. Results based on the kinship-adjusted score test statistic (1 d.f.). <i>Fourth panel:</i> Genes in the region spanning (43.4–44.9 Mb, b.37) and the location of the most significant genotyped SNPs (in red font) and imputed SNPs (in black font). <i>Bottom panel:</i> Pairwise r<sup>2</sup> values for genotyped SNPs on iCOG array in the 17q21 region covering positions (43.4–44.9 Mb, b.37).</p

    Predicted breast and ovarian cancer absolute risks for <i>BRCA1</i> mutation carriers at the 5<sup>th</sup>, 10<sup>th</sup>, 90<sup>th</sup>, and 95<sup>th</sup> percentiles of the combined SNP profile distributions.

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    <p>The minimum, maximum and average risks are also shown. Predicted cancer risks are based on the associations of known breast or ovarian cancer susceptibility loci (identified through GWAS) with cancer risk for <i>BRCA1</i> mutation carriers and loci identified through the present study. Breast cancer risks based on the associations with: 1q32, 10q25.3, 19p13, 6q25.1, 12p11, <i>TOX3</i>, 2q35, <i>LSP1</i>, <i>RAD51L1</i> (based on HR and minor allele frequency estimates from <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003212#pgen-1003212-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>, <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003212#pgen-1003212-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>, and <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003212#pgen.1003212.s016" target="_blank">Table S4</a>) and <i>TERT </i><a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003212#pgen.1003212-Bojesen1" target="_blank">[31]</a>. Ovarian cancer risks based on the associations with: 9p22, 8q24, 3q25, 17q21, 19p13 (<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003212#pgen-1003212-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>) and 17q21.31, 4q32.3 (<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003212#pgen-1003212-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>). Only the top SNP from each region was chosen. Average breast and ovarian cancer risks were obtained from published data <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003212#pgen.1003212-Antoniou10" target="_blank">[25]</a>. The methods for calculating the predicted risks have been described previously <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003212#pgen.1003212-Antoniou11" target="_blank">[28]</a>.</p