2,963 research outputs found

    Thermal Conductivity and Chiral Critical Point in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    Background: Quantum Chromodynamics is expected to have a phase transition in the same static universality class as the 3D Ising model and the liquid-gas phase transition. The properties of the equation of state, the transport coefficients, and especially the location of the critical point are under intense theoretical investigation. Some experiments are underway, and many more are planned, at high energy heavy ion accelerators. Purpose: Develop a model of the thermal conductivity, which diverges at the critical point, and use it to study the impact of hydrodynamic fluctuations on observables in high energy heavy ion collisions. Methods: We apply mode coupling theory, together with a previously developed model of the free energy that incorporates the critical exponents and amplitudes, to construct a model of the thermal conductivity in the vicinity of the critical point. The effect of the thermal conductivity on correlation functions in heavy ion collisions is studied in a boost invariant hydrodynamic model via fluctuations, or noise. Results: We find that the closer a thermodynamic trajectory comes to the critical point the greater is the magnitude of the fluctuations in thermodynamic variables and in the 2-particle correlation functions in momentum space. Conclusions: It may be possible to discern the existence of a critical point, its location, and thermodynamic and transport properties near to it in heavy ion collisions using the methods developed here.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures. Version published in Phys.Rev.C86, 054911 (2012). It contains some minor improvements with respect to v1: further clarifications, small changes on figures and two extra reference

    Hydrogen-like Atoms from Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions

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    The number of hydrogen-like atoms produced when heavy nuclei collide is estimated for central collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider using the sudden approximation of Baym et al. As first suggested by Schwartz, a simultaneous measurement of the hydrogen and hadron spectra will allow an inference of the electron or muon spectra at low momentum where a direct experimental measurement is not feasible.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of the Haar measure on the finite temperature effective potential of SU(2)SU(2) Yang-Mills theory

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    Including the Haar measure we show that the effective potential of the regularized SU(2) Yang-Mills theory has a minimum at vanishing Wilson-line W=0W=0 for strong coupling, whereas it develops two degenerate minima close to W=±1W=\pm 1 for weak coupling. This suggests that the non-abelian character of SU(2)SU(2) as contained in the Haar measure might be responsible for confinement.Comment: 3 pages, LATEX, 1 figure, figure available upon reques

    Effective models of two-flavor QCD: from small towards large mqm_q

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    We study effective models of chiral fields and Polyakov loop expected to describe the dynamics responsible for the phase structure of two-flavor QCD. We consider chiral sector described either using linear sigma model or Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and study how these models, on the mean-field level when coupled with the Polyakov loop, behave as a function of increasing bare quark (or pion) mass. We find qualitatively similar behaviors for the cases of linear sigma model and Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and, relating to existing lattice data, show that one cannot conclusively decide which or the two approximate symmetries drives the phase transitions near the physical point

    A PNJL model in 0+1 Dimensions

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    We formulate the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model in 0+1 dimensions. The thermodynamics captured by the partition function yields a bulk pressure, as well as quark susceptibilities versus temperature that are similar to the ones in 3+1 dimensions. Around the transition temperature the behavior in the pressure and quark susceptibilities follows from the interplay between the lowest Matsubara frequency and the Polyakov line. The reduction to the lowest Matsubara frequency yields a matrix Model. In the presence of the Polyakov line the UV part of the Dirac spectrum features oscillations when close to the transition temperature.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    On the imaginary parts and infrared divergences of two-loop vector boson self-energies in thermal QCD

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    We calculate the imaginary part of the retarded two-loop self-energy of a static vector boson in a plasma of quarks and gluons of temperature T, using the imaginary time formalism. We recombine various cuts of the self-energy to generate physical processes. We demonstrate how cuts containing loops may be reinterpreted in terms of interference between Order α\alpha tree diagrams and the Born term along with spectators from the medium. We apply our results to the rate of dilepton production in the limit of dilepton invariant mass E>>T. We find that all infrared and collinear singularities cancel in the final result obtained in this limit.Comment: references added, typos corrected, slightly abridged, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Nucleus-Nucleus Bremsstrahlung from Ultrarelativistic Collisions

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    The bremsstrahlung produced when heavy nuclei collide is estimated for central collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Soft photons can be used to infer the rapidity distribution of the outgoing charge. An experimental design is outlined.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, uses revte

    SU(2) Chiral Sigma Model Study of Phase Transition in Hybrid Stars

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    We use a modified SU(2) chiral sigma model to study nuclear matter component and simple bag model for quark matter constituting a neutron star. We also study the phase transition of nuclear matter to quark matter with the mixed phase characterized by two conserved charges in the interior of highly dense neutron stars. Stable solutions of Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations representing hybrid stars are obtained with a maximum mass of 1.67MM_{\odot} and radius around 8.9 km.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Bose-Einstein Condensation in the Relativistic Ideal Bose Gas

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    The Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) critical temperature in a relativistic ideal Bose gas of identical bosons, with and without the antibosons expected to be pair-produced abundantly at sufficiently hot temperatures, is exactly calculated for all boson number-densities, all boson point rest masses, and all temperatures. The Helmholtz free energy at the critical BEC temperature is found to be lower, thus implying that the omission of antibosons always leads to the computation of a metastable state.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Symmetric and anti-symmetric Landau parameters and magnetic properties of dense quark matter

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    We calculate the dimensionless Fermi liquid parameters (FLPs), F0,1symF_{0,1}^{sym} and F0,1asymF_{0,1}^{asym}, for spin asymmetric dense quark matter. In general, the FLPs are infrared divergent due to the exchange of massless gluons. To remove such divergences, the Hard Density Loop (HDL) corrected gluon propagator is used. The FLPs so determined are then invoked to calculate magnetic properties such as magnetization M\langle M\rangle and magnetic susceptibility χM\chi_M of spin polarized quark matter. Finally, we investigate the possibility of magnetic instability by studying the density dependence of M\langle M\rangle and χM\chi_M.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, abstract and introduction modifified. Published in Phys. Rev. C. 81, 054906 (2010