251 research outputs found

    Metastable Supersymmetry Breaking In A Cooling Universe

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    I put metastable supersymmetry breaking in a cosmological context. I argue that under reasonable assumptions, the cooling down early Universe favors metastable SUSY-breaking vacua over the stable supersymmetric vacua. To illustrate the general argument I analyze the early-Universe history of the Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih model.Physic

    On Heterotic Orbifolds, M Theory and Type I' Brane Engineering

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    Horava--Witten M theory -- heterotic string duality poses special problems for the twisted sectors of heterotic orbifolds. In [1] we explained how in M theory the twisted states couple to gauge fields apparently living on M9 branes at both ends of the eleventh dimension at the same time. The resolution involves 7D gauge fields which live on fixed planes of the (T^4/Z_N) x (S^1/Z_2) x R^{5,1} orbifold and lock onto the 10D gauge fields along the intersection planes. The physics of such intersection planes does not follow directly from the M theory but there are stringent kinematic constraints due to duality and local consistency, which allowed us to deduce the local fields and the boundary conditions at each intersection. In this paper we explain various phenomena at the intersection planes in terms of duality between HW and type I' superstring theories. The orbifold fixed planes are dual to stacks of D6 branes, the M9 planes are dual to O8 orientifold planes accompanied by D8 branes, and the intersections are dual to brane junctions. We engineer several junction types which lead to distinct patterns of 7D/10D gauge field locking, 7D symmetry breaking and/or local 6D fields. Another aspect of brane engineering is putting the junctions together; sometimes, the combined effect is rather spectacular from the HW point of view and the quantum numbers of some twisted states have to `bounce' off both ends of the eleventh dimension before their heterotic identity becomes clear. Some models involve D6/O8 junctions where the string coupling diverges towards the orientifold plane. We use the heterotic-HW-I' duality to predict what should happen at such junctions.Comment: 118 pages, uses phyzzx, color printer advice

    String corrections to gauge couplings from a field theory approach

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    An effective field theory approach is introduced to compute one-loop radiative corrections to the gauge couplings due to Kaluza-Klein states associated with a two-torus compactification. The results are compared with those of the string in the field theory ``limit'' alpha'-> 0. The whole U and the leading T moduli dependence of the gauge dependent part of the string corrections to gauge couplings can be recovered using the effective field theory approach.Comment: 8 pages, Late

    Naturally small Dirac neutrino masses in supergravity

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    We show that Dirac neutrino masses of the right size can arise from the Kahler potential of supergravity. They are proportional to the supersymmetry and the electroweak breaking scales. We find that they have the experimentally observed value provided that the ultraviolet cut-off of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is between the Grand Unification (GUT) scale and the heterotic string scale. If lepton number is not conserved, then relatively suppressed Majorana masses can also be present, resulting in pseudo-Dirac neutrino masses.Comment: 6 pages, Revtex 4, published versio

    Spontaneous R-Symmetry Breaking in O'Raifeartaigh Models

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    We study the question of whether spontaneous U(1)_R breaking can occur in O'Raifeartaigh-type models of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. We show that in order for it to occur, there must be a field in the theory with R-charge different from 0 or 2. We construct the simplest O'Raifeartaigh model with this property, and we find that for a wide range of parameters, it has a meta-stable vacuum where U(1)_R is spontaneously broken. This suggests that spontaneous U(1)_R breaking actually occurs in generic O'Raifeartaigh models.Comment: 19 pages; v2: reference added, minor changes; v3: important typo fixe

    Supersymmetry Breaking, R-Symmetry Breaking and Metastable Vacua

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    Models of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking generically have an R-symmetry, which is problematic for obtaining gaugino masses and avoiding light R-axions. The situation is improved in models of metastable supersymmetry breaking, which generically have only an approximate R-symmetry. Based on this we argue, with mild assumptions, that metastable supersymmetry breaking is inevitable. We also illustrate various general issues regarding spontaneous and explicit R-symmetry breaking, using simple toy models of supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 23 page

    Supergravity Radiative Effects on Soft Terms and the μ\mu Term

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    We compute quadratically divergent supergravity one-loop effects on soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters and the μ\mu term in generic hidden sector supergravity models. These effects can significantly modify the matching condition for soft parameters at the Planck scale and also provide several new sources of the μ\mu term which are naturally of order the weak scale. We also discuss some phenomenological implications of these effects, particularly the violation of the scalar mass universality which may lead to dangerous FCNC phenomena, and apply the results to superstring effective supergravity models.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX. One reference is adde

    The Ubiquitous Inflaton in String-Inspired Models

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    A string theory based inflationary model is developed where the inflaton interacts with a multitude of massive string level states causing dissipation of vacuum energy. Inflation terminates in a warm Universe without the need for reheating.Comment: In Press Physical Review Letters 1999, modified titl

    Constraints on LVS Compactifications of IIB String Theory

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    We argue that once all theoretical and phenomenological constraints are imposed on the different versions of the Large Volume Scenario (LVS) compactifications of type IIB string theory, one particular version is favored. This is essentially a sequestered one in which the soft terms are generated by Weyl anomaly and RG running effects. We also show that arguments questioning sequestering in LVS models are not relevant in this case.Comment: 14 pages, additional discussion of D7 brane case and mSUGRA, reference adde