22,284 research outputs found

    Periodic orbit effects on conductance peak heights in a chaotic quantum dot

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    We study the effects of short-time classical dynamics on the distribution of Coulomb blockade peak heights in a chaotic quantum dot. The location of one or both leads relative to the short unstable orbits, as well as relative to the symmetry lines, can have large effects on the moments and on the head and tail of the conductance distribution. We study these effects analytically as a function of the stability exponent of the orbits involved, and also numerically using the stadium billiard as a model. The predicted behavior is robust, depending only on the short-time behavior of the many-body quantum system, and consequently insensitive to moderate-sized perturbations.Comment: 14 pages, including 6 figure

    Noncoplanar spin canting in lightly-doped ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model on a triangular lattice

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    Effect of the coupling to mobile carriers on the 120∘^\circ antiferromagnetic state is investigated in a ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model on a frustrated triangular lattice. Using a variational calculation for various spin orderings up to a four-site unit cell, we identify the ground-state phase diagram with focusing on the lightly-doped region. We find that an electron doping from the band bottom immediately destabilizes a 120∘^\circ coplanar antiferromagnetic order and induces a noncoplanar three-sublattice ordering accompanied by an intervening phase separation. This noncoplanar phase has an umbrella-type spin configuration with a net magnetic moment and a finite spin scalar chirality. This spin-canting state emerges in competition between the antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction and the ferromagnetic double-exchange interaction under geometrical frustration. In contrast, a hole doping from the band top retains the 120∘^\circ-ordered state up to a finite doping concentration and does not lead to a noncolpanar ordering.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys.: Conf. Se

    Gradient Catastrophe and Fermi Edge Resonances in Fermi Gas

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    A smooth spatial disturbance of the Fermi surface in a Fermi gas inevitably becomes sharp. This phenomenon, called {\it the gradient catastrophe}, causes the breakdown of a Fermi sea to disconnected parts with multiple Fermi points. We study how the gradient catastrophe effects probing the Fermi system via a Fermi edge singularity measurement. We show that the gradient catastrophe transforms the single-peaked Fermi-edge singularity of the tunneling (or absorption) spectrum to a set of multiple asymmetric singular resonances. Also we gave a mathematical formulation of FES as a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem

    Electron-phonon bound states in graphene in a perpendicular magnetic field

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    The spectrum of electron-phonon complexes in a monolayer graphene is investigated in the presence of a perpendicular quantizing magnetic field. Despite the small electron-phonon coupling, usual perturbation theory is inapplicable for calculation of the scattering amplitude near the threshold of the optical phonon emission. Our findings beyond perturbation theory show that the true spectrum near the phonon emission threshold is completely governed by new branches, corresponding to bound states of an electron and an optical phonon with a binding energy of the order of αω0\alpha \omega_{0} where α\alpha is the electron-phonon coupling and ω0\omega_{0} the phonon energy.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. Lett., 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Interaction matrix element fluctuations in quantum dots

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    In the Coulomb blockade regime of a ballistic quantum dot, the distribution of conductance peak spacings is well known to be incorrectly predicted by a single-particle picture; instead, matrix element fluctuations of the residual electronic interaction need to be taken into account. In the normalized random-wave model, valid in the semiclassical limit where the number of electrons in the dot becomes large, we obtain analytic expressions for the fluctuations of two-body and one-body matrix elements. However, these fluctuations may be too small to explain low-temperature experimental data. We have examined matrix element fluctuations in realistic chaotic geometries, and shown that at energies of experimental interest these fluctuations generically exceed by a factor of about 3-4 the predictions of the random wave model. Even larger fluctuations occur in geometries with a mixed chaotic-regular phase space. These results may allow for much better agreement between the Hartree-Fock picture and experiment. Among other findings, we show that the distribution of interaction matrix elements is strongly non-Gaussian in the parameter range of experimental interest, even in the random wave model. We also find that the enhanced fluctuations in realistic geometries cannot be computed using a leading-order semiclassical approach, but may be understood in terms of short-time dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; submitted for conference proceedings of Workshop on Nuclei and Mesoscopic Physics (WNMP07), October 20-22, 2007, East Lansing, Michigan (Pawel Danielewicz, Editor

    Fermi Edge Resonances in Non-equilibrium States of Fermi Gases

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    We formulate the problem of the Fermi Edge Singularity in non-equilibrium states of a Fermi gas as a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem with an integrable kernel. This formulation is the most suitable for studying the singular behavior at each edge of non-equilibrium Fermi states by means of the method of steepest descent, and also reveals the integrable structure of the problem. We supplement this result by extending the familiar approach to the problem of the Fermi Edge Singularity via the bosonic representation of the electronic operators to non-equilibrium settings. It provides a compact way to extract the leading asymptotes.Comment: Accepted for publication, J. Phys.

    Warped Domain Wall Fermions

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    We consider Kaplan's domain wall fermions in the presence of an Anti-de Sitter (AdS) background in the extra dimension. Just as in the flat space case, in a completely vector-like gauge theory defined after discretizing this extra dimension, the spectrum contains a very light charged fermion whose chiral components are localized at the ends of the extra dimensional interval. The component on the IR boundary of the AdS space can be given a large mass by coupling it to a neutral fermion via the Higgs mechanism. In this theory, gauge invariance can be restored either by taking the limit of infinite proper length of the extra dimension or by reducing the AdS curvature radius towards zero. In the latter case, the Kaluza-Klein modes stay heavy and the resulting classical theory approaches a chiral gauge theory, as we verify numerically. Potential difficulties for this approach could arise from the coupling of the longitudinal mode of the light gauge boson, which has to be treated non-perturbatively

    Interaction Matrix Element Fluctuations in Ballistic Quantum Dots: Random Wave Model

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    We study matrix element fluctuations of the two-body screened Coulomb interaction and of the one-body surface charge potential in ballistic quantum dots. For chaotic dots, we use a normalized random wave model to obtain analytic expansions for matrix element variances and covariances in the limit of large kL (where k is the Fermi wave number and L the linear size of the dot). These leading-order analytical results are compared with exact numerical results. Both two-body and one-body matrix elements are shown to follow strongly non-Gaussian distributions, despite the Gaussian random nature of the single-electron wave functions.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
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